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1、Module 2 A Job Worth Doing,Guidance:Do you really know the meaning of “volunteer”?Maybe you see something from the following passage. The meaning of the word “volunteer ” may be a little different in different countries,but it usually means “one who offers his or her services.” There are many differ

2、ent ways in which people can volunteer,such as taking care of sick people,working in homes for homeless children,and picking up garbage(垃圾)from beaches and parks.Volunteers may work within their own countries or in other countries.They are often people with a strong wish to help those who are less f

3、ortunate than themselves.Volunteers dont expect any kind of pay.,At the root of volunteering is the idea that one person may have the ability to offer services that can help other people.Tracy,a good friend of mine,however,recently came back from India with a new idea of what being a volunteer means

4、.She worked for two and a half weeks in one of Mother Teresas homes in Calcutta.The following is her story. “I first heard about Mother Teresa in my high school.We watched a video1(录像)about her work in India and all over the world.I was so moved by her spirit2 to help others and her endless love for

5、 every human being that after I graduated from high school I so wanted to try her kind of work.So with two friends I flew to Calcutta for a few weeks.”,“I was asked to work in a home for sick people.I helped wash clothes and sheets,and pass out lunch.I also fed the people who were too weak to feed t

6、hemselves and tried to cheer them up.I felt it was better to share with them than to think that I have helped them.To be honest,I dont think I was helping very much. It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help,but to learn about and experience another culture that helped improve m

7、y own understanding of life and the world.”,美文翻译 “volunteer”在不同的国家的含义或许稍微不同,但是它通常的含义就是“主动提供服务的人”。人们可以用不同的方式来做志愿者服务。比方说:照料病人、在收容所照料无家可归的孩子或是在海滩上、公园里捡垃圾。志愿者可以在自己的国家做志愿服务,也可以在别的国家。他们一般是非常愿意帮助那些不如自己幸运的人却不期盼任何报酬的。“volunteering”的本意就是人们或许有能为别人提供服务来帮助别人的能力。然而,我的一位最近从印度回来的好朋友特雷西却赋予了它一种全新的含义。她在加尔各答的一家特雷莎收容院工作

8、了两周半的时间。下面我们就听听她的故事吧。,“我上高中时,第一次说到特雷莎修女,我们看了有关她在印度和世界各地的工作视频录像。我被她那帮助别人的精神及其对人类无尽的爱所感动,所以中学毕业后,我想从事那种慈善工作。我和两个朋友乘飞机到了加尔各答,在那里待了几周。” 我被安排在一家照料病人的收容所。帮助他们洗衣服和被褥,还有送午餐。我还给那些身体太弱而不能自己吃饭的人喂饭,并试图让他们高兴起来。比起只想着帮助他们来,我感觉与他们一起分享更好一些。诚实地说,我认为我并没有提供多少帮助。那段时间里,我真正明白了:我并不是来为别人提供帮助的,而是来了解和体验另外一种文化,它能提升我对生活和世界的理解。,

9、词海拾贝 1.video vIdI n.视频;录像 2.spirit spIrIt n.精神 3.cheer up 使高兴;使振奋,难句剖析 It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help,but to learn about and experience another culture that helped improve my own understanding of life and the world. 本句中运用了强调句型It was.that.。第二个that引导的是宾语从句,这个宾语从句本身是以but

10、连接的两个并列句,在第二个并列分句中that引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词another culture。,理解诱思 1.Tracy started her work as a volunteer . A.after she met Mother Teresa B.after she finished high school C.when she was touring Calcutta D.when she was working in a hospital 2.Why did Tracy choose to be a volunteer? A.She liked to work with M

11、other Teresa. B.She had already had some experience. C.She was asked by Mother Teresas example. D.She wanted to follow Mother Teresas example.,3.What do you learn from the passage?答案:1.B 2.D 3.Different students have different answers.,Section Introduction,Reading & Vocabulary,Pre-reading .写作词汇 预习In

12、troduction,Reading offer to help,.阅读词汇 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的含义 1.Chess is a highly intellectual game. 含义: 2.Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job. 含义: 3.The company accountant queried my travel expenses. 含义: 4.The barber thinned out my thick hair. 含义:,.阅读词汇 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的含义 1.Chess is a highly int

13、ellectual game. 含义: 2.Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job. 含义: 3.The company accountant queried my travel expenses. 含义: 4.The barber thinned out my thick hair. 含义:,5.We need an electrician to mend the iron. 含义: 6.Then a coal miner came by carrying a load of coal. 含义: 7.He encounter boar,wild

14、dog,and wolves in the woods. 含义: 8.Her parents divorce had a profound effect on her life. 含义: 答案:1.脑力的;思维的 2.充满压力的 3.会计 4.理发师 5.电气技师 6.矿工 7.遇到 8.(影响)深刻的;极大的,While-reading .阅读The Human Traffic Signal,完成下列各题 1.Which is NOT true according to the text? A.Many roads in La Paz are in bad condition now. B.

15、There were many bad accidents in La Paz before. C.In practice,many drivers dont respect the rules. D.In theory,the road can be used by traffic all day. 2.How can Timoteo make a living? A.He is paid by the local government. B.He himself has quite a lot of money. C.He get a few tips from some drivers.

16、 D.He is paid by the drivers passing by.,3.Why has the death toll fallen according to Paragraph 2? Because . A.Timoteo works as a traffic signal at the very bend B.more drivers start to obey the rules while driving C.they have made some changes to the bend already D.Timoteos effort finally moved the drivers deeply 4.Which job has NOT Timoteo worked as? A.A miner. B.A soldier. C.A lorry driver. D.A teacher.,



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