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1、Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling o f data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts.在整个社会,不同型号和不同大小的计算机被用于存储和处理各种数据,从政府保密文件、 银行交易到私人家庭账目。 Computer crime has become one of the many risks that ar

2、e part of the price of modern technology.计算机犯罪已经成为作为现代技术代价组成部分的许多风险之一。 During World War II ,a team of scientists and mathematicians, working at Bletchley Park,north of London,created one of the first all-electronic digital computers:Colossus.二次世界大战期间,以伦敦北面的布莱切利公园为工作地点的一组科学家和数学家, 制造了最早的全电子数字计算机之一:“巨人

3、”。 The instructions,like the data,were stored within a ” memory ”,freeing the computer from the speed limitations of the paper-tape reader during execution and permitting problems to be solved without rewiring the computer.指令像数据一样存储在“存储器”中,使计算机在执行过程中摆脱了纸带阅读器的速度限 制,并使问题在不给计算机重新接线的情况下得以解决。 The complet

4、e collection of recognizable patterns -the total list of operations-of which a computer is capable is called its instruction set.一台计算机能够处理的全部可识别模式操作总清单称为指令集。 Modern digital computers are all conceptually similar,regardless of size.无论尺寸大小,现代数字计算机在概念上都是类似的。 The minicomputer,generally too expensive for

5、 personal use,with capabilities suited to a business,school,or laboratory.小型计算机,一般就个人使用而言太昂贵,其性能适合于工商,学校和实验室。The microprocessor became a reality in the mid-1970s with the introduction of the large-scale integrated circuit,with many thousands of interconnected transistors etched into a single silicon

6、 substrate. 20 世纪 70 年代中期,随着大规模集成电路和后来的超大规模集成电路(微芯片)的采用, 成千上万个彼此相连的晶体管被蚀刻在一块硅衬底上,于是微处理器成为现实。A group of eight bits is called a byte,each byte containing 256 possible patterns of ONs and OFFs. 8 个位为一组,称为一个字节;每个字节包含 256 个开与关的可能模式. 1.Software, on the other hand, is the set of instruction a computer uses

7、 to manipulate data, such as a word-processing program or a video game.另一方面,软件是计算机用来处理数据的一套指令,如文字处理程序或电子游戏。 3.The two most common scanner types are the flatbed scanner, which is similar to an office photocopier, and the hand-held scanner, which is passed manually across the image to be processed. 两种

8、最常见的扫描仪类型是平板扫描仪和手持式扫描仪,前者类似一台办公室用复印机, 后者用手动的方式从要处理的图像上扫过。 4.A modem, which stands for modulator-demodulator, is a device that connects a computer to a telephone line and allows information to be transmitted to or received from another computer. 调制解调器代表调制器解调器,是将计算机与电话线连接、允许信息传送给或接收自另 一台计算机的设备。 5.The

9、information sent from one computer is converted by the modem into an audio signal, which is then transmitted by telephone lines to the receiving modem, which converts the signal into information that the receiving computer can understand. 一台计算机发送的信息由调制解调器转换成音频信号,然后通过电话线传送到接收端调制 解调器,由其将信号转换成接收端计算机能够理

10、解的信息。 6.A serial connection is a wire or set of wires used to transfer information from the CPU to an external device such as a mouse, keyboard, modem, scanner, and some types of printers. 串行连接是一根或一组导线,用于将信息从中央处理器传送到外部设备,如鼠标、键盘、 调制解调器、扫描仪和一些类型的打印机。7.Components in these categories connect to micropro

11、cessors, specifically, the computers central processing unit (CPU), the electronic circuitry that provides the computational ability and control of computer, via wires or circuitry called bus. 这些类别的部件与微处理器相连接,特别是与计算机的中央处理器相连接。中央处理器系 电子线路,它通过称为总线的线路或电路来提供计算能力和对计算机进行控制。8.A bus provides a common interc

12、onnected system composed of a group of wires or circuitry that coordinates and moves information between the internal parts of a computer. 总线提供了一种常见的互连系统。 它由一组导线或电路组成,在计算机的内部组成部分之 间协调和移动信息。1.1.Programming languages,in computer science,are the artificial languages used to write a sequence of instruct

13、ions(a computer program)that can be run by a computer. 在计算机科学中,编程语言是用于编写可由计算机运行的一系列指令(计算机程序)的人 工语言。2.The languages used to program computers must have simple logical structures,and the rules for their grammar,spelling,and punctuation must be precise. 用于计算机编程的语言必须有简单的逻辑结构,它们的语法、拼写和标点符号规则必须精 确。3.Some

14、programming languages are written to address a particular kind of computing problem or for use on a particular model of computer system. 一些编程语言是为了处理特定类型的计算问题或为了用于特定型号的计算机系统而编写的。4.4.Other languages,such as machine languages,are designed to be used by one specific model of computer system,or even by o

15、ne specific computer in certain research applications. 其他的语言,如机器语言,是为一种特定型号的计算机系统,甚至是一台特定的计算机, 在某些研究领域使用而编写的。5.5.The most commonly used programming languages are highly portable and can be used to effectively solve diverse types of computing problems. 最常用的编程语言具有很高的可移植性,可以用于有效地解决不同类型的计算问题。6.Assembly

16、languages are intermediate languages that are close to machine languages and do not have the level of linguistic sophistication exhibited by other high-level languages,but must still be translated into machine language.汇编语言是中级语言,非常接近于机器语言,没有其他高级语言所表现出的语言复杂程度, 但仍然得翻译成机器语言。7.7.While all executable programs are eventually read by the computer in machine language,they are not all programmed in machine language. 尽管所有的可执行程序最终都是以机器语言的形式被计算机读入的,但它们并非都是用机 器语言编写



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