雅思口语part 1课件

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1、IELTS SPEAKING-Part 1,Yi,雅思口语PART 1话题八大核心场景,近期雅思口语PART1高频话题,评分标准&考试能力要求,4,Language Use 语言能力,Topic Development 思维能力,Delivery 表达能力,Pronunciation Intonation 3) Pacing 4) Clear/Fluency/Fluid,1) Grammar 2) Vocabulary 3) Structure(Accurate +Diverse),1) Fully Developed2) Coherent 3) Idea Connection & Progr

2、ession (Task 1&2: To state/describe),Name,Brainstorm 头脑风暴 First name名 ; given name 姓; Boys: sophisticated, wealthy; Girls: elegant, pretty Forefather/ ancestor 祖先 Fortune-teller 算命师,Name,1. What is your full name? My Chinese name is , and you can call me. 2. Do you want to change your name in the fu

3、ture? Well, actually, I dont want to change my name. Because this means a lot to me when I was born. My parents hoped that I would be an elegant and pretty lady in the future.,Study & Work,Brainstorm 头脑风暴 Stand a good chance of doing 使某人做。更有可能 Realize ones full potential 实现某人的全部潜能 On the top of it 最

4、关键的一点 Have great career prospects 非常好的职业前景 A high annual salary, a tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits 高年薪,诱人的将近和优厚的待遇 Competition is getting tougher and tougher. 竞争越来越激烈。 Be on top all the time 总是第一,Study & Work,1. Are you studying or working? I am a university student from Jilin Univers

5、ity. My major is finance. I think it has a bright future and I can get a well-paid job. 2. What are subjects you like and dislike? The subject that I am really into is English. Cause it is widely used around the world. I can travel around the world without a guide. But the subject I dislike is Math.

6、 It is hard to me study. Every time I attend the math exam, that really drives me crazy.,Study & Work,1. Are you studying or working? I am working for Lenovo as a marketing director. 2. Do you think people should work at weekends? Well, it totally depends on what kind of job those people do. If peop

7、le are working in some service industries like shopping mall restaurants, working at weekends is a must. You know, duty call; but if people are already working from Monday to Friday every week, working at weekends might be a little bit too much. People would be totally overloaded with work.,Hometown

8、,Brainstorm 头脑风暴 Metropolis 国际化大都市 Remain a magnet for 对。有着巨大的吸引力 Visitors from inside and outside China 中外游客 Earth-shattering changes 翻天覆地的变化 Off the top of my head 首先想到的 Skyscrapers and boulevards 摩天大楼和林荫大道 Give a fancy flavor to 给。增添了别致的氛围 Peoples living standards 人们的生活水平,Hometown,1. Where are yo

9、u from? I come from Changchun, the northeast of China. 2. Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? Yes, I would say earth-shattering changes happened in my hometown these years. Off the top of my head, the city planning has been getting better and better: Skyscrapers and boulevar

10、ds are everywhere: trees, flowers and green grass are all giving a fancy flavor to the whole city. On the top of it, peoples living standards have improved a lot as well.,Hometown,3. Is there anything that needs to be improved in your hometown? The first thing comes to mind is the air should be fres

11、her. You know, motor vehicles caused severe exhaust pollution, which made the air badly polluted. Another thing is traffic problems, especially in rush hour. Get stuck in horrible traffic jam every morning and evening is really unpleasant, which never fails to ruin peoples moods.,Friends & Families

12、& Neighbors,Brainstorm头脑风暴 Friend-Friendship-Companionship Share happiness and sorrows 分享喜怒哀乐 Be the same age 都是同龄人 Have a lot in common 有很多的共同语言 Have a blast 玩得尽兴, 开心,Friends & Families & Neighbors,Family-Relative Neighbor-Relationship-Stranger As saying goes: A near neighbor is better than a dista

13、nt cousin.远亲不如近邻 Throw a party 办派对,聚会 Go for a spin 出去开车兜风 Whatever you name it! 只要你能想得到的,Friends,1. Do you have a lot of friends? Yeah, I have got a lot of friends. You know, there is no way for anyone to lead a happy life without having friends because we all need someone to share our happiness an

14、d sorrows with. Besides family, friends are all we have got. As for me, most of my friends and I are all the same age, so we have a lot in common and we always have a blast when we hang out.,Friends,2. What do you think of friendship?/ What is the importance of friendship? It is super important. The

15、re are some saying about friendship which I think are great: Friends are just like stars, you cant always see them, but you just know they are there. Sometimes, when I say “I am ok.”, I actually need someone to look me in the eye, hold me tight and say “I know you are not.” Very classic! It is somet

16、hing that cant be measured in terms of money. In other words, you cant put a price tag on friendship.,Friends,3. What would you like to do when you hang out with your friends? Wow, there are so many things we guys can do, like throwing a party, eating out, going to a movie, going for a spin, going c

17、amping, boating, skating, skiing, clubbing or singing karaoke, whatever you name it!,Friends,4. Which way do you love to hang out, alone or with your friends? Well, it depends on my mood. If I am in a good mood, I would love to hang out with my friends. And you know, the more, the merrier. Hanging out with my buddies can always put me in a good mood. But if I feel down, I would rather stay alone.,



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