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1、,Nature park,A,There is a mountain in the nature park.,There is a river in the nature park.,There is a lake in the nature park,Hill 小山;山丘,In the hill 在山上,In the forest在森林里,There is a forest in the nature park,Miss White:孩子们,我们去森林吧! Children:好的! Zhang Peng:怀特老师,森林里有小河吗? Miss White:不,没有. Zhang Peng:怀特

2、老师,有湖吗? Miss White:是的,有.而且有一些小船. Zhang Peng:太棒了!我们去划船吧。,- 去划船,go doing去做某事,go fishing去钩鱼 go shopping去购物 go walking去散步,A,和你的伙伴一起谈论一下公园,画一个目然公园,然后和你的伙伴谈论一下,句型学习:,1.There be句型的般疑问句:(询问某处是否有某物)用Is / Are there +某物 +在某地 ? 回答用:Yes, there is / are.或 No, there isns/arent.,注: there be句型的般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句 首,在词加

3、问号即可,但同时要注意:当肯定句中有some时, 要将其改为any.,ou发音au,读一读,听一听,唱一唱,看一看,听一听,圈一圈,看一看,听一听,写一写,从上面选一个句子,然后写一写,There are many trees in my village.,village,There are many houses in my village.,house,bridge,building,tall building髙楼,cross bridge过桥,tree,climb a tree爬树 grow a tree栽树,写一写,说一说,写四个关于上面图片的句子,Zhang Peng:自然公园这么安

4、静啊! Miss White:是的,张鹏.没有很多人. Zhang Peng:自然公园有高楼吗? Miss White:不,没有 Zhang Peng:有动物吗? Miss White:是的,有.有鸭子和兔子.,Chen Jie:公园里有湖吗? Oliver:不,没有. Chen Jie:对不起.你不是我的朋友. Chen Jie:公园里有湖吗? Mike:是的,有. Chen Jie:多少? Mike:两个. Chen Jie:你是我的朋友.,活动要求; 从三幅图片中选一幅,用there be句型向学生发问,如果回答正确就是你的朋友,回答 错误的就不是你的朋友.,勾出一幅图片并且找到你的“朋

5、友”,罗宾画画 罗宾和琼斯先生的房子里.房子附近有一个自然公园.公园里有座高山.髙山前面有一个小村庄.村庄附近有一个湖.湖里有许多只鸭子.,罗宾想要画一幅公园的画,你能帮忙吗?,of和for区别: of属介词,表从属关系 从词义上讲是“的” 意思. for既是介词也是连词. 表原因目的,词义有 “为了” “因为” “给” “之久”的意思.,看下面图片,完成问题并给出答案,写下三个自然公园的问题.给出答案.,1.zoom:多好的天气啊!我们去自然公园吧! Zip:为什么不呢?我们可以在那儿拍些照片。 2. Zip:看那座漂亮的桥. Zoom:是的.高山和树木也很漂亮. 3. Zip:看!那边有一

6、间房子! Zoom:房子里有人吗? Zip:我们去看看吧! 4. Zoom:有这么多的玉米!我喜欢玉米. Zip:看!那边有一只考拉熊. 5. Zoom:嘿!你为什么不给我拍照片呢? Zip:等一会儿,Zoom.让我先给考拉熊拍张照片. 6.Monkey:你的卡片坏了. Zoom:哦,真糟糕! Zip:哦,不!,本课句型:,1.用there be句型询问“某处是否有某物”. 2.There be句型否定句转换. 3.There be句型的一般疑问句及答语. 4.“go +动词-ing”. 形式. 5.of和for用法区别. 6.用“Why not+动词原形?”句型表达“向某人提出建议” 7.用

7、“Why dont sb.+动词原形?”句型表达“向某人提出建议”. 例:.Why not give him a chance?=why dont you him a chance?为什么不给他一次机会呢? . why dont you choose this bike?= Why not choose this bike?为什么不选择这辆自行车?,In a nature park,Which one do you like?,Which one do you like?,beautiful nature parks,Queations Is there a river in the fore

8、st?No, there isnt. Is there a lake in the forest?Yes, there is. Are there any small boats? Yes, there are.,boat,go boating,riv_ _,l_k_,f_ _ _st,m_ _ nt_in,p_ _ k,选择填空, _ there a book and two rulers on the desk?A. Am B. Is C. Are Is there _ grass in the park?A. a B. / C. An There is _ river in _ _cit

9、y.A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the, - Is there a forest in the park? - No, _. A. it isnt B. there is C. there isnt There is a _and some _ in the sky.A.birds, cloud B. bird, clouds C. birds, cloud,Lets spell-Tongue Twister,There is a mouse in the house. The mouse makes some sound. Oh, there are some oth

10、er mice. Lets count.,Can you read it?,Never doubt yourself.Am I allowed to smoke here?I am really proud of my daughter.Write it down now. Dont rely on your memory.I dont want to go out. I want to hang around the house.,love your countryas love yourself!,PEP小学英语五年级上册,Part A: Lets spell,执教:Rachel Lai,

11、Step1. Warm-up & revision 1、Free talk: T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Miss Lai. T:I m your new teacher today.Nice to meet you Ss:Nice to meet you,too. T:Whats the weather like today? Ss:Its cold. T:Whats the weather like in winter/spring? Ss:Its cold/warm.,一、教学过程,2、Chant : (视频播放) It

12、is winter. I look out of my window.I can see white snow.Down comes the snow,slow,slow,slow.It is spring. I look out of my window.I can see something yellow.Up comes a flower,slow,slow,slow.,Step2、Lead -in & Presentation1.创设情景:同学们,今天我们将参加爸爸去哪儿节目,大家开心吗?今天村长会交给我们什么任务呢?让我们一起来看看任务卡吧。,任务:找到陷入困难的奶奶,并帮助她。,小

13、贴士:通过以下闯关来完成任务。,第一关,第三关,第二关,第五关,第四关,第六关,第一关,找到奶奶 了解情况,呈现房子的图片,引出单词house T:Look!Whats that? S:Its a house . T:Yes,its an old house. h-ou-se,house,(板书 house) Listen and repeat:ou , /u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / house,house S:ou ,/u / house,house,2.接着播放音频文件,the sound of the mouse 引出单词sound,并教授单词,教师有意识拆音s-

14、ou-nd-sound.T:Listen! Whats that sound? S:The sound of a mouse./A ladys shout and the sound of gun. T:Youre right.The sound of a mouse./A ladys shout and the sound of gun.s-ou-nd-sound. (板书 sound)Listen and repeat:ou ,/u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / sound,sound S:ou ,/u / sound,sound T:What happened?Lets

15、 go and have a look!,3.播放动画视频,展示从天花板掉下来很多老鼠的画面,继续引出单词mouse,count,并教授单词,教师有意识拆音m-ou-se-mouse ; c-ou-nt-count.,T: OK,its so crazy.What animals can you see? S:Mouse. T: Well done,m-ou-se-mouse. (板书 mouse) Listen and repeat:ou ,/u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / mouse,mouse S:ou ,/u / mouse,mouse T:So many mice ,can you count?,S:No. T:Lets try to count.One,two,three.Wow, its too much to count.c-ou-nt,count ,(板书 count)Listen and repeat:ou ,/u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / count,count S:ou ,/u / count,count,


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