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1、Franchising,Unit 4,franchisor management services fee franchise agreement advertising fee franchisee format operations manual master franchisee franchise fee,Franchising can be defined as a business system in which a company ( or _) sells an individual ( or _) the right to operate a business using t

2、he franchisors established system or _. The franchisee is thus able to take advantage of the franchisors brand names, reputation and experience. As part of the contract( or _) the franchisee pays an initial sum of money, know as a _ to the franchisor and, in addition, agrees to pay a _ in exchange f

3、or continuing advice and assistance which is usually calculated as a percentage of annual turnover. In certain cases the franchisee may also pay an _to contribute to the franchisors annual advertising and marketing costs. It is important to understand that the franchisee also has to find the necessa

4、ry capital to open the business. Once the contract has been agreed, the franchisor provides an _ which is a document containing all the information that the franchisee requires in order to manage his or her business. In some cases a franchisor may appoint a _ to supervise all aspects of the developm

5、ent of the business inside a territory.,franchisor,franchisee,format,franchise agreement,franchise fee,management services fee,advertising fee,operations manual,master franchisee,What is franchising?,特许经营是指特许经营权拥有者以合同约定的形式,允许被特许经营者有偿使用其名称、商标、专有技术、产品及运作管理经验等从事经营活动的商业经营模式。,Employer employee Interviewe

6、r interviewee Licensor/licenser licensee Drawer(开票人) drawee(付款人) Payer payee Consignor(委托人,发货者) consignee(收件人,承销人),McDonalds,the leading global foodservice retailer more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 50 million people each day in more than 119 countries,Unit 4 FranchisingOne day in my life,T

7、ake up (the challenge),to accept a suggestion, offer, or idea take up the invitation take up the challenge take up the position,Leeds,A borough of north-central England northeast of Manchester. a major commercial, transportation, communications, and industrial center.,Leeds,Live by,I have always tri

8、ed to live by my faith. (=according to my religion) He was tired of living by suitcase. (=spending a lot of time travelling),computerize,to use computers to control an operation, system, process etc They computerized the accounts department back in 1985. a computerized database The company has compl

9、eted the computerization of specific things such as the alarm system.,Floor Manager,Whose job is to manage a department or floor in a large store FLOOR: the area where the ordinary workers do their work,administration,the activities involved with managing and organizing the work of a company or orga

10、nization I want to spend my time on research and development rather than administration. the part of a company or organization involved with managing and organizing its work The job cuts will affect those in sales support and administration.,park,an area of land where there are several small busines

11、ses or factories industrial/science/business/retail/office park Stapleton Airport became an industrial park after the opening of Denvers new airport. Several large corporations have their regional headquarters in the business park.,retail park,a grouping of many retail warehouses with associated car

12、 parking on the fringes of most large towns and cities, offering an alternative to busy city centres a range of chain stores, including supermarkets, clothes or footwear superstores, electrical superstores, and DIY stores abundance of free parking and proximity to major roads easier to reach than ce

13、ntral shopping areas,Drive-thru = drive-through,relating to or conducting exchanges with clients who drive up to a window and remain in their automobiles performed or provided quickly and routinely drive-thru banking. drive-through deliveryA drive-through establishment, especially a restaurant A win

14、dow at such an establishment, from which business is conducted,Drive-thru,Drive-thru,A drive-thru McDonalds,A drive-thru McDonalds,Bacon & Egg McMuffin,invoice,a list of items provided or work done together with their cost, for payment at a later time: Invoices must be submitted by the 24th of every

15、 month. Cf. bill, receipt invoice (verb) to supply an invoice Invoice sb for sth,Mystery Diner,No matter what type of catering establishment you can benefit from advice and guidance to help move forward and exploit your strong areas and strengthen your weaknesses. As an independent professional orga

16、nisation we can give you that advice through our mystery diner program. Customers like a product that they can trust and rely on time after time. Return visits more likely if standards are consistent every time. Allows head office policy and new ideas to be independently scrutinized. Highlights poss

17、ible problem areas, which are easy to miss if it is your own business. Independent inspection of supervisors whilst senior managers are absent. Motivational for staff, good to use with a staff incentive scheme. Reduces staff turnover through incentives to perform. Delivers more reassurance to customers on quality. Customers expectation will be met on each repeat visit. Provides better value for money.,


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