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1、1Aa (n) art. 一(个) ;每一;某一abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃【词组】abandon ones home 离弃家园 /abandon ones wife 遗弃妻子 /an abandoned baby 被抛弃的孩子 /abandon oneself to 沉溺于 ability n. 能力【词组】to the best of ones ability 尽自己最大努力 /have the ability to do sth =have the ability in doing something 有能力做某事able adj. 有能力的,能干的 反义词:unable【词组】s

2、omeone be able to do sth. 某人能做某事 /someone be capable of (doing) sth. 有能力做某事BUT:something enable someone to do something 使某人能做某事 The money donated by people all over the world enables us to rebuild the quake-stricken areas. 【辨析】able capable两个都指“有才能的 ”, able 所指的意义,高过 capable 一级; 如 an able man 能应付各种事情的

3、人(指非常的) ,而 a capable man 能应付自如的人(指寻常的) ;capable也可以用于贬义,表示此人什么事都干得出来。abnormal adj. 不正常的; 变态的aboard adv. & prep. 在船(或飞机,车)上;上船,登机, 在船(或飞机,车)上【词组】go aboard 上船(飞机)/welcome aboard 请上船(飞机)abolish v. 废除,废止about prep. 关于;在周围;在各处;大约 adv. 各处,周围【词组】be about to do sth. 刚要;正准备: 【例句】He was about to leave when it

4、began to rain. How about doing something? = What about doing something? 关于怎么样? 【辨析】be to do be going to do be about to dobe to do 表示计划或安排要做的事。 be going to do 表示打算要做但还没有安排好何时做的事;客观情况下即将发生的动作。be about to do 表示某时突然想要做某事, 不与时间状语相连用;或表示过去刚要做某事这时另一件事发生了,这时常与 when 从句连用。【例句】We are going to visit our former

5、English teacher this winter holiday.这个寒假我们打算去看看我们以前的英语老师。/The dark clouds are gathering. Its going to rain.乌云在聚集,天要下雨了。/We are to visit our English teacher on Feb 5th. 二月五日我们去看看我们的英语老师。/I was about to leave home when the doorbell rang. 我刚要出门,这时门铃响了。above prep. 在上面;高于;超过 反义词:below adv. 在上面【词组】above a

6、ll 最重要的是 /above average 超过平均水平 /as is mentioned above 如上所述 /as is indicated above 如上所示 abroad adv. (在)国外live/ travel abroad 住在国外 /come from abroad 来自国外 /at home and abroad 国内外 /from home and abroad 来自国内外abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁的absent adj. 席,心不在焉 反义词 present v. fml (正式)缺席,不在【词组】be absent from 缺席 /be p

7、resent at 出席 /absent-minded 心不在焉的 /absent expression 茫然的表情 /in the absence of = in ones absence 有谁不在场 /in the presence of = in ones presence 2有谁在场【展开】absence n. 反义词: presenceabsolute adj. 十足的,道地的;绝对的,完全的【词组】an absolute idiot 十足的傻瓜 /absolute power 绝对的权利 /absolute confidence / silence / trust / proof

8、绝对的自信/安静/信任/证据 【展开】absolutely adv. 完全地;极其absorb vt. 吸收;接受;把并入;吸引(注意力,精力等) 【词组】 be absorbed in (doing) something = be lost in/ lose oneself in /concentrate ones attention /mind on /focus ones mind /attention on 全神贯注于 abstract adj. 抽象的 反义词:concrete n. 摘要,梗概 an of a lecture【词组】in the abstract 抽象地说,一般地说

9、 consider the problem in the abstract absurd adj. 荒谬,荒唐abundant adj. 丰富,充裕abuse v. & n. 滥用;辱骂,谩骂;虐待accept v. 接受,认可【辨析】receive accept admitreceive 表示“ 客观收到”。accept 表示“主观接受”,其反义词为 refuse。I received his invitation yesterday but I did not accept it.昨天我受到了他的邀请,但是没有接受。admit 表示“接纳”, “吸收”某人加入某一组织,团体等。Soon h

10、e was admitted to British citizenship. 不久之后他便被接受为英国公民。【词组】accept sth (as sth) =take sth. as /believe sth. /accept ones ideas / advice /the accepted laws /ones proposal is acceptable. 【展开】acceptable adj. 可以接受的academic adj. & n. 学术上的/大学生,教师academy n. 学术;学业;学院accelerate v. 增速,加速accent n. 口音,音调access n.

11、 通道;接近;接近的机会;享用权【词组】a man of easy access 容易接近的人; someone is accessiable / approachable; have / gain access to something / some place 可以到达(进入) ;能够使用(接近)【展开】accessible adj. 容易接近,得到或使用 反义词: inaccessible be accessible to sb. / be inaccessible to sb. The Forbidden City was inaccesibale to ordinary people

12、 in the old days. accident n. 意外事件,事故【词组】a traffic accident 交通事故 /by accident = by chance/accidentally 偶然 反义:on purpose【例句】He owes his success to a mere accident. 他的成功出于偶然【展开】accidental adj. 偶然的accommodation n. 住宿;住宿设备;便利accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同;伴随,和一起发生;为伴奏(或伴唱)【词组】accompany sb./sth. /accompany sb. on t

13、he piano / a song【例句】I was accompanied to the airport by my wife. 妻子陪我到机场。/He sang a folk song, accompanied by his wife on the piano. 他唱了一首民歌,他妻子钢琴伴奏【展开】company n. 陪伴 keep sb. company 陪伴 /keep company with someoneaccomplish v. 实行,完成【词组】accomplish ones purpose 达到目的 /accomplish nothing 一事无成/accomplish

14、 wonders / goals 创造奇迹【展开】accomplished adj. 熟练的,已完3成的,有教养的 an accomplished fact 既成事实 /an accomplished young lady 多才多艺的少女 /be accomplished at something = be good at something 【辨析】accomplish complete finish achieve fulfilaccomplish 指通过努力完成(某一任务,使命) ,取得(成就) ,达到(目的)等。complete 较 accomplish 更具体,指把建筑,工程,书籍等

15、完成。finish 指完成日常琐事,接动名词作“ 结束” 讲,而 complete 则不能如此。另外,finish 指消极的“完成”。辨:I have finished the book. 我已读完这本书了。I have completed the book. 我已写完这本书了。fulfil 完成( 计划,任务 ),达到( 目的),强调对预期的或保证过的事情圆满完成,达到预想的目的和要求。I had fulfilled many of my youthful ambitions. 我已实现了我年轻时的许多抱负。achieve 指排除困难,完成伟大功业,取得成就。 achieve ones am

16、bition 【展开】accomplishment n.according adv. 按照;根据【词组】according to 根据; 【展开】accordingly adv. 相应地account n. 记述,描述,报告; 账,帐户; 解释,说明 vi. account for 1)说明的原因,是的原因 His illness accounts for his absence. 2)在数量,比例方面)占 something accounts for 50%. 【词组】give an account of 叙述;报告 /pay ones account 付账 /keep accounts 记账 /on account of 由于;因为 /on no account 决不 (如果在句首,要用倒装句型) /takeinto account = take


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