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1、第 1 页 合合 同同 模模 板板 Contract 合同签订及履约地: Place and Arbitration: 时间 Date and Time: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同 意出售下列商品。 This contract is made by the buyer and seller, the purchaser agrees to purchase and the seller agrees to sell the following goods under the terms of this contract. 1卖 方Seller* 地址 A

2、ddress: Tel: Fax: 2买 方Buyer* 地址 Address: Tel: Fax: 3合同标的 Subject of the Contract 4. 合同价格合同价格 Contract Price 第 2 页 序号 N o. 货 物 及 规 格 Commodity, Specification 数量 Quantit y 单 价 Unit Price 总 价 Total Price (1) (2) Total Total value: C.I.F. shanghai seaport in US Dollar 总 价: C.I.F.上海 5. 支付条款支付条款 Terms of

3、Payment 5.1. 合同总价, xxxx,000.00 将按下述方式支付给卖方: The total CONTRACT PRICE of xxxx,000.00 shall be paid to SELLER as follows: a)10%的 合同总价 10% xxxx.00 of the total CONTRACT PRICE xxxx.00 预付款在合同生效后最迟 30(叁拾)天内,凭卖 方出具的预付款文件和由卖方银行出具的合同总 价 10%金额的“预付款保函”, 从买方所在国的银行 账户支付预付款给卖方。 shall be paid from a bank account o

4、f BUYER in BUYERs country as down payment not later than 30 days after signing the CONTRACT against down payment request and presentation of an Advance Payment Guarantee issued by SELLERs bank or credit insurance covering 10 % of the total CONTRACT PRICE. 第 3 页 b)90%的 合同总价 90% xxxx.00 of the total C

5、ONTRACT PRICE xxxx.00 将会以下列方式在壹张不可撤销的信用证(这里 称为 L/C1) ,项下按下列方式支付: 75% 的合同总价将在卖方提供下列文件,根据每 次发货比例从 L/C1 项下分批即期支付: 全套清洁正本提单/运输收货证明书(FCR)交 付给买方或信用证的开证行 卖方的正本发票 装箱单 金额为发票金额 xxxx 的、显示可在目的地用 相同货币、空白背书并覆盖全险的保险单据副本 由卖方签发的质量证书 shall be paid out of one irrevocable Letter of Credit, hereinafter L/C1 in the follo

6、wing way and manner: 75 % of the total CONTRACT PRICE shall be paid out of L/C1 pro rata shipment against presentation of the following documents: full set of clean on board Bill of Lading / forwarders certificate of receipt (FCR) consigned to Buyer or to the L/C-issuing bank original invoice of SEL

7、LER packing list insurance certificate in duplicate for xxxx percent of Invoice value showing claims payable at destination in the same currency of the draft, blank endorsed, covering all risks certificate of quality issued by Beneficiary 5% 的合同总价将在卖方提供下列文件,验收后从 L/C1 下即期支付: 付款要求 买方和卖方签署的验收协议书一份 第 4

8、页 如果验收协议书不能在收到预付款后的 xxx(即. )提交,卖方可以在到期后选择提交下列文件: 卖方的书面声明,说明验收协议书是由于卖方无 法控制的原因而无法签署。 5% 的合同总价作为质量保证金。 5 % of the total CONTRACT PRICE shall be paid out of L/C1 at sight upon acceptance against presentation of the following documents: payment request ACCEPTANCE PROTOCOL signed by BUYER and SELLER in o

9、ne copy If the Acceptance Protocol cannot be presented within xxx months after receipt of down payment (being ), the SELLER has the option to present the following document after that date alternatively: SELLERS written declaration stating that the Acceptance Protocol has not been signed due to reas

10、ons beyond the control of SELLER 5% of the contract price should be regarded as a quality Guarantee 5.2. 信用证开出应以卖方为收益人,应经由卖方认可的国际商业银行开具。按 照合同和发货时间表,允许分批发货。 The L/Cs shall be opened in favor of the SELLER by international commercial banks accepted by the SELLER. Partial shipments shall be allowed acc

11、ording to CONTRACT and delivery schedule. 涵盖合同金额 75 %(百分之柒拾伍)的 L/C1 将在收到合同项下预付款 后 5 个月内开出,有效期为开证日后 23 个月。 The L/C1 for 75 % (eighty five) of the CONTRACT PRICE shall be opened within 5 months after receipt of the down payment under this CONTRACT at the latest and shall be valid at least for a period

12、 of 23 months from the date of its opening. 双方同意,如果必要,信用证有效期将会延长。在卖方提出合理的要求后, 第 5 页 买方将相应延长信用证有效期: 如此有效期延长确实专属于卖方原因,有关的费用将由卖方支付; 如此有效期延长确实专属于买方原因,有关的费用将由买方支付; 否则买卖双方同意平均承担此费用。 It is agreed between the PARTIES that the validity of the L/Cs can be extended if it becomes necessary. The BUYER shall arra

13、nge for such an extension upon the SELLERs reasonable request. If such extension has to be made: for reasons solely attributable to the SELLER, the costs incurred shall be borne by the SELLER; for reasons solely attributable to the BUYER, the costs incurred shall be borne by the BUYER; otherwise, BU

14、YER and SELLER shall bear such costs in equal parts. 信用证应按最新版本国际商会跟单信用证的统一惯例开出。信用证不应含 有任何处罚和/或抵制条款。 The L/Cs shall be opened in conformity with the latest version of Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits of the International Chamber of Commerce. The L/Cs shall not contain any sanctio

15、n and/or boycott clause. 所有在买方国家境内所产生的与此信用证有关的银行费用,均由买方支付, 所有其他银行费用均由卖方支付。 All banking charges in connection with this L/Cs incurred in the BUYERs country will be borne by the BUYER; all other banking charges shall be borne by the SELLER. 6.交货条款交货条款 Terms of Delivery 6.1. 卖方将在收到合同项下预付款后的 xxx 月开始发货,并

16、在 xxx 月内 完成主设备的发运,及在 xxx 月内完成备品发运。 6.1. The SELLER shall start delivery of the EQUIPMENT xxx months after receipt of down payment under this CONTRACT and shall complete delivery of the main equipment within xxx months and of spare parts 第 6 页 within xxx months following receipt of down payment under this CONTRACT. 6.2. 交货条款为 CIF 上海港口的 xxx 交货部分。运输将以船只,发货港为 主要 xxxxx,目的港口为上海港。提单日为实际交货日。 6.2.Delivery shall be made CIF Shanghai xxx seapo



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