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1、预习成果展示同桌合作互查,Unit 5 Canada- “The True North” Revision 高一英语 郝玉梅,请同学们了解本节课的学习目标和任务:,单词、短语脱口秀:,1.包围;围绕 2.加拿大人(的) 3.测量;判定;计量单位;措施 4.首相;丞相 5.在之内 6.边界;国界;边沿;与接壤 7. 混合;调配 8.混合(物);混合状态 9.证实;证明;批准 10.在附近;邻近的,106,加油!,11.大陆;洲 12.传统;风俗 13.行李 14.使印象深刻;使铭记 15.景色;风景 16.海港 17.聊天;闲聊 18.在远处 19.对有天赋 20.看见;瞥见,206,你很棒!,

2、21.定居;平静下来;专心于 22.在船、飞机、火车或公共 汽车上 23.鹰 24.稍稍;轻微地 25.英亩 26.城市的;市镇的 27.话题 28.灌木(从);矮树丛 29.枫;枫树 30.霜;霜冻,306,Believe yourself! You can make it!,1.multicultural adj. 2. Vancouver 3. Toronto 4. Calgary 5. Ottawa 6. beaver 7. grizzly 8. penguin 9. governor n. 10. polar adj.,多种文化的,温哥华,多伦多,卡尔加里,渥太华,海狸,灰熊,企鹅,

3、州长;总督,(近)极地的,406 You are great!,11. prime adj. 12. the Rocky Mountains 13. stampede. 14. cowboy 15. Thunder Bay 16. location n. 17. The Vatican City State 18. Lake Superior,主要的;首要的,落基山脉,大西部赛马会,牛仔,梵蒂冈城国,位置;地方,桑德湾,苏必利尔湖,506,加油!,1.the second largest country 2.take a trip to sp. 3.rather than 4.on ones

4、way to sp. 5. chat about 6.go eastward 7.increase rapidly 8.settle down 9. manage to do sth. 10. catch sight of,第二大国家,到某地旅行,而不是,在某人去某地的路上,谈论,往东走,快速增加,定居下来;平静下来;专心于,设法做成,看见;瞥见,课文短语,606,11.be famous for 12.more than any other country pete in 14.have a gift for 15.be amazed to see 16.go through 17.at t

5、he top of 18.leave for 19.in the distance 20.flow into,有的天赋,在中竞争,比任何其他国家都多,因而著名,穿过;经历;仔细检查;完成,在的顶端;在最北端,动身去,在远处,流入,吃惊地看到,706,21.over dinner 22.chat with sb. 23.move to sp. 24. as far as 25.at dawn 26.in French 27.in smaller letters 28.be close to 29.dream of,吃饭的时候,与某人聊天,搬到某地,远至;就而言,在黎明时,用法语,用小号字母,接近

6、;靠近,梦见,806,sentences,请同学们大声朗读并且翻译学案上task1 的13个句子,请903号翻译-2请1004号翻译-3请105号翻译-6请203号翻译-7请303号翻译-11不同见解,请展示。,请同学们翻译背诵Task2的10个句子 请404号翻译-1 请504号翻译-3 请604号翻译-6请704号翻译-10不同意见,请展示。,Teamwork,请同学们合作探究学案Step IV 高考链接部分,归纳总结 高考链接I volunteer! 抢答! 请同学们总结以下3个句子的共同点,并分析: 1. The thought that they could cross the wh

7、ole continent was exciting. 2. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. 3. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.,归纳总结 高考链接IIvolunteer! 抢答! 课本原

8、句:Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. 请同学们总结Rather than的考点:,归纳总结 高考链接IIIvolunteer! 抢答!课本原句:It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.请同学们分析Some measuring over 9

9、0 metres这一结构。,实战演练 I: Translation,同学们自主完成翻译6个句子 请以下同学展示答案,不同意见,请展示。,同学们背诵这6个句子背诵竞赛各组抢答,2.多数男士宁愿在家呆着过周末也不愿去购物。,Most men prefer to would spend the weekends at home rather than go shopping.Most men would rather spend the weekends at home than go shopping.,You ,rather than he, are my guest.,1.是你而不是他是我的客

10、人。,4.考试结束后,我们要开始放暑假了。,The test finished, well have our summer vacation.,3.时间允许的话,我将在这里再呆两天。,Time permitting, I shall stay here for another two days.,5. 他的马上采取措施的建议是好的。,His suggestion that we (should) take measures right away is good.,6. 消息来自学校办公室说李华被北京大学录取了。,News came from the school office that LiHua had been admitted to Beijing University.,实战演练 II: 情境交际 Oral English Communication,组内合作 创设情境 口语交际 介绍Canada,交流展示volunteer 百花齐放,Homework : 同学们归纳整理本单元重点词汇句子在笔记本上,


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