the painted veil电影《面纱》介绍

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《the painted veil电影《面纱》介绍》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the painted veil电影《面纱》介绍(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Painted Veil ( Based on the novel by W. Somerset Maugham ) Words and expressions: It is not often that you like any of my young men. Time can run out. The point is whether I m in love with him and Im not. The very idea that a woman should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelin

2、g is simply prehistoric. 史前的, 陈旧的 bacteriologist 细菌学家 microorganism 微生物, 微小动植物 to grow sth. for free to knock me down like a feather: shock me to improve upon acquaintance: It means your feeling will get stronger when you know this person more. to give up on sb.: to lose hope about sb. to rain cats

3、and dogs: rain heavily to put on such airs 装腔作势 consul 领事 glamorous 富有魅力的, 迷人的 a civil lab life of drudgery 苦工, 单调辛苦的工作 condamned to a life bondage 奴役, 束缚 a vivacious girl 活泼的, 快活的, flattering 奉承的 Even if it was, my impression is hell do nothing. I wouldnt delude (=kid) myself for a second that you

4、are in love with me. to press on:keep going on a tributary 支流 of the Yangtse River an outbreak of cholera 霍乱爆发 a convent of French nuns 女修道院; 修女的团体 an M.D.: a medical doctor or the degree in doctor of medicine foremost: first and foremost: the first and most important all to the good in this case: j

5、ust as well in this case to go by rail: by train a sedan chair 轿子 carriage monstrous to file a petition for a divorce 提交诉状 adultery 通奸行为 to put myself to an inconvenience on your pathetic behavior 可怜的, 悲惨的 comic(杂技团的)丑角, 滑稽演员 to debase sb. 贬低, 降低 thrilled 发抖to strangle 扼死 agitator 鼓动者;煽动者 walkouts 罢

6、工 mill 工厂 boycotts: refuse to buy or support sbs products wild bores 令人讨厌的人 opportune (指时间)凑巧的、恰好的, (指行动或事件)及时、适宜的 commit oneself: admit scrape: messy situation stipulation 约定, 约束, 契约 induce sb. to do 劝诱:用影响或劝告来引导或行动 let sb. down : disappoint sb. shroud 寿衣 a deputy commissioner 驻一国的高级代表 missionary :

7、 传教士 arduous 费劲的, come upriver 在上游, 向上游, 从上游 come overland 陆上, 通过陆路 to take in a bit of countryside colonel 陆军上校, 团长 decay 腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退 martyr 烈士, 殉教者 to be posted here: to be assigned here to pass it up ( opportunity for research ) : to let go be inoculate 注射预防针 Suit yourself : Do as you like. a

8、long downhill affair: 每况愈下的 fluid 流体 dehydration 脱水 for starters: the first thing that must be done clinician 医临床医生 an infectious disease 传染病 river port 内河港 to make a science of popularity: become an expert in being popular (The speaker is being sarcastic ) to fall for sb. : to fall in love with sb.

9、 second-rate a grim-visaged 面貌, 容貌, 严厉的 old nurse with thick legs and a moustashe bungalow(带走廊的)平房 martini 马提尼酒:一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒 gin 杜松子酒 the Mother Superior: the head of the nuns compassionate 富于同情心的 charade(用诗、画、动作等构成的)哑剧字谜; 哑剧字谜的谜底 喻荒谬的借口, 几乎不加掩饰的伪装madeleine 玛德琳蛋糕(一种贝壳状重油小蛋糕) subscribe 捐款

10、, 订阅, 签署(文件), 赞成, 预订 a member of the Church of England an inoffensive wayto see over the convent: to take care of the convent baptize 通过施洗礼而使成为基督教徒 infirmary养老院, 救济院: very local medical facility nitrate levels of tomato化硝酸盐, to despise sb. 鄙视 to grieve(使)悲痛, (使)伤心, 忧伤 to barricade the bathing area 设

11、路障 to cut off all access to the river 切断 to post a directive 指示,命令:命令或指示,尤指由中央权威机构发出 to enforce sth. 强迫执行 galant protector 潇洒风格(的) to divert the water to the town 转向 to maintain the integrity of the water sources 完整, 完全, 完整性 sanitation 卫生, 卫生设施 soothing 轻柔的(音乐); 起镇定作用的 contempt 轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬 littl

12、e sense of proportion: no idea how big or important sth. really is microbe 微生物 ( Not in technical use.) terminable 可终止的, 有期限的 blathering on about sb. or sth.喋喋不休地说, 说废话 lagoon system 一洼废水;泻湖 thrash 打(谷), (用棍、鞭等)痛打, 打败 massacre 残杀, 集体屠杀 massacring the manchurians 满族人 new document: here it refers to passports and so on his price is exorbitant 过度的, 过高的, 昂贵的 shatter 打碎, 使散开, 粉碎, 破坏 a devil of time: a hard time nauseous 令人作呕恶心的; 讨厌的 a stalk of bamboo be with child 有孕 saline 生理食盐水:生理盐溶液, chap 伙伴, 家伙, 小伙子( B.E.)


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