2015届高考英语总复习复习语言基础知识unit1 lifestyles

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1、必考话题 1 学校生活()写 作 必 备基础词汇1personality n性格、个性2abundant adj. 丰富的3firstclass adj. 一流的4spare no effort 不遗余力5be accustomed to 习惯于6election n. 选举7make up ones mind 下决心8distinguish oneself 展示自己9live an ideal life 过着理想的生活10get into a bad habit 染上坏习惯提分句型1When facing difficulties,I have enough courage to get t

2、hem over.当遇到困难的事情时,我有足够的勇气克服它们。2I do hope that I could be elected monitor of our class.我的确希望能当选我们班的班长。3Only by reading widely can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons.只有博览群书我们才能增长知识开拓视野。美 文 赏 析素材示例 (2013天津卷)假设你是某大学的学生李津,你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届副主席,负责规划、组织俱乐部的相关活动,你欲参选,请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。个人优势介绍(如性格、特长等)

3、;组织校内活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等);组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等);表达当选的愿望。注意:1.词数不少于 100;2请勿提及真实学校名称;3可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;4开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:副主席 vice president;竞选 run forGood afternoon,my dear friends,My name is Li Jin,_Thank you.佳作播报Good_afternoon,my_dear_friends,My_name_is_Li_Jin,Im very glad to have the chanc

4、e to run for the vice president of the English Club. Thanks for coming to my election campaign.Im qualified to take the position of the vice president.First,I have strong abilities to organize students and activities.Second,having a good personality,Im serious when facing work, and I am talented for

5、 English language,especially oral English.Last but not least, as the Minister of the English Club I have abundant working experience.If Im elected vice president,Ill hold lectures about English culture,literature or music at least twice a year,and Ill help organize English evenings and English oral

6、contests as often as possible.I do hope that I could be elected vice president of the English Club.If so,I will spare no effort to serve the members of the club,and help improve our English level.Thank_you.1.when facing work,.是状语从句的省略,完整结构为 when Im facing work。模拟 Look out for cars when_crossing_the_

7、street.过街时注意车辆。2此处用助动词 do 加强谓语动词语气。模拟 An awful accident did_occur the other day on the expressway.在这条高速路上前几天的确发生了一次可怕的事故。3If so,.如果这样的话,是 If I could be elected vice president of the English club 的简略表达方式。模拟 He may be busy. If_so,Ill visit him later.他可能很忙,如果这样的话,我以后再采访他。 .核心单词1_(vi.)要紧,重要;有重大关系(n.)物质,

8、问题;毛病2_(vt.)认为,猜想,假定,假设_(conj.)假设,假定让3reduce (vt.&vi.)减少,降低,缩小_(同义词)(v.)减少,缩减_(反义词)(v.)增加4_(vt.)转换,转变(n.)开关5_(adj.)轻松的,放松的_(vt.& vi.)放松_(adj.)松懈的;放松的6_(adj.)充满压力的,紧张的_(n.)压力_(n.)压力(同义词)7_(adj.)急迫的,紧急的_(n.)紧急;催促8_(adj.)厌烦的,不感兴趣的_(adj.)令人厌烦的;无聊的_(n.)厌烦;无聊9_(vi.)遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛_(n.)苦难;受苦10_(vt.)组织_(n.)组织_(

9、n.)组织者_(n.)器官;机构11_(vt.)更喜欢;宁愿_(n.)喜好,偏爱12_(vi.)毕业_(n.)毕业13_(vt.& n)支持;支撑_(n.)支持者;拥护者14_(n.)广告_(v.)做广告_(n.)登广告的人15_(vt.)忍耐,忍受;站立(n.)支架答案 1.matter 2.suppose;supposing 3.reduce;decrease;increase 4.switch 5.relaxing;relax;relaxed 6.stressful;stress;pressure 7.urgent;urgency8bored;boring;boredom 9.suffe

10、r;suffering 10.organise;organisation;organiser;organ 11.prefer;preference 12.graduate;graduation 13.support;supporter 14.advertisement;advertise;advertiser 15.stand词不离句,句不离段Since my graduation,I have been working in an organization to deal with peoples complaints about their personal affairs and mos

11、t of them are urgent and Im really bored with it.Supposing you are an expert about it,tell me how I can have a switch in thought,reduce my stress and get relaxed.重点短语1把开关打开,接通 _2转换频道,转变 _3把关掉,关上 _4(铃、爆竹等)响 _5占据 _6此刻,目前 _7数年间 _8想出(计划、办法等) _9play a role/part in _10as well as _11look forward to _12make

12、 a difference _13be filled with _14suffer from _15make sure _答案 1.switch on 2.switch over 3.switch off 4.go off 5.take up 6.at the moment 7.over the years 8come up with 9.在中起作用 10.除之外还;既又 11.盼望,期望 12.有影响;重要;起作用;要紧 13.充满着 14.忍受,遭受 15.弄清,查明小试身手,聚焦短语A few minutes later the bomb went_off,_destroying the

13、 whole building.I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to take_up too much of your time.She couldnt come_up_with a solution to the problem, so she turned to me for help.I hear that song whenever I switch_on the radio.We all feel it is Jack as_well_as his wife that is to blame for their sons bad behaviour at school.经典句式1I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.我总是带着我的手提电视,我在石墙上坐着,而我的狗围着转圈。解读while 引导的并列句(while 表转折对比)模拟Some people waste food_(然而一些人却吃不饱)2


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