2015届高考译林版英语(江苏专用)一轮导学案:book 5 unit 3 science versus nature

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1、Unit 3 Science versus nature1succeed vi.成功;继承;办成 _ n成功;成功的人(或事) _ adj.成功的;有成效的 归纳拓展Give your children permission to succeed. 允许孩子们成功。(2010安徽,阅读理解 D)活学活用 (1)I am confident you will _ lawyer. 我有信心你会成为一名成功的律师。 (2)The picture reminds me of those who _(在不利的条件下成功) (3)On the basis of his great experience,h

2、e had_ developing an entirely new method of polar exploration. Asucceeded in Bwon for Chad victory to Dwon in 2praise v. & n表扬;赞扬;表彰 归纳拓展 1praise sb.for sth.因某事而赞美/称赞某人 2in praise of赞扬某人 sing high praise for.高度赞扬 3think highly of高度评价 (1)But child experts are now learning that too much praise can lea

3、d to the opposite effect. (2008福建,阅读理解 B) 但儿童专家逐渐了解到过多的表扬会起到相反的效果。 (2)The doctor praised her for her courage. 医生表扬了她的勇气。 活学活用 (1)She wrote a poem _ freedom. 她写了一首诗歌颂自由。 (2)He gave a speech _ (高度赞扬) school life,which made him _ (因而受到高度赞扬) it.So we all _ (为表扬他) his cleverness. (3)The school has decide

4、d to hold a meeting_ his heroic deeds.(2010郴州调研) Ain favour of Bin memory of Cin praise of Din hope of3urge n强烈欲望,迫切要求;vt.催促,力劝;强烈要求归纳拓展I was embarrassed,but I fought the urge to run off the stage.(2010山东,完形填空) 我感到尴尬,但我战胜了跑离舞台的冲动。 活学活用 (1)The vacation is approaching and I _ travel. 假期快到了,我很想去旅行。 (2)

5、My friends urge that I _. 朋友们劝我申请那份工作。 (3)It was more than he could bear when his old friend _ him to accept a cigarette. Ainvited Burged Cpersuaded Dagreed 4.argue v争论,争吵,辩论;劝说 _ n争论,辩论 归纳拓展argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人争论某事argue for/against sth.为支持/反对某事而辩论argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某

6、事beyond argument 无可争辩(1)He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. 他认为他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。 (2)They argued for the right to strike. 他们据理力争罢工权力。 活学活用 (1)The workers,who _ (为而争论)their own rights,_ (同争论)the boss for a few days,but failed to _ him _ (说服做某事) giving them a rise in wages becaus

7、e the boss _ (反对) it and insisted that it was _ (无需争论) that their pay had already been OK. (2)Alice,what are you arguing_the teacher?You should think highly of the teacher s opinions. Aabout Bwith Cwith about Dabout with 5conclude v总结,下结论;结束;最后说 _ n结束;结论 归纳拓展Doctors concluded that the nerve damage w

8、as the cause and by age twelve,I was completely deaf.(2008江苏,完形填空) 医生得出结论听觉逐渐丧失的原因是神经受到了破坏,到 12 岁时,我完全听不到声音 了。 活学活用 (1)The play _ a happy ending. 这出戏以大团圆结束。 (2)They _ Turkey. 他们同土耳其缔结了一项条约。 (3)_,Id like to say thanks to all of you present. AIn conclusion BWith conclusion CFor conclusion DTo conclusi

9、on (4)Six people have_ that they will be attending the meeting while ten havent replied yet. Aexpected Bsuggested Cconcluded Dconfirmed 6seek vt.征求,寻求;探索,探寻 _ 过去式及过去分词 归纳拓展 seek after寻求;探索;追求 seek for寻求;寻找 seek to do sth.试图设法做某事 People today spend much time seeking the proper way to raise children.(

10、2008福建,完形填 空) 现在,人们花很多时间寻求养育孩子的正确方法。 活学活用 (1)We shouldnt _ comfort,personal fame or gain.我们不应该贪图安逸,追 名逐利。 (2)Most men seek after wealth;all men _.大多数人都追求财富;但 所有的人都希望获得幸福。 (3)What shall I do next,darling? Youd better_ advice from your lawyer on this matter.(2010连云港模拟) Aaccept Bseek Chear Dbeg 7benefi

11、t n利益;好处;v.有益于;有助于;受益 _ adj.有利的;有益的 归纳拓展 benefit from/by.从中受益 be of benefit to sb.对某人有益 for the benefit of.为了的利益 be beneficial to.对有益/有帮助 A university education is of huge and direct benefit to the individual.(2010北京,阅读理解 D) 大学教育对于个人有巨大且直接的好处。 活学活用 (1)It is an expensive investment but it will _ in t

12、he long run.这是一项花费很大 的投资,但从长远来看,它将对公司有好处。 (2)These small businesses _ the fall in interest rates. 这些小企业因利率下降而获益。(3)The book was boring.It wasnt_ to me. Abenefit Bbenefited Cof little benefit Dof much benefit 8.alternative n可供选择的事物;选择对象;adj.供选择的;其他的 归纳拓展 an alternative to.的替代品 have no alternative but

13、 to do sth.别无选择只好做 You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the two alternatives. 你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。 活学活用 (1)Do you have _ to the problem? 你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题? (2)Since you have accepted the job,you have no _ but to do it well,however difficult it is. Adisappointment Bagreement Calternative Dallowance (3)There are two _ plans and its up to you to decide which to choose. Areasonable Beffective Calternative Dpositive 9situation n状况,处境(也指一定时期内总的情况,形势) 归纳拓展 under the present situation在目前形势下 be in a difficult situation处境困难 situation后接定语从句时,连接


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