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《passges for recitation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《passges for recitation(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 PoemsPoems 1. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers Emily Dickinson Biography Dickinson, Emily Elizabeth (1830-1886), Americas best-known female poet and one of the foremost authors in American literature. Dickinsons simply constructed yet intensely felt, acutely intellectual writings take as their subj

2、ect issues vital to humanity: the agonies and ecstasies of love, sexuality, the unfathomable nature of death, the horrors of war, God and religious belief, the importance of humor, and musings on the significance of literature, music, and art. Hope is the thing with feathers 希望长着羽毛 That perches in t

3、he soul, 栖在灵魂里, And sings the tune without the words, 唱着无词的乐曲, And never stops at all. 从来不停息。 And sweetest in the gale is heard; 风越大声越甜; And sore must be the storm 寻常的风暴 That could abash the little bird 休想嚇倒这双 That kept so many warm. 温暖众生的小鸟。 Ive heard it in the chillest land, 我曾听她在最寒帶, And on the s

4、trangest sea; 最陌生的海上; Yet, never, in extremity, 却从不因为潦倒, It asked a crumb of me. 向我乞讨丝毫。 2. Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare Biography 2 Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English playwright and poet, is recognized in most of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. Shakespeares plays communicate a

5、profound knowledge of the wellsprings of human behavior, revealed through portrayals of a wide variety of characters. He left behind a multitude of masterpieces, including 37 plays and 156 sonnets. Many of his plays are still performed and frequently adapted to movies. Shall I compare thee1 to a sum

6、mers day? 能否把你比作夏日的璀璨? Thou art2 more lovely and more temperate: 你却比炎夏更可爱温存; Rough winds do shake3 the darling buds of May, 狂风摧残五月花蕊娇妍, And summers lease4 hath all too short a date5. 夏天匆匆离去毫不停顿。 Sometime6 too hot the eye of heaven7 shines, 苍天明眸有时过于灼热, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; 金色脸容往往蒙

7、上阴翳; And every fair from fair8 sometime declines, 一切优美形象不免褪色, By chance9, or natures changing course10 untrimed11: 偶然摧残或自然地老去。 But thy12 eternal summer shall not fade, 而你如仲夏繁茂不凋谢, Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst13; 秀雅风姿将永远翩翩; Nor shall death brag14 thou wanderst in his shade, 死神无法逼你气息奄奄,

8、When in eternal lines15 to time thou growst16, 你将永生于不朽诗篇。 So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, 只要人能呼吸眼不盲, So long lives this17, and this gives life18 to thee. 这诗和你将千秋流芳。 (孙梁 译) 1 thee: old use or poetic objective case of thou 2 Thou art: old use you are 3 shake: shake off 4 lease: allotted ti

9、me 5 date: duration 6 Sometime: sometimes 7 the eye of heaven: i.e. the sun 8 fair from fair: beautiful thing from beauty 9 By chance: by fortune, good or ill 10 course: order or process 11 untrimmed: stripped of its beauty 12 thy: possessive case of thou 13 fair thou owst: beauty you own 14 brag: b

10、rag that 15 eternal lines: lines of immortal verse 16 to time thou growst: you grow as long as time lasts 17 this: i.e. my poetry 18 life: immortality 3 3. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost Biography Frost, Robert (1874-1963), a homespun American poet, whose poetry is set amid the

11、 natural beauty of rural New England and conveys a wide range of emotions in a concise and direct manner. Frost won the Pulitzer Prize in poetry four times (1924, 1931, 1937, and 1943) and became known across the country when he recited his poem “The Gift Outright” at President John F. Kennedys inau

12、guration in January 1961. Frosts poems are easy to read but one has to read beyond the lines to understand their underlying meanings. Whose woods these are I think I know. 林主曾相识, His house is in the village though; 村中有其舍, He will not see me stopping here 未悉我在此, To watch his woods fill up with snow.

13、凝视林中雪。 My little horse must think it queer 小马颇多疑, To stop without a farmhouse near 荒野何伫立? Between the woods and frozen lake 林边冻湖间, The darkest evening of the year. 岁末黑夜里。 He gives his harness bells a shake 小马摇缰铃, To ask if there is some mistake. 似问有误否, The only other sounds the sweep 唯闻飒飒声, Of easy

14、wind and downy flake. 寒风共雪舞。 The woods are lovely, dark and deep. 密林景色美, But I have promises to keep, 信誓不可移, And miles to go before I sleep, 安眠不可得, And miles to go before I sleep. 尚须行数里。 (关山 译) 4 SpeechesSpeeches 1. As You Like It (Act II, Scene vii) William Shakespeare Background The following is a

15、 famous monologue from the Bards comedy masterpiece, As You Like It, in which through the mouth of a melancholy youth, Jaques, a humorous and ironic account is given of the different stages of a mans life. JAQUES All the worlds a stage, 杰奎斯 大千世界是个舞台, And all the men and women merely players; 所有男男女女不

16、外是戏子; They have their exits and their entrances; 各有登场和退场, And one man in his time plays many parts, 一生扮演着那么些角色, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, 七样年龄分七幕。首先是婴儿, Mewling and puking1 in the nurses arms; 在奶妈怀中啼哭着、呕吐着。 Then the whining2 school-boy, with his satchel 接着是狼嚎着的小学生,背者书包, And shining morning face, creeping like snail3 挂着洁亮晨光的面孔,象蜗牛般 Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, 勉强爬行上学。跟着是情人, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad4 息得象熔炉,专为情妇的 Made


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