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1、Integrating skills,Read the passage fast to find out what we should do to protect the environment.,We should “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respond.”,Now read the passage carefully to find out what “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respond.”exactly means?,It means: Reduce the amount of rubbish. Reuse boxes,

2、bags,and others. Recycle what we use. Respond by thinking about nature and telling other people about environmental problems.,Work in pairs to answer the questions and fill in the blanks.,Keys,Can you think of more things we can do to reduce the waste? 1_2_3_,try not to waste anything,buy things tha

3、t are necessary,buy things that can be recycled or reused,How would you reuse the following? 1 A plastic bag2 An old shirt3 A soda bottle,Keys,I can use the plastic bag to keep other things or cover the seat of my bike when its raining or snowing.,The old shirt can be used as a dust cloth.,A soda bo

4、ttle can be washed and used to keep other things, such as sugar, vinegar, and so on.,Keys,Can you think of other things you can reuse? 1_ 2_ 3_,old newspapers,used exercise books,boxes,bags and bottles,What things do you recycle? 1_ 2_ 3_,Think of three ways you can learn more about nature and the e

5、nvironment. 1_ 2_ 3_,glass bottles,metal or plastic products,paper,reading newspaper, magazines or books,watching TV,using the Internet,Writing(text),Read the writing part and the tips given in this part carefully. Then work in groups of four to discuss how to write your poster.,A posterTigers can n

6、o longer hide and hunt! When farmers cut down trees, their habitat was destroyed. Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur and use their bones for medicine. To protect them,we should plant more trees, stop polluting the environment and stop killing them and cutting trees.,Integrat

7、ing skills(Wb),What does the title Animal SOS means?,the Malayan sun bear,Keys to Ex1,The Malayan sun bear is endangered because people destroy its habitat and hunt the bear for food and medicine. Some people also keep the bears as pets.The black rhino is endangered because hunters have killed so ma

8、ny of them.,2 (Various answers are possible.) I dont think building zoos is a good way to protect animals; not every animal can get used to the climate in the zoos. Zoos are too small for some animals.,3 (Various answers are possible.)I think endangered animals in China are: Chinese alligator(短吻鳄),

9、grand panda, golden monkey,pangolin(穿山甲),rhinoceros(犀牛), jackal(豺), and so on. We should stop people cutting too many trees, killing animals and polluting rivers. We should tell people to protect the environment from now on.,Keys to Ex2,A list of animal products: Clothes: fur-lined jacket(皮袄),leathe

10、r bags(皮包),leather belt(皮带),leather(皮革),fur collar(皮领),wallet(皮夹子),leather suitcase, leather shoes, leather boots, fur sofa, and so on. Medicine: 麝香,熊胆,虎骨,蛇胆,血蝎,羚羊,犀角,蜈蚣,龟板. Food: bear, snake, pangolin, owl(猫头鹰),People buy them to make-up; to cure themselves of some disease; to enjoy the taste,and s

11、o on.,Sample writing (Wb),Last Saturday, something very unusual happened in our city. Mrs Jones, a teacher, was doing her housework as usual. Her baby was sleeping in the backyard. Mrs Jones said that it was just an ordinary Saturday. However, what happened next was not ordinary at all. “It was the

12、most frightening thing that has ever happened to me,” Mrs Jones said.Mrs Jones usually keeps her TV on so that she can listen to it while she is doing the housework. “I like to sing while Im cleaning the living room, she heard someone on TV say that a young tiger had escaped from the zoo. Mrs Jones

13、said that she thought it was unusual to hear about a tiger running away from the zoo.,Sample writing (Wb),Mrs Jones went to her backyard to look after her baby. When she got there, she saw something horrible. The tiger from the zoo was sitting next to her sleeping baby. Mrs Jones wanted to scream, b

14、ut she was afraid that the baby might wake up and frighten the tiger. “I thought that if I frightened the tiger it might attack my baby,” Mrs Jones said. Instead, Mrs Jones quietly went to the kitchen and got some meat from the fridge. She threw the meat to the tiger. The tiger grabbed the meat and ran away.Mrs Jones rushed over to her baby. The baby was still asleep. She took the baby inside, closed the door, and called the police. She says that she will never forget what happened. “I think I am very lucky. The tiger didnt eat my baby and no one was hurt.”,


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