广东省佛山市南海区罗村高级中学高一英语《unit 1 lifestyles lesson 2 listening》学案(北师大版)

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广东省佛山市南海区罗村高级中学高一英语《unit 1 lifestyles lesson 2 listening》学案(北师大版)_第1页
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《广东省佛山市南海区罗村高级中学高一英语《unit 1 lifestyles lesson 2 listening》学案(北师大版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省佛山市南海区罗村高级中学高一英语《unit 1 lifestyles lesson 2 listening》学案(北师大版)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson 2 Listening学习目标:学习目标:1、听力训练:学习并掌握“预测”的听力策略2、掌握并运用喜好的表达方法学习内容:学习内容: Lesson 2 Relaxing 学习难点:学习难点:1、对 expressing preference 等的掌握和运用2、在听力训练中运用“预测”的听力策略1. Preview 课前复习:完成句子课前复习:完成句子 (1)别打扰她,她在工作呢。 Dont interrupt her. (2)我骑自行车上学需要 5 分钟时间。(3)格林夫人就服务质量不好向经理投诉。 Mrs. Green complained

2、the manager the poor services. (4)为何不从事某种户外活动来轻松轻松,摆脱一下公务呢? Why not some outdoor sport as a relaxation from office work? (5)他把电视机关了,因为他不喜欢那些电视节目。because he did not like those television programmes. (6)没有得到父母的允许(permission)他就不能出去。2. Discussion:What are your ways of reducing stress?3. Oral practice: E

3、xercise 1 Before you start Think about situations in your life. Use the Key Words to say how relaxing or stressful they are for you.Key words: quite relaxing, very relaxing, a little stressful, very stressfulExample:- I find painting or dancing very relaxing.- I agree. But its very stressful to wait

4、 for exam results. a) studying for an examb) lying on a beachc) waiting for exam resultsd) giving a talk to your class in your own languaged) giving a talk to your class in Englishf) shopping with a friendListening Strategies: PredictionBefore you listen, read the questions carefully. Try to think o

5、f possible answers. Use your general knowledge to help you.4. Listening : Exercise 2 you will hear the following words in the interview, use them to complete the, expert, suffer from, stress, pressure, social, reduce, organise.1._ can cause headaches and other illnesses.2.The interv

6、iew took place in a _.3.I am shy and find _ situations stressful.4.John _ backache.5.The _ of being a doctor causes me stress.6.Breathing exercises can help _ stress.7.Someone must _ this years Christmas party.8.Dr Smith is an _on losing weight.5. Listening: Listen to Mark and fill in the following

7、blanks.Things I find . Well, I really hate . mm . doing exams. Mm, I get very the night before, you know. And I cant sleep, you know what I mean? Im also shy and I dont like very much. I prefer people in small groups, you know. Ah, theres another thing in lessons I cant stand talking in front of the

8、 class, er, I get nervous and mm, make lots of mistakes. Things I find ? Well, mm, I like a lot of things. I love talking to my friends. And when Im tired and want to relax I listening to music and I also like reading. Ah, and I quite like sitting and !6. Listening: Exercise7 listen again and use th

9、e following verbs to complete the sentences. cant stand, love, like, dont like, quite like, prefer, enjoy, hate I really (1) _doing exams. I (2) _talking in front of the class.I (3) _ going to parties very much.I (4) _ meeting people in small groups.I (5) _ listening to music.I (6) _reading.I (7)_ s

10、itting and doing nothing.I (8) _ talking to my friends.7. Assignments: (1) Copy the new words. (2) Finish a reading passage. (3) Preview the language points.Unit 1 Lesson 2 Listening (For teachers)学习目标:学习目标:1、听力训练:学习并掌握“预测”的听力策略2、掌握并运用喜好的表达方法学习内容:学习内容: Lesson 2 Relaxing 学习难点:学习难点:1、对 expressing pref

11、erence 等的掌握和运用2、在听力训练中运用“预测”的听力策略1. Preview 课前复习:完成句子课前复习:完成句子 (1)别打扰她,她在工作呢。 Dont interrupt her. She is at desk. (2)我骑自行车上学需要 5 分钟时间。It takes me five minutes to go to school by bike. (3)格林夫人就服务质量不好向经理投诉。 Mrs. Green complained to the manager about/ of the poor services. (4)为何不从事某种户外活动来轻松轻松,摆脱一下公务呢?

12、Why not take up some outdoor sport as a relaxation from office work? (5)他把电视机关了,因为他不喜欢那些电视节目。 He switched off the television because he did not like those television programmes. (6)没有得到父母的允许(permission)他就不能出去。He couldnt go out without his parents permission. 2. Discussion:What are your ways of reduc

13、ing stress?3. Oral practice: Exercise 1 Before you start Think about situations in your life. Use the Key Words to say how relaxing or stressful they are for you.Key words: quite relaxing, very relaxing, a little stressful, very stressfulExample:- I find painting or dancing very relaxing.- I agree.

14、But its very stressful to wait for exam results. a) studying for an examb) lying on a beachc) waiting for exam resultsd) giving a talk to your class in your own languaged) giving a talk to your class in Englishf) shopping with a friendListening Strategies: PredictionBefore you listen, read the quest

15、ions carefully. Try to think of possible answers. Use your general knowledge to help you.4. Listening : Exercise 2 you will hear the following words in the interview, use them to complete the, expert, suffer from, stress, pressure, social, reduce, organise.1. Stress can cause headaches and other illnesses.2. The interview took place in a studio.3.


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