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1、广东江门市 2015 高考英语语法填空及阅读类训练(3) (有答案)一 、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填在答题卡标号为1625 的相应位置上。Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock. “Oh no!“ he _16_ (think) to himself, “Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time.“As Fran

2、k went downstairs his eyes fell on _17_ large brown envelope by the door. He was overjoyed when he opened _18_ and read the letter inside. “Bigwoods Football Pools (足球赌博公司) would like to congratulate you. You _19_ (win) half a million pounds.“ Frank suddenly came _20_ life. The cigarette fell from h

3、is lips as he let out a shout _21_ could be heard halfway down the street.At 11:30 Frank arrived at work. “Please explain _22_ youre so late,“ his boss said. “Go and jump in the lake,“ replied Frank. “Ive just come into a little money so this is good-bye. Find yourself _23_ else to shout at.“That ev

4、ening Frank was smoking a very _24_ (expense) Havana cigar when a knock was heard on the door. He rushed to the door. Outside were two men, neatly _25_ (dress) in grey suits. “Mr. Smithson,“ one of them said, “were from Bigwoods Pools. Im afraid theres been a terrible mistake“【参考答案】语法填空:16. thought1

5、7. a18. it19. have won20. to21. that/ which22. why23. someone/ somebody 24. expensive 25. dressed二、二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didnt like attention drawn to myself. And 1 otherwise assignee(指定)a seat by the teacher, I al

6、ways 2 to sit at the back of the classroom.All this 3 after I joined a sports team. It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team. At first I thought it was a crazy 4 because I didnt have a good sense of balance, nor did I have the 5 to keep pace with the others on the team and

7、 they would tease me. But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “ 6 for it”, I wouldnt have decided to give a try.Getting up t he courage to go to the tryouts was only the 7 of it! When I first started 8 the practice sessions, I didnt even know the rules of the game, much 9 what I was doing. Some

8、times Id get 10 and take a shot at the wrong directionwhich made me feel really stupid. 11 , I wasnt the only one “new” at the game, so I decided to 12 on learning the game, do my best at each practice session, and not be too hard on myself for the things I didnt 13 “just yet”.I practiced and practi

9、ced. Soon I knew the 14 and the “moves”. Being part of a team was fun and motivating. Very soon the competitive 15 in me was winning over my lack of confidence. With time, I learned how to play and made friends in the 16 friends who respect my efforts to work hard and be a team player. I never had s

10、o much fun!With my 17 self-confidence comes more praise from teachers and classmates. I have gone from 18 in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself, 19 raising my hand even when I sometimes wasnt and not 100 percent 20 I had the right answer. Now I have more self-confi

11、dence in myself.( ) 1. A. as B. until C. unless D. though( ) 2. A. hoped B. agreed C. meant D. chose( ) 3. A. continued B. changed C. settled D. started( ) 4. A. idea B. plan C. belief D. saying( ) 5. A. right B. chance C. ability D. patience( ) 6. A. going B. looking C. cheering D. applying( ) 7. A

12、. point B. half C. rest D. basis( ) 8. A. enjoying B. preparing C. attending D. watching( ) 9. A. less B. later C. worse D. further( ) 10. A. committed B. motivated C. embarrassed D. confused( ) 11. A. Interestingly B. Fortunately C. Obviously D. hopefully( ) 12. A. focus B. act C. rely D. try( ) 13

13、. A. want B. do C. support D. know( ) 14. A. steps B. orders C. rules D. games( ) 15. A. roles B. part C. mind D. value( ) 16. A. process B. operation C. movement D. situation( ) 17. A. expressed B. improved C. preserved D. recognized( ) 18. A. dreaming B. playing C. relaxing D. hiding( ) 19. A. by

14、B. for C. with D. to( ) 20. A. lucky B. happy C. sure D. satisfied文章大意:主人公本身没有能力或者不去想象、不过那想像自己有能力做某事,经过老师点拨、帮忙下克服自卑,并且学会了展示自己。1. C 考察逻辑关系 ,and 提示前后句间是并列关系,前一句说我不喜欢被被人关注,那么我一定总是坐在无人关注的角落,那么老师指派座位不过是一个想法、一种假设,于是选择 C2. D 考查动词 我对于坐在教室的后面是我自己选择的3. B 考察动词,根据文章的叙述,在参加了运动会后我之前的状态显然是改变了4. A 考察名词 老师建议我参加篮球队这显然是一个想法,而我认为这很疯狂5. C 考察名词 与其他人保持同步这是我的一种“能力”的体现,这与“权利”,“机会”或者“耐心”没有任何关联。6. A 考查动词 it 显然指代我参加篮球队这件事情,那么对这件



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