山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 1 friendship words学案(无答案)新人教版必修1

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山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 1 friendship words学案(无答案)新人教版必修1_第1页
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1、1UnitUnit 1 1 FriendshipFriendship wordswords课前预习案课前预习案1.set down _ 2. get/be tired of _ 3. pack (sth. ) up _ 4. get along with _ 5. suffer from _ 6.相爱 _ 7. 参加;加入_ 8. 将(东西)打包_9.He know there was a speed limit, but he i_it and grove very fast. 10.He felt u_ about losing the money 11.Its good for ue t

2、o do exercise o_ every morning. 12.From the beginning, Paul made it clear that he would be _ (完全 地) in control. 课内探究案课内探究案 1.1. add:add: vt.vt. ; calmcalm downdown 使使平静下来平静下来 remain/keepremain/keep calmcalm 保持镇保持镇 静静eg: We tried to calmcalm himhim downdown, but he kept shouting and crying. 辨析:辨析:cal

3、m,calm, quiet,quiet, still,still, silentsilent calmcalm 平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。 quietquiet 宁静的,安静的,指没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼焦虑。宁静的,安静的,指没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼焦虑。 stillstill 静止的,不动的,指没有运动或动作的状态。静止的,不动的,指没有运动或动作的状态。 silentsilent 寂静的,沉默的,不发音的,指没有声音或不讲话。寂静的,沉默的,不发音的,指没有声音或不讲话。Ex: 1) It is important t

4、o keep _in an emergency. 2) Ask the children to keep _. 3) The officer asked the Swede to keep _. 4) She kept _about the matter. 3.3. concern:concern: vt.vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.n. 关心的事,有利害关系的事;担心,挂念,担忧关心的事,有利害关系的事;担心,挂念,担忧(about/(about/ for)for) bebe concernedconcerned about/forabout/for 关心,挂

5、念关心,挂念 ;concerningconcerning prep.prep.关于关于 2asas farfar asas + +主语主语+be+be concernedconcerned 就就而言而言 Ex: 1) The tax changes will _ (关系到)small businesses. 2) Your school work, rather than your private life, is my _. 3) Were all _ _ (担心) her health. 4) 就我而言,我强烈反对这种观点。_ _ _ _ _ _, Im strongly against

6、this view. 4.4. gogo ththroughrough sth.sth. 经历;经受经历;经受; ; 仔细查看仔细查看; ;穿过,通过穿过,通过eg. He went through a hard time while his wife was sick. Ex:1) Susan _ her bag and wallet looking for her ticket. 2) The old man _ many sufferings during the war. 3) Are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or

7、 just cant understand what you are_? A. going over B. going ahead C. going through D. going along 5.5. setset downdown 记下(= = wrwriteite down,down, putput down,down, taketake downdown); 放下,让(乘客)下车; 登记eg: I have _ everything that happened, exactly as I remember it. The bus _ the children just outside

8、 the school gate. 想一想:set about doing/ set out to do _ set out /off_ set up _ 6.6. onon purposepurpose 故意地故意地= = byby design=deliberatelydesign=deliberately 反义短语:反义短语: byby chance/chance/ accident=accident= accidentallyaccidentally _ eg: Jack has been annoying me and I think he is doing it onon purp

9、osepurpose. 译Ex: I came here _ to see you. 7.7. inin orderorder toto 为了为了 (so(so asas to/to/ inin orderorder that/that/ soso that)that)She went to bed early _ she could get up early the next morning. _ improve your spoken English, you need to practise a lot. A. In order toB. So as toC. In order that

10、D. So that 8.8. settlesettle vt.vt. ; 使安下心来,使平静下来使安下心来,使平静下来; ; 解决(问题等)解决(问题等) settlesettle downdown 平静下来,定居平静下来,定居, , 专心于专心于(to(to 是介词是介词) )eg: After the excitement I tried to settle myself. Ex: I must _ all my affairs before leaving. After years of traveling, he decided to _ here. 9.9. suffersuffe

11、r vt.vt. “遭受痛苦遭受痛苦, , 遭受损失遭受损失”,”,其宾语常常是其宾语常常是 pain,pain, loss,loss, punishment,punishment, wrongwrong 等。等。suffersuffer fromfrom患有患有( (病痛病痛),), 为为所苦所苦 eg. He died quickly, and he didnt suffer very much.译: The company suffered a great loss because of the air crash. 译: He often suffers from headaches

12、at night. 译:Ex:1) Edward is _ a broken leg. 32) She _ a lot of pain over the past with her bad-tempered husband. 1010. fallfall inin loloveve withwith sbsb“爱上某人” ,表动作;bebe inin lovelove withwith sbsb“与某人相爱” , 表状态。 He _ with Helen years ago. 他已经爱上了海伦。They have _ with each other for years. 11.11. join

13、;join; joinjoin in;in; taketake partpart inin;attendattend join:join:指加入某组织或团体,如参军、入团、入党等;指加入某组织或团体,如参军、入团、入党等; joinjoin inin:指(和某人一起)参加:指(和某人一起)参加 taketake partpart in:in: 指参加某项集体活动并在其中起积极作用指参加某项集体活动并在其中起积极作用 attend:attend:指参加会议,上课、上学、听讲座等指参加会议,上课、上学、听讲座等1) He _ the Party when he was 18. 2) Can I _

14、 the game? 3) Will you _ our team _ playing football? 4) Are you going to _ the first experiment? 5)Will you _ the meeting to be held tomorrow? 12.12. getget along/along/ onon withwith 1) Do you get along well with your aunt?2) How are you getting along with your study? 总结 get along/ on with 的意义:1)_ 2) _



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