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1、2017 年中考英语作文专题复习 书面表达(结构+要点+逻辑+语法+亮点!) 结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜 爱。为什么呢?因为这种结构十分清晰。 “观点要点总结”让人一目了然。 三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过 2 句话,如,我们想表达小强 很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。第二 段:分 2-3 点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃 10 顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动 2 小时,He does exercise 2 hours a

2、day! 详举做了 什么运动。第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全 照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day! 要点:实际上中考英语写作就等于两个字,翻译!因为中考英语写作一般会给 出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会 扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。 逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的, 总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了 first, second, third, fin

3、ally 等还可以使用高级点的, 如 first of all(首先),in addition, whats more, moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word, all in all(表示总结的) 。转折:but, yet, however 等。真正有经验的阅卷老 师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。 语法:其他几点都不是硬性的要求,不那样做不能说是错,只能说是不好,但 是语法却是硬性的。如,单词的使用,时态等。 亮点:当我们将前八个字都做得很完美的时候也只能得到一个二等文的上。要 想得到一等文,最后两个字,亮点至关重要。大家设想如果我们是阅卷老师。 有

4、两篇写人美丽的作文摆在我们面前,都是结构清晰的三段式,要点都很全, 都用了一些逻辑词,都没有语法错误,但是 A 篇只用了 beautiful,good- looking,B 篇却用到了 attractive,charming,catching 等,坚信正常人都会给 B 篇高分的。这些高级一点的词汇,词组,句型便是我们得到一等文的最有力的 绝招。所以,以后写英语作文要养成一般词汇限量用的好习惯。 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定! 写作步骤 1 审题:审清作文体裁(类型)时态、人称、要点等细节; 2 列提纲(文章结构框架):分 3 段(层) ,以及每段(层)大体内容; 3 写

5、作:在提纲的基础上补充要点; 4 复查:2 遍1 遍看查要点、拼写、语法、标点等问题;2 遍不出声读查, 靠语感检查语句是否通顺、连贯等;英语写作检查的原则: 5 誊抄:不允许做任何的更改。 *总之做到三审:体裁、时态和人称、要点; 三思:词汇短语句式; 三查:要点、拼写和语法、连贯。 标点符号特别注意汉英的不同,例如: 汉语 英语 A. 句号 。 . B. 省略号 C. 顿号 、 无 结构 文章分 3 段(层): (1)综述:概括性强,最多 2 句话引入主题; (2)正文主要内容:层次性强,一定要有过渡型连接词。最多展开 3 个方 面,每个方面最多 2 句话; (3)结尾:紧扣主题,2 句话

6、内结束,尽量升华。 逻辑 1)表层次: 1first, second, third, last 2firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally 3the first, the second, the third, the last 4in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly 5 to begin with, then, furthermore, finally 6to start with, next, in addition, finally 7first and fore

7、most, besides, last but not least 8most important of all, moreover, finally 9on the one hand, on the other hand 10for one thing, for another thing 2)表转折;but, however, yet, though, although, after all, in spite of, 3)因果 because, so, because of, thanks to, due to,since, owing to, as a result(of), henc

8、e, thus 4)例证 for example, for instance, such as 5)表示强调: also, besides, especially, actually, in fact 6)表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb benefit from sth.; have an effect on sb.; 表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy; be fond of; be

9、interested in; show great interest in; 7)总结 As I see, As for me,As we all know,To my mind, as far as Im concerned, from my perspective, in general, generally speaking, I think., in fact , in a word, all in all, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, to sum up, 句型 一(1)简单句 1. 主系表 I am a middle

10、 school student. He is fourteen. 2. 主谓 I ran fast. 3. 主谓宾 We will have dinner together. 4. 主谓宾宾补 (主谓+固定搭配) We keep our classroom clean and tidy. (2)简单句+状语短语 1. 时间状语 I am a middle school student now. He is fourteen this year. 2. 地点状语 We will have dinner together at home. (3)简单句(主句)+状语短语 1. 时间状语从句 My

11、parents helped me a lot when I was in trouble. 2. 条件状语从句 If you have any questions, please write to me. 3. 原因状语从句 I like English best because it is interesting and fun. (4)主句+宾语从句 我认为(我想、我希望) I think he is helpful and great. I believe you will love this city. I hope I can be a volunteer some day. (5

12、)使用定语从句 我喜欢可以跟着跳舞的音乐。 I love music I can dance to. 父母是我最爱的人。My parents are the people who I love most. (6)简单句+连词+简单句 1. 并列连接 I am a middle school student and I study in No. 1 Middle School. 2. 转折连接 I work hard at English but my English is not good enough. 3. 因果连接 He is good at English so I often ask

13、 him for help. 二 1. I am of the opinion that=My point of view is that=I think=I hold the idea that=as far as Im concerned=To my mind=in my opinion 2.Among various kinds of +复数名 词在各种.中,Among various kinds of sports, I like sth in particular. 3 as the saying goes,/as the proverb goes/as the proverb pu

14、ts it 4 Its said/reported/believed that 5 Its our duty to do sth 6 ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 7 concentrate on sth 8 be busy doing sth. 9 be supposed to do sth=should do sth 10Every coin has two sides. Computer has both advantages and disadvantages No pains, no gains. All work and no play make Ja

15、ck a dull boy. Failure is the mother of success. Think twice before you do. Where there is a will, there is a way. Do as the Romans do. The early bird catches the worm. An apple a day keeps the doctors away. All roads lead to Rome. Practice makes perfect. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。A fa

16、ll into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 11.be glad to do sth 12buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sb. sth. 13 there be 句 型 14 enjoy/hate/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on doing sth. 15 find it + adj to do sth. 16 get + 比较级 17 dont do sth=stay away from sth 18 had better (not) do sth. 19 help sb. (to) do/help sb.with 20 I


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