宜春市高中英语 unit2 healthy eating using language(一)学案 新人教版必修3

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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 HealthyHealthy eatingeating UsingUsing LanguageLanguage(1 1)学案)学案 【要达成的目标】1. The students will be able to develop listening skills. 2. The students will be able to develop reading skills. 【“教”与“学”过程】 本堂课使用的电教手段 Task 1 Individual Work Before Class ( 5 minutes) Activity (1) Brainstorm. T

2、ask 2 Individual Work In Class (20 minutes) Activity (1) Pronounce the words correctly. See Ex 1 on page 14Activity (2) Listen for the details and join column A,B, and C.A B C Scurvy too much rice, legs dont grow straightnoodles, sugar, fatRickets not enough Vitamin C too fatObesity not enough peote

3、in and teeth fall out, Vitamin D skin problems sores will not healActivity (3) Check and listen for the gist. Wang Peng is _ to find out how _. So we need to _ if we are to stay healthy.Task 3 Group Work In Class (10 minutes) Activity (1) Discuss and predict. What do you think Wang Peng is going to

4、do next?diseases because of an unbalanced diet2Activity (2) Report.Task 4 Individual Work In Class (10 minutes) Activity (1) Skim and list. What did Wang Peng do according to the passage?Activity (2) Check and discuss.Activity (3) Listen and follow the tape.Homework Activity (1) Practise reading the passage on page 14 aloud. Activity (2) Finish the task before class in the next learning guide.【课后反思】(教师写成败得失和改进措施,学生写学习体会和存在的问题)


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