吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 5 traveling abroad 2(新人教版选修7) word版无答案

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吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 5 traveling abroad 2(新人教版选修7) word版无答案_第1页
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吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 5 traveling abroad 2(新人教版选修7) word版无答案_第2页
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《吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 5 traveling abroad 2(新人教版选修7) word版无答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 5 traveling abroad 2(新人教版选修7) word版无答案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 【学习目标】 1. 通过阅读篇章,了解中国留学生在国外的学习生活;了解中西方的差异;了解在国外学习所遇到的困难以及解决办法。 【自主学习】I.速读课文,回答下面的问题1. What is Xie Lei in England for? How long has she been in England? 2. Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?A. Her classmates. B. Tutors C.A host family D. Her familyII.精读课文,判

2、断正误1 It was the first time that Xie Lei had left her home country.2 She has come to the England University to complete a literature qualification.3 Most foreign students must complete the preparation course before entering a course. 4 Xie Lei lives in student apartments with her students.5 Now ,Xie

3、Lei doesnt feel much more at home in England.III.再次阅读课文,回答下面问题:1.What is the main idea of the passage? Give one sentence to describe it.2.What can we learn from Xie Lei according to the passage?A. She is timid B. She is brave C. She is determined D. She is honest3.How did Xie lei feel? 4.What are so

4、me of difficulties she faced when she first came to England? 5. Why is she doing a preparation course first? True or False?【问题探究】I.While studying in London, Xie Lei has some difficulties as well as benefits. Read the passage again, and try to find them Benefits:1. of doing a preparation course _; _2

5、. of living with a host family_; _3. of having a tutor _; _Difficulties 1. at the university _; _2. of a new way of life_; _II. Discussion 1. What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is? Find evidence in the article to support your opinion.2. Why do you think the reporter used some direct speech in the article?版权所有:高考资源网()


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