北京市第四中学2016人教版高中英语必修二导学案:unit 5 music 语言应用

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1、MusicMusic- 语言应用语言应用 北京四中北京四中 孙玲孙玲 听歌填空听歌填空 Down by the Salley Garden Yeats, Irish poet, Noble Prize Winner in Literature of 1923Down by the Salley Gardens My love and I did _ She passed the Salley Gardens With little snow-white _ She bid me take love easy As the leaves grow on the_ But I being youn

2、g and foolish With her would not _ 补充下列单词的汉语意思补充下列单词的汉语意思 tranquil, accessible, boring, comforting, a delicate(精致的精致的) tune, dynamic, delivered with energy, enjoyable, exciting, gives me a thrill, has dignity, heartbreaking, lively, in harmony, noisy, polished(打磨的打磨的,润色的润色的), popular, refreshes my m

3、emory, sad, sentimental(多愁善感的多愁善感的), serious, shabby(低劣的低劣的), slow, harsh(刺耳的)(刺耳的)给下列短文找出合适的标题给下列短文找出合适的标题Classical music Rock n RollRap Folk music Blues_It is a type of music often involving large orchestras. It has the tendency to calm the body and stimulate the mind. It has been found to reduce

4、stress and enhance specific types of intelligence such as verbal ability and spatial-temporal reasoning. It does not make you more intelligent, but instead provides you with an ideal environment for thinking. _This type of music is featured by strong and complex rhythms. The main instruments used fo

5、r it are trumpet(短号短号)saxophone, piano, bass or violin, which help carry the melody(旋律旋律). This is a rhythmic music and has a forward momentum(势力势力) called “swing“. However, in this genre, the skilled performer interprets a tune in his own way.根据下列材料写一篇自己对音乐的理解,根据下列材料写一篇自己对音乐的理解,80 字左右。字左右。 III. The

6、 Effects of MusicMusic is a big part of our lives. We use it for special occasions and to set the mood in movies and television shows. Music can help us pass the time or connect us to our roots. Listening to music takes the whole brain, and has many positive and beneficial effects.Heals - Music can

7、reduce chronic pain and improve depression. It does this by making the body release endorphins, slowing the breathing and heart rate, distracts the patient, and helps give the patient a feeling of control. It can strengthen the immune system and reduce blood pressure. Makes you smarter - Music can h

8、elp you learn better in reading, math, and reasoning skills. It can also improve memory. Certain types of music stimulate both sides of the brain, thereby enhancing learning, concentration, and retention. Musical training improves memory even more than just listening. Improves physical performance -

9、 There is a reason why you see people running while listening to their iPod. Music decreases fatigue and improves motor reflexes. It can help people with movement disorders. Improve productivity - Certain kinds of music lessen fatigue. Music can increase productivity by making workers mentally sharp

10、er. Calms - Music can calm and relax. It reduces stress and negative emotions. It can also help you meditate. Improves moods - Music can lessen depression. Research is proving what many cultures have known; that music heals and has positive psychotherapeutic uses. Here are some words that describe w

11、hat music can do to you and for you: soothe, excite, relax, stimulate, meditate, calm, enlighten, frighten, help you refocus, invigorate, stir your imagination, make you happy, lift your mood, restore, cure, heal, empower, stir, incite, lift your spirits, make you more alert, exhilarate, and bring a

12、bout practically any emotion. In summary, music is a lot more than a soundtrack to our lives; it is an integral part of our lives. Can you imagine a movie without some music? Would there even be entertainment without music? If you want to be healthy and smart, then music is the key. What people have known since ancient times is now being proven by research. Music is good for the body and soul.


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