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1、Kind honest brave loyal happy wise strong beautiful handsome rich smart funnyWhat should a good friend be like? What qualities should a good friend have? Should they be funny, smart and strong?,Questions 1.What doesnt John like?2.What does Joe think of music and skiing?,He doesnt enjoy singing,nor d

2、oes he like computers.,For Joe rock music is ok,and so is skiing.,Situation 1 Problem: Peter is often_. Solution: I think Peter should_,Situation 2 Problem: Mary usually _ Solution: I think Mary should_ _.,Situation 3 Problem:_. Solution:_ _.,Pre-reading a knife a box of matches a mirror a radio a f

3、rying pan a gun A hammer a book a saw an umbrella a rope a compass 1. I think that _would be the most useful, Because I could use it to _, to _and to _. 2. I also think that _would be useful, because I could use it to _, to _and to _. 3. _.,Where is the man?,What happened to him?,drift=cast away,Has

4、 he got a friend on the island?,castaway,How would you feel if you were alone without friends just like the man?,How does Chuck Noland come to a deserted island?2. In order to survive on the island alone, what does he need to learn?3. What does he understand at last?4. For us, what lesson we can lea

5、rn from Chuck?,One day Chuck was on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashed.,He need to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. The most difficult challenge is how to survive without friend.,He understand that friendship is about feelings and that you must

6、 give as much as you take.,The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers.,Beforethe crash,A successful businessman,Has little time for friends,Afterthe crash,The most difficult challenge,Learn and understand the friendship,The clue,What k

7、ind of person Chuck is?,How do you understand the following sentences in the passage?,1).Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.,2).Friends are teachers.,A life without a friend is a life without the sun.,Tips on friendship(友谊秘诀) The six most important words: “I admit I mad

8、e a mistake.” The five most important words: “You did a good job.” The four most important words: “Whats your opinion?” The three most important words: “If you please.” The two most important words: “Thank you.” The one most important word: “We” The least important word: “I”,Fill in the blanks using

9、 the words and phrases you have learnt in this unit. 1. My friend is_. He never tells lies. 2. I like pop music. She likes _ music, but we are good friends 3. I think a good friend should not only share happiness, but also _ with me. 4. Although Father and I often _ with each other, we are good frie

10、nds. 5. Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as _ friends to people. 6. If you were alone on a deserted island, you would have to learn to _ _ water and food. 7. The young man is very _ _ history. He reads books about it almost every day. 8. She is a _ girl. She is never afraid of

11、 anything. 9. There will be many people at the theatre, so we will go there early_ _ _ get good seats. 10. If someone is quick in mind and action, we say he is _.,honest,classical,sorrow,quarrel,loyal,hunt for,fond of,brave,in order to,wise,Direct Speech Indirect Speech “I like reading adventure sto

12、ries,” said John. John said that he liked reading adventure stories. “I dont enjoy computers,” Sarah said to her friends. Sarah told her friends that she didnt enjoy computers. “Ann”, have you seen my blue notebook? Peter asked. Peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook. “How can you co that

13、?” Mary said to Ann. Mary asked Ann how she could do that. “What difference does it make?” peter asked Jim what difference it made.,Checkpoint 1 Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech 1. When you change a sentence from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, you sometimes change the verb tense.“I broke your C

14、D player.” He told me that_. 2. You often need to change pronoun froms in order to keep the same meaning. “Are you sure you didnt do anything to this?” He asked_. 3. You do not change the tense when reporting things that are always true. “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” Mother said to me. Mother told me_.,


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