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1、1.The world we live is full of_(神秘). 2.People have shown great interest in the boy”s _(失踪 ). 3.There is no_(可能) that he will come. 4.Some parents have become_( 信服) that learning to play chess helps a child develop his mind. 5.Do children in China and USA have _(类似) after-school activities ?,mysterie

2、s,disappearance,possibility,convinced,similar,6.I had _(噩梦) about aliens last night. 7.A large spaceship had _(色彩繁多) lights all around it. 8.The aliens took him away so that they could do_(研究)on him. 9.There are a lot of amazing_(冒险) to have and places to see in the world. 10.The newspaper reporters

3、_(采访) the minister.,nightmares,multi-coloured,researches,adventures,interviewed,10.Things are going in that direction with_(令人惊讶)speed. 11.I am very _(不舒服) lying on this hard,cold floor. 12.Im c_(完全)satisfied with your answer. 13.All this is t_(完全) unnecessary. 14.Everything is going according to _

4、(日程表).,astonishing,uncomfortable,ompletely,otally,schedule,1. I suggest that she_to hospital at once.A.sends B.must be send C.be sent D.will send 2. _, and youll succeed in time.A.If you keep on trying B.To keep on tryingC.Keep on trying D.Keeping on trying 3.There used to be many kinds of animals l

5、iving in the wild in China,_?A.didnt they B.didnt there C.werent there D. wasnt it 4.I thought her nice and honest_I met her.A.the first time B.for the first time C.every time when D.by the time,C,C,B,A,5.Please put the book _it was,or youll be scolded.A.where B.that C.in which D.at the place 6.Lisa

6、_ a book about China last year, but I dont know whether she has finished it. A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D. had written 7. John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out_ he phones. A. as long as B. In order that C. in case D. so that E.in case of 8. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill

7、 bring some _. A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time,A,C,C,C,9.Recently I bought an ancient chinese vase,_ was very reasonable.A. which price B. the price of whichC. its price D. the price of whose 10.He had_little education that he cant teach_little children.A. so; such B.such; such C. so;

8、 so D. such; so 11.It is _ that he will win in the competition.A. certain B. sure C. told D. spoken 12._by his teacher, he went on with his painting.A. Encouraged B. To be encouraged C. To encourage D. Being encouraged,D,A,A,A,13. She heard someone following her,_brought her heart into her mouth. A.

9、 that B. who C. it D which 14.I was disappointed with the film. I had expected_ to be much better. A. that B. This C. one D. it 15. Only one of these books is _. A. worth to read B. worth being read C. worth of reading D. worth reading 16. I cant imagine _ that with them. A. do B. to do C. being don

10、e D. doing,D,D,D,D,17. _Sunday, the library was closed. A. Being B. Its being C. It being D. It was 18._from the hill, and youll find the city more beautiful. A. See B. Seeing C. To see D. Seen 19. _from the top of the hill, a sense of pride suddenly appeared in his mind. A. See B. Seeing C. When he

11、 saw his home town D. Seen 20. _from the window, he at once recognized me. A. See B. To see C. Seen D. See,C,A,C,B,http:/ 时彩计划软件 滩鸥鹭。她是他仙子,曾经被他惊吓过度,受到过严重伤害,有些是他故意,譬如“笑问鸳鸯”、“爷房间禁止踏入壹步”,有些并别是他存心,譬如“初经男女之事”,譬如冤枉她向八小格通风报信。别管是有意还是无心,结果都是他深深地伤害咯她,以至于他们关系势同水火。那些年来,他开始努力想要改变那种现状,可是直到现在,他还没什么寻到壹各良好契机。那壹次在松溪,

12、本来是壹各多么好机会,可是他竟然办砸咯,脱口而出“淫词艳曲”,别要说惊吓咯她,更是连他自己都面红耳赤,难堪得别知如何收场,只得匆匆地走掉咯,当咯可耻爱逃兵。第壹卷 第666章 关系王爷当咯爱情可耻逃兵,而他仙子水清呢?虽然当时没什么对他怒骂出口,但是此后他们相见,他唯刻意伪装、正色以对,装作啥啊事情也没什么发生过没事儿人样子,才算是勉强保住咯颜面。那各严重错误,令他那三年来全部努力瞬间化作咯乌有,壹切归零,从头开始。还好,还好,那各严重错误,没什么将他仙子彻底激怒,在锦茵丧仪上,为他出咯那么大力。虽然那是公事公办,但是水清能够积极主动想方设法,甚至是顶住咯被淑清误解、被其它诸人妒忌压力,挺身而


14、到极佳融化冰山好法子之前,在他还没什么拿准水清态度之前,他别敢对她轻举妄动,他别想再有任何闪失,再次将他仙子伤害、吓跑。 园子比王府大咯别止十倍,两各人又远隔千山万水,但是水清竟然比以往任何时候都更加地发怵王爷,害怕见到他,害怕壹切与他单独相处场合。那可别是水清风格和原则。她从来别会屈从于壹切别合理、别公正权势淫威!虽然王爷是掌握她壹生命运,甚至是掌握她生杀大权夫君,但是以前两各人关系很僵时候,她也绝对别会害怕他。他能跟她来横,她就敢跟他来别要命。可是现在关系缓和咯,她反倒是怕起他来咯。松溪考月,他竟然敢对她说出“鸳鸯对含罗结,两情深夜月”那种淫词艳曲。他们在烟雨园门口谈论锦茵丧事时候,淑清姐

15、姐昏倒,事后水清才晓得,李姐姐是因为气愤他拉着她手!当时水清没什么注意到那各细节,听到府里奴才们为那件事情嚼她舌根子,才恍然大悟,当即羞愧得恨别能冲到朗吟阁与他理论壹番。虽然后来她强压下怒火,并没什么头脑发热到真冲到朗吟阁与他理论,但是她从那两件事情嗅出咯极其危险信号,聪明她立即从中汲取咯充分经验教训:爷身边是非多,能躲就躲!于是,水清真就开始能躲就躲,能避就避,实躲避别咯时候,也是尽量在集体场合,完事儿就赶快走,别留丝毫可乘之机。第壹卷 第667章 暗访皇上行宫畅春园,离王爷园子很近,只有壹里地,那也是皇上体恤他四小格来回奔波,格外辛苦,于是在康熙四十八年时候,将那各圆子赏赐给咯刚刚晋封为和硕雍亲王皇四子。王爷对皇上那各赏赐格外欣喜,犹豫咯很久,才定下它名字。壹定下名字,他立即去请他皇阿玛赐名,并亲题匾额圆明园。其中“圆明”两字出自他别号圆明居士。王爷是参禅礼佛之人,造诣颇深,被佛教界公认为中国帝王之中唯壹亲参实悟、直透三关禅师。除咯参禅,他还曾经大量撰写佛法著述,其中包,


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