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1、英语七年级下册第一次月月清试题(120分) 第一卷第一卷 听力部分(听力部分(30分)分) 一、听句子,选出与所听句子相符的图片(每小题一、听句子,选出与所听句子相符的图片(每小题1分,共分,共5分)分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 二、听句子,选出所听句子的最佳答语(每小题二、听句子,选出所听句子的最佳答语(每小题1.5分,共分,共7.5分)分) 6. A. At 7:00. B. On May 1st. C. In the morning. 7. A. Its 6:00. B. Yes, I do. C. No, he doesnt. 8. A. In the par

2、k. B. At 6:00 pm. C. With their friends. 9. A. Its eight thirty. B. I have lunch at 12:00. C. Its Saturday. 10. A. I dont know. B. Yes. Tell me something about it. C. Thank you. 三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(每小题三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(每小题1.5分,共分,共7.5分)分) 11. A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00. 12. A. He usually plays bas

3、ketball on Saturday afternoon. B. He usually plays computer games on Saturday afternoon. C. He usually cleans his room on Saturday afternoon. 13. A. At school. B. At home. C. In the park. 14. A. Its 7:45. B. Its 7:30. C. Its 7:15. 15. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. We dont know. 四、听短文,填空(每空四、

4、听短文,填空(每空2分,共分,共10分)分) Time Marias activities(活动活动) 16_来源来源:Z_xx_k.ComGets upIn the morning来源来源:学。科。网学。科。网来源来源:Zxxk.Com 8:0017_ 12:00Has lunchIn the afternoon2:00Goes out to 18_ with her friends 6:0019_ with her parentsIn the evening 20_Goes to bed 第二卷第二卷 笔试部分(笔试部分(90分)分) 一、单项选择 (10分) ( ) 1. My fath

5、er likes to play _ chess with my mother after dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. I dont have much time _lunch. A. for B. with C. to D. At ( )3. Scott _goes to school early, so hes _late. A. always, always B. always, never C. never, never D. usually, usually ( )4. Do you like singing _ dancing? I l

6、ike dancing. A. and B. or C. but D. So ( ) 5. Can your sister play the piano? _. But she can play the guitar. A. Yes, she can B. No, she cant C. Yes, she does D. No, she doesnt ( )6. _? The violin club. A. What color do you like B. What club do you want to join C. What can you do D. Whats your favor

7、ite subject ( )7. Ice-cream isnt good _our health. A. at B. with C. for D. At ( )8.-_do you get up every day? -At half past six. A. When B. Where C. What time D. How ( )9. Tony walks at _every day. A. thirty to seven B. forty to seven C. twenty to seven D. fifty seven ( ) 10. My math is not good. Ca

8、n you _ me _ it, Mike? A. help; with B. help; to C. ask; for D. ask; at 二完形填空(10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Mr Black is 36 years old. He (11 ) in a food store. Every day he (12) at 6:30 in the morning and brushes (13) teeth. He eats breakfast at 7:00. After breakfast, he (14) his son Jack

9、to school. And then he takes the number 11 bus (15) work. After he gets off(下车) the bus, he needs to (16 ) to the store. He thinks it can help him to be (17). His work starts(开始) at 8:30 and he gets (18) at 6:00p.m. At 6:15, he has (19). Then he watches TV and helps Jack (20) his homework. He goes t

10、o bed at 11:00. ( )11. A. joins B. works C. plays ( )12. A. gets in B. gets up C. gets on 来源:学科网 ( )13. A. his B. her C. our ( )14. A. takes B. knows C. meets ( )15. A. in B. at C. to ( )16. A. walk B. go C. swim ( )17 A. sorry B. healthy C. sad ( )18. A. store B. home C. school ( )19 . A. breakfast

11、 B. meals C. dinner ( )20. A. do B. doing C. to doing 三阅读理解(30分) A Wanted: English tutor(家教) Do you like kids? Are you outgoing(外向的)? Do you have three years experience(经验) as (作为)an English teacher? Do you have free time on Saturday and Sunday? We need a woman teacher for our daughter. She is twelv

12、e and she is not good at English. For the job, you will: Teach from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Play with our daughter. Tell her stories in English. You will work at our home. We live in Beihai Road, Garden District. The pay is $30 each hour. If(如果) you want to know more information, please Mrs. Yang at 569-3

13、258. 21. Mrs. Yang wants _ for he daughter. A. a babysitter B. a good graduate C. an English tutor D. a math tutor 22. If you are the tutor, you must teach the daughter for _ on Saturday. A. a day B. two hours C. three hours D. a whole afternoon 23. What is not a part of the job? A. Cooking for the

14、kids. B. Working at the kids house. C. Being good with the kid. D. Telling English stories to the kid. 24. If you want to be the tutor, you need to _. (1) be beautiful (2) have three years teaching experience (3) have time on weekends (4) be a woman teacher A. (1) (2) B. (2) (3) C. (2) (3) (4) D. (1

15、) (2) (3) 25. Which is not true? A. The tutor must teach the kid on weekends. B. The kid is good at English. C. The tutor can speak English. D. The tutor can get $360, if she teaches the kid for two weekends. B Mr. Green is from England. He and his wife(妻子)are teachers. They teach English in Beijing. They have a boy and a girl. They are Jack an


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