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1、新概念2词汇测试,6-8,I beg your (请求原谅,再说一遍)? 2. 内口袋 3.夹克的口袋 4. 大衣口袋 5.袖珍书 6. 袖珍词典 7.(小孩)零花钱 8. 零钱 准备好正确的零花钱 10. (男孩)零花钱 11. 车上的小偷 12. Can you take a(消息,信息) for me? 13. Can you tell him to (打回电话)? 14. For the (项目), the government (请来,召集) a lot of experts. 15. I will (拜访/短语) you. 16. I will (拜访/短语) your home.

2、 17. fast food快餐,6-8,18. 海鲜 19. 油腻的食物 20. 清淡的食物 21. I (期待) your letter. 22. 钻石 宝石 24. 水晶 玉 26. 钻戒 27. My wallet was (偷). 28. I was (抢劫). 救生员 30.保镖,9-11,They (欢迎)us (热情地) and showed us to our rooms. 2. He didnt welcome the (建议) . 3. People crowded into the (电影院). 4. Passengers(拥挤,挤进) the (站台). 5. He

3、crowded more books onto the (书架). 6. Dont (催促), Ill pay. 7. The (雪橇) gathered speed as it moved down the hill . 8. She (皱眉头/短语) . 9. A crowd gathered at (事故现场). 10. She went to (准备)him a meal with her own hands . 11. A watch has three hands - the (秒针), (分针) and (时针). 12. The picture showed the (大师的手

4、笔/短语). 13. They laughed at their own (失败). 14. The poor actor was laughed off the (舞台). 15. She gave a (会心的笑). 16. We went to a (爵士音乐会) last night.,9-11,17. He has a (有乐感的嗓音). 18. 乐器 19. He (最终) got a job in a company paying good (月薪,薪水). 20. If you hear an(警报), leave the building immediately. 21. T

5、he (意外的收获) allowed me to buy a house. 22. Swimming is not allowed at this(沙滩). 23. She lightly (碰) his(额头). 24. Dont touch the (展品). 25. They did not (点题) in their talk . 26. There are four (弦) on a(小提琴). 27. I need a piece of string to (把包裹捆紧). 28. The (和尚)wears (一串珠子/短语). 29. He did me a good (行为举

6、止). 30. They (值得) to be punished. 31. He deserves this (荣耀). 32. You deserve the best/ a(升职) .,9-11,33. (律师事务所 ) 34. I suggest he(咨询) a lawyer. 35. I (存) my money in a savings bank . 36. The hospital has its own (血库) . 37. The (侦探) believes the(丢失的) gun is the (关键) to the mystery. 38. (自信心) is the k

7、ey factor in any successful (事业). 39. The (音乐家) keyed their instruments just before the concert began. 40. The earthquake (引起,造成)great damage . 41. His(行为) shocked her out of making friends with him.,12-14,1. She had no (运气) finding a job. 2. The (船长) refused to leave his (沉船). 3. He will (执教球队) nex

8、t season. 4. Our ship (出航) tomorrow for Hong Kong. 5. During the (大风) the ships stayed in the (港). 6. He (被控/短语) harboring an (逃犯). 7. She is proud that she is the (拉拉队长) of the school. 8. She is proud of her (成就). 9. It is important to learn to(交流). 10. He (属于/短语) the(左翼) group. 11. We can group an

9、imals into several (类型). 12. The students grouped around the (教授). 13. (大众教育) is one of our major (目标). 14. She is now a(受欢迎的,流行的) film star. 15. Many young people love (流行歌曲). 16. He writes for a (期刊,杂志)of (大众科学).,12-14,17. (夜总会) 18. Alice belongs to the (游泳俱乐部). 19. He (抓住机会/短语) to(邀请) her home fo

10、r dinner. 20. Her (离开) was the occasion of much sadness. 21. The evening (表演) begins at 8 oclock. 22. (工程师) will test the performance of the(轮胎). 23. A clowns job is to (使高兴) the(观众) . 24. He amused himself by (吹笛子). 25. It was amusing to watch the trained elephants (表演/动词). 26. He told (好笑的) jokes

11、after dinner. 27. The audience was (感到好笑的) by the performance. 28. He is an (有经验的) doctor. 29. I had a rather (奇怪的)experience (不久前某一天/短语). 30. He experienced (一阵极度的痛苦/短语) . 31. He gave me a(免费搭车) to the station . 32. The good news lifted our (精神).,12-14,33. They did not (回复)to our new proposal. 34.

12、They replied to the enemys fire with a (火力网,齐射). 35. She replied that she was happy to accept our (邀请). 35. (母语) 36. Language is an (交流的工具). 37. The(聋的)and (哑的) communicate by (手语) 38. His (散文) is written in (华美的语言). 39. You shouldnt use such (激烈的言辞). 40. It is one days(旅行,路程) to get to the seaside.

13、 41. He journeyed (频繁地) to Paris and other places.,15-17,1. Mary is (私人秘书) to the company (主席) . 2. He was the then (国防秘书). 3. Hes nervous of (陌生人). 4. She is still (虚弱的)after her long illness. 5. He is a man of (软弱的性格). 6. He (不擅长/短语) (数学), but (擅长/短语) English. 7. We cant (承担) to pay such a (价格). 8

14、. I dont want to (打断) you. Go on with your story. 9. They were charged with (干扰) the public (平静,安宁). 10. Dont (停车) on this street. 11. (停车场) 12. (室内停车场) 13. (交通)is very heavy during the (上下班高峰期). 14. (交通堵塞 ) (交通警 ) 16. (交通灯,) 17. Harris got a(罚单) for (超速) 18. Its (闷的)in this room. An electric fan wo

15、uld be just (需要的东西) for me.,15-17,19. Tom opened the (便条) from his (表兄). 20. His new (理论) (值得注意/短语) 21. He noted the(重要性) of the problem in his lecture. 22. The city covers an area of 15 (平方千米). 23. In this (地区) ,there were a lot of wars. 24. Blood in (痰) can be a sign of (肺癌). 25. Ive had another (

16、催书单) from the library. 26. An older photo can (提醒) me of my (童年). 27. I reminded Gerald of his (许诺,诺言). 28. Many small (银行) failed during the (经济衰退,萧条). 29. He did very well, but failed to (打破记录). 30. (服从,遵守) your boss or you will be fired. 31. My aunt (扮演年轻女孩/短语). 32. She will(出现) in court next Friday. 33. A (幼蛾) must pass through the(茧) stage to become a(蝴蝶). 34. They decided to (策划) a (大规模罢工).,



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