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1、Exercise 1 for Our animal friends (7AM1U2)I. Translate the following into English. ( 把下列翻译成英语。把下列翻译成英语。)1.一位动物保护协会官员 2.把遗留在大街上 3.保留一只作为你的宠物 4.又饿又渴 5.带它们去动物保护协会 6.没有食物和水 7.动物保护协会(全称) 8.想要 9. 你最喜欢哪一个? 10. 我更喜欢那只黄棕相间的那一个。 II. Read and choose the best answer. (选择最佳答案。选择最佳答案。) ( ) 1. Hello, everyone! Im

2、SPCA officer.A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 2. I like this little dog very much. Lets call _ Sam. A. him B. he C. his D. hes( ) 3. Yesterday someone _ two puppies in the street. A. leftB. leave C. leaves D. will leave( ) 4. I want to keep the white dog my new pet.A. for B. of C. withD. as( ) 5. The baby is

3、too young. He cant speak walk.A. andB. but C. orD. so ( ) 6. This pen doesnt work, can you give me another ?A. onesB. oneC. onesD. once( ) 7. I 300 yuan for the dog food.A. tookB. spent C. paid D. cost( ) 8. I really dont know _.A. to choose which puppyB. to which puppy chooseC. which puppy to choos

4、e D. choose which puppy( ) 9. Do you know _ the SPCA is?A. howB. whyC. when D. what( ) 10. -Which one do you like best of these balls? - .A. Yes, I do B. No, I dontC. I dont prefer the green one. D. I prefer the yellow one.III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs. (时态填空)(时态填空

5、)1. My father (buy) a new bicycle for me yesterday.2. Look, Mr. Hu and his students (visit) Beijing now.3. we (have) a picnic in the Century Park tomorrow?4. Judy _ (watch) cartoons every evening.5. Mary _ ( stay ) in Beijing for a week.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper

6、 forms. (用所用所给词的适当形式填空。给词的适当形式填空。)1. These puppies are so _ (love). Most of us like them.2. People should be _ to our animals. (friend)3. Which cat do you like _ , the white one or the black one? (well)4. Peter will be a good _ in five years time. (office)5. September is the _ month of the year. (ni

7、ne)6. SPCA means the Society for the _ of Cruelty to Animals. (prevent)7. Look, many_ are visiting the SPCA. (child)8. Many homeless animals are in _ . (dangerous)V. Rewrite the sentences as required. ( (按要求改写句子。按要求改写句子。) ) 1. They had no food or water. (保持原句意思不变)2. Alice left her English book at ho

8、me yesterday. (一般疑问句) 3. They were hungry and thirsty. (改为否定句)4. I have kept the pet dog for half a year. (划线提问)5. Tony would like to keep a rabbit as his pet. (保持原句意思不变)VI. Answer the questions. (根据文章内容,回答下列问题。根据文章内容,回答下列问题。)One day, Mr. White stayed very late in a restaurant. He enjoyed the dinner

9、 very much. When he got home at ten oclock, Mrs. White was sitting at the dinner table waiting for him. Not to blame(责备)him, she asked him if he wanted to eat something. He didnt want to eat anything because he was full and then he went to bed.At half past three, the clock suddenly made loud noises.

10、 He got up in a hurry and turned on the light. After looking at the clock he shouted at his wife and asked her to make an explanation.(解释)“Hmm,” she answered, “If it takes you five hours to get home from work, then I think itll take you just also five hours to go to work. I dont hope youll be late.”

11、1. Where did Mr. White stay very late one day?He stayed very late _. 2. Why did Mr. White go to bed with no eating anything that day?Because he _. 3. Mr. White usually needs five hours to go back home from work, doesnt he?_ .4. When does Mr. White start work in the morning?He starts his work _.5. Wh

12、at do you think of Mrs. White?She is _. Exercise 2 for Our animal friends (7AM1U2)I. Translate the following into English. ( 把下列翻译成英语。把下列翻译成英语。)1. 照料你的新的小狗 2. 给他们一本小册子看 3. 每天喂他 3-4 次 4. 特殊的狗食 _ 5. 用双手小心地抱住他 _ 6. 给他硬的狗饼干咀嚼 7. 怎样照料他 / 她 8. 给他一只篮子睡觉 9. 想要养小狗作为他们的宠物 _ 10. 带他去公园里散步 _ II. Read and choose the be



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