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1、2015 广安中学高考英语广安中学高考英语 9 月联合练习(月联合练习(9)及答案)及答案完形填空完形填空Have you ever wondered why some people are able to have confidence to spare when it comes to taking risks such as starting their own business or taking a year off to travel without an enormous safety net? The answer is that theyve 1 the art of opt

2、imistic thinking. The good news is that 2 some people are simply born to be optimistic, anyone can 3 to take a more positive approach towards their life. Optimists look for 4 outcomes. This doesnt mean that optimists always jump into things carelessly and hope for 5 , rather that they do not let pot

3、ential negative outcomes 6 the potential positive outcomes. By hoping so and having 7 that they can handle any negatives, optimists are 8 to take advantage of opportunities that come their way. Optimists believe that their actions can make a 9 . They do not see their own efforts as being 10 . They u

4、nderstand that they do have the power to make things happen and take steps to make their dreams a reality. 11 , pessimists have a difficult time believing that what they do will make any difference and find it 12 to make any changes or take any action towards achieving a goal. They find 13 why somet

5、hing that has worked for others will not work for them and believe that anything they do is certain to 14 . This makes it difficult for them to get out of situations that make them 15 , such as a dead-end job that makes them miserable. Optimists do not internalize(使内在化)failure. When things dont 16 f

6、or them, they dont beat themselves up over it. They are able to accept failure as a part of life and try 17 with a positive attitude. They are often better able to learn from their 18 . When pessimists do take chances and fail, they have a hard time not 19 themselves and concluding that this is the

7、way that it has to be. One 20 can leave them with a sense of being unworthy or completely at the mercy of others. Thats why optimists become successful! 【文章大意】为何一些人在进行创业等冒险性活动时充满自信呢? 答案在于他们掌握了乐观思考的艺术。1. A. understoodB. masteredC. studiedD. found【解析】选 B。前后照应题。此句回答了文章首句“为何一些人很自信”。因为他们掌握了乐观思考的艺术。master

8、 意为“精通, 掌握”。2. A. ifB. becauseC. unlessD. while【解析】选 D。逻辑推理题。好消息是尽管(while)有些人天生就很乐观/自信, 但是任何人通过个人努力都会学会以积极的态度应对个人生活。3. A. respondB. continueC. learnD. return【解析】选 C。前后照应题。既然有些人天生不很自信, 要想成为自信者, 必须通过后天的学习才能如愿。4. A. positiveB. possibleC. differentD. particular【解析】选 A。词汇复现题。根据后面的 positive outcomes 可得到暗示

9、。5. A. the worstB. the leastC. the bestD. the most【解析】选 C。前后照应题。这并不意味着乐观者总是粗心做事, 只往好处想(hope for the best)。6. A. overcomeB. overlookC. overloadD. overtake【解析】选 D。前后照应题。相反, 乐观者不会让潜在的消极结果压倒(overtake 超过)积极的结果。7. A. faithB. workC. troubleD. control【解析】选 A。词汇复现题。乐观者相信他们能处理任何消极的事情。have faith 与后面的believe 意思

10、相同。8. A. eagerB. unwillingC. readyD. likely【解析】选 C。前后照应题。乐观者很乐意利用所出现的机会, 而不是像悲观者那样让机会从身边溜走。9. A. changeB. differenceC. fortuneD. fame【解析】选 B。固定搭配题。make a difference 是一个常用词组。上文提到, 乐观者很自信, 所以他们相信自己的行动会有影响/起作用/有意义。这从下文的 make their dreams a reality 和make any difference 可得到暗示。10. A. endlessB. preciousC.

11、specialD. meaningless【解析】选 D。前后照应题。此句中的 efforts 与上一句 actions 意义相近, not. . . being meaningless 与上一句 make a difference 相呼应。11. A. In factB. In generalC. In contrastD. In short【解析】选 C。逻辑关系题。in contrast 与此相反。与此相反, 悲观者很难相信他们的行为会产生任何影响。12. A. rewardingB. amazingC. difficultD. impossible【解析】选 C。词汇复现题。这从前面的

12、 have a difficult time 处可得到暗示。13. A. excusesB. causesC. explanationsD. faults【解析】选 A。词语辨析题。悲观者为自己的失败找借口。14. A. endB. startC. failD. fall【解析】选 C。逻辑推理题。悲观者认为自己做的任何事注定都会失败。15. A. responsibleB. unhappyC. competitiveD. unclear【解析】选 B。逻辑推理题。从此题后面的 miserable 可得到暗示。16. A. run outB. make outC. work outD. loo

13、k out【解析】选 C。逻辑推理题。当事情发展结果不如他们预期时, 乐观者并不为此而自责。work out 是平时常考的动词短语之一, 在此意为“产生结果, 成功”。17. A. hardB. outC. againD. instead【解析】选 C。逻辑推理题。乐观者把失败看成生活的一个组成部分, 即使他们失败了, 他们也会以积极的态度重新尝试。18. A. experienceB. mistakesC. friendsD. faiths【解析】选 B。逻辑推理题。乐观者善于从错误中学到东西。19. A. blamingB. protectingC. identifyingD. prese

14、nting【解析】选 A。词汇复现题。此处对比乐观者与悲观者对失败的态度, 从上文的 they dont beat themselves up over it 可得到暗示。20. A. caseB. defeatC. stateD. example【解析】选 B。词汇复现题。根据上文的 fail 可知, 悲观者的一次失败就会给他们留下没有价值的感觉。阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。PLAYA GRANDE, COSTA RICA? This resort town was long known for Leatherback Sea Turtl

15、e (棱皮龟) national Park, nightly turtle beach tours and even a sea turtle museum. However, on a beach where dozens of turtles used to nest on a given night, scientists spied only 32 leatherbacks all of last year. With leatherbacks threatened with extinction (灭绝), Playa Grandes turtle museum was abando

16、ned three years ago and now sits among a sea of weeds. And the beachside ticket office for turtle tours was washed away by a high tide in September. “We do not promote that as a turtle tourism destination any more because we realize there are far too few turtles to please,” said Alvaro Fonseca, a park ranger (管理员). Even before scientists found temperatures going up over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans interest in eatin


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