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1、2015 南宁市高考英语(三月)阅读理解、短文改错自练(9)答案阅读理解。阅读理解。阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。Blind imitation (模仿)is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth. Imitation appears attractive: to those who know their strength. Imitation is unacceptable.In the early stages of skill or characte

2、r development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone elses way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a childs bicycle; they help you g

3、et going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and g

4、one on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disast

5、rous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touche

6、d you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out

7、 of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.Syudy your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not server. Then you can say,” I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors” tragedies and tory, and know that they are cheering on.(

8、) 1.Imitation proves useful when you .A. know you are unique B. lose the balance of lifeC. begin to learn something new D. get tired of routine practice( ) 2. To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should_.A. forget daily fear and pain B. choose the right exampleC. ask others for decisions D. stay

9、 away from stars( ) 3.Acording to the author. The world moves on because of those who are .A. desperate to intruence others with their knowledge B. ready to turn their original ideas into realityC. eager to discover what their ancestors didD. willing to accept others ideas( ) 4.The trouble a creator

10、 faces is .A. the lack of strong motivation B. the absence of practical ideas C. how to search for more materials D. how to use imagination creatively( ) 5. What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To highlight the importance of creatively.B. To criticize the characters of role models.

11、C. To compare imitation with creation.D. To explain the meaning of success.【文章大意文章大意】议论文文章讨论了要创新,不要盲目模仿。1.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段 In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful.以及例子说明模仿在开始学习新东西是有用的。2.B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知人们选择不好的榜样时,就会使模仿的结果变坏。所以,要想避免模仿结果变坏,要选择好的榜样。3.B 细节理解题。定位 moves

12、 on 与 deeply 相对应,。根据文章 of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation.与因为他们让你感动的是出于他们的创作灵感,而不是绝望。4.D 细节理解题。根据文章 Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a cr

13、eator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.可以得出答案。5.A 主旨大意题。文章主要了要创新,不要盲目模仿。阅读理解【2014枣庄高三模拟】If you choose only to complain and escape from a misfortune,it will always follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be strong,the

14、 hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.In an accident,a boy lost both his arms and his fatherwho was the main source of support for the family.Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.For the sake of taking care of him,his younger brother beca

15、me his shadow,never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes,he was completely unable to do anything in his life.As the two brothers grew up together,they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel.Then one day,his younger brother wanted to leave,living his own life

16、,as many normal people do.So he was heart-broken and didnt know what to do.A similar misfortune befell a girl,too.One night her mother,who suffered from chronic (慢性的) mental illness,disappeared.Her father went out to look for her mother,leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare meals for her parents,only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove,resulting in a fire which took her hands away.Though her el


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