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1、基本要求对写话要求的解读:,能根据要求写不少于60个词的常见文体的短文,在文中能对人物、事件、物件和场所等作简单的描述和议论。内容贴切,意思连贯,语言基本正确。,写话总体要求:,1)使用正确的时态 2)使用正确的词语 3)要有清晰的思路 4)要有变化的句子 5)要有一定的连接,1.审题立意,2.结构安排,3.语句组织,4.文采润色,5.检查修改,写作的基本步骤:,1) 审文体,2)审要求,3)审人称,4)审时态,审题立意,审什么?,审文体,例如: 1)A historical eventOur last visit to the agricultural park 记叙文 2)How to b

2、e honestMy attitude towards the uniform rule 议论文 两种文体的结合物 例如:Write an e-mail to your parents about your study trip in London 1)记叙文与e-mail的两者结合 2)正文部分:记叙文体; 开头和结尾部分:e-mail 的格式 3)对一件事情在记叙之后给出些许的议论,审题立意,审要求(1),给出Key words: 1.充分利用关键词,按逻辑运用到作文中,紧扣主题。 2.在此基础上加上自己的词汇和句式表达,让最后的成文有自己的风格和想法。 *给出Question cues:

3、 (近两年常用形式) 1.简单要求:把这些问题用完整句回答再加上适当的上下连接就可以成为一篇比较合格的作文了。 2.想让文章出彩,就必须对它进行“精雕细琢”。 3.注意有无“短文须包含下列要素”之类的要求。,审题立意,审要求(2),给出Beginning: 1.意味着接下去的下文一定是和给出的既定开头衔接自然。 2. 注意隐藏的人称和时态 给出Information table: 对文章的内容框钉地较“死”,内容的表述必 须符合表格中给出的信息。,审题立意,审人称,书信、e-mail:we或IHis spending habits : he To be a lovely Shanghaines

4、e:we或 I Leaving school:we或 I Growing pains and gains:we或I My beloved person: he或she,审题立意,审时态,1)A historical eventOur last visit to the agricultural park 文章主体用过去时 2)How to be honestMy attitude towards the uniform ruleHis spending habits文章主体用一般现在时 3)A plan for the weekendA design for the study trip 文章

5、主体用一般将来时 特殊情况:1.两种或以上的时态在同一篇作文中混用 2.要求较高需对不同层次的时态情况具体 分析(建议:尽量避免),审题立意,1.有新意,People in big cities usually dislike workers from the country. Its a bad habit. Workers are the men who help to build the city. They also help to make the city better. Without them, a city cant develop. People need to care

6、for them and be fair to them. Whats more, laws should be made to protect them as a citizen. In this way, the relationship between people will become better.,审题立意,立意(1),2. 有高度,歧视外来务工者,视角独特,A bad habit,立意(2),误区:hate too much homework hate to take too many examshate to have no time for funhate to be ma

7、de to go to tutors,控诉大会,投诉信 缺乏应有的健康立意, 没有高度,例如: The things I hate to do,建议: 反题正写 例如: hate to waste time hate to waste water hate to tell lieshate to cheat in the exams,审题立意,2. 有高度,*议论性命题写话主要类型 1、“我认为”型 如“My view on fast food”(弊多利少) 2. “一分为二.”型.如: “Exam” (利多弊少) 3、“二选一型”如: “ Is it necessary for middle

8、 school students to own mobiles phones?” 4、“怎样(how to)”型如:“How to keep fit ?”5、“抒发感受”型如:“0ur Junior School Life”,审题立意,结构安排,写什么?,例:How can we relax (如何放松自己),须包含: How do you feel as you are a Grade Nine student? Write at least two ways we can use to relax. What is your favourite way to relax? And tell

9、 your reason.,结构安排,词,句,段,篇,循序渐进,全面掌握“考纲”词汇,熟练运用基本句型,连句成段注意衔接,谋篇润色注意文采,写作的基本过程,以词定基本结构(全面掌握“考纲”词汇),结构安排,I feel busy and tired as I am a Grade Nine student.,We can have many ways to relax ourselves.,句 (连词成句,熟练运用基本句型),We need to relax.,We often listen to music and have ball games in our spare time.,I l

10、ike reading best.,It can enrich my knowledge.,It is a pleasure.,We should have a good way to relax ourselves.,语句组织,Para 1: I feel busy and tired as I am a Grade Nine student. So we need to relax.,Para 2:We can have many ways to relax ourselves. For example, we often listen to music and have ball gam

11、es in our spare time. But I like reading best, because it can enrich my knowledge. And I think reading is a pleasure as well.,段 (连句成段,注意 ),Para 3:In one word, we should have a good way to relax ourselves.,语句组织,衔接,1、用于开篇引出:nowadays 、It is adj.to do 、I think 2、有关“承”的常用词语. 用来承接上文,表递进. also/too、besides、

12、in addition、in fact、in other words 、of course、more importantly、in addition、whats more 3、有关“转”的常用词语. 用来表示不同或相反. however 、though/although 、but、yet4、用于总结的词语generally speaking、in a word 、as you can see,常用的衔接词,语句组织,开头,篇,文采润色,结尾,修辞,副词的使用,句式变化,举例,文采润色,段,开头,1.开门见山式的开头文章一开头就可以直截了当交待清楚文章的主题是什么。 e.g. 1) “My li

13、fe at school”(我的校园生活):My life at school is both busy and colourful 2) “How to be honest”(怎样做到诚实): Honesty is one of the best qualitiesAn honest man is always reliable and can be trusted,2、交代几个 “W”的开头 (when, who, where, what 等)此类一般为记事性文章,先把时间、人物、地点、事件等诸多要素交待清楚。e.g.“A visit to East Agriculture Park” (

14、去东方农业园的一次参观):Last Friday, our class paid a visit to East Agriculture Park. We gathered at the school gate and went there by school bus. It took us half an hour to get there.,开头,3、介绍场景式的开头 即开头利用自然景物或自然场景引出要介绍的事物。 e.g. “A natural disaster”(一次自然灾害) :It was a clear night. All the streets were nearly emp

15、ty. The whole city had fallen asleep. Suddenly, a deadly earthquake hit Tangshan.,开头,4、交待写作目的的开头 在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要谈论一个什么问题等。 e.g. “A bad habit”(一个坏习惯):In this article, I shall draw your attention to a bad habit that we usually do in our daily life.,开头,5、用问句开头 用问句的形式来吸引阅读者的眼球。 e.g. “What is your

16、family education like?”(你 们家的家庭教育方式是怎样的):What is your family education like? Are you in favour of it or not? Id like to tell you something about my family education today.,开头,6、用名人名言开头 用名言开头是一种相当具有说服力的一种方法。 e.g. “What makes a good friend?”:An English proverb says “ A friend is someone who walks in w

17、hen others walk out.” So you see what makes a good friend.,开头,1、首尾呼应式的结尾 在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。 e.g. “Water” (水): 开头:Water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. 结尾:In one word, water is so important that we should save as much water as possible in our lives. Tips: 要避免同一句话在首尾的简单重复,没有变化。,


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