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1、新课标高一英语阅读精选新课标高一英语阅读精选 41-50 篇篇Passage 41Once a rich woman asked Martin Brown, a famous singer, to her house. She wanted him to sing for her friends, but she didnt ask him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat downstairs with the servants. The singer was surprised. But he said nothing and we

2、nt downstairs. After the meal he stood up and said to the servants, “Now, my good friends, I shall sing for you.“Of course, the servants were pleased. He sang them several songs. When they asked for more, he sang more. At 9 oclock the rich woman asked the singer to come up to the sitting room. When

3、he came in, he saw all the friends sitting and looking at him. “We are ready now, Mr. Brown,“ said the woman. “You may begin.“Ready for what?“ asked the singer. “For your songs, of course, “she answered. “But I have sung already!“ said Mr. Brown, “and I cant sing twice in one evening.“You have sung

4、already!“ said the rich woman in surprise. “But when? And where did you sing?“ “Just now, downstairs.“ “Really?“ she cried. “Yes, madam,“ said the singer. “I usually sing for the people after I have dinner with them, you know.“And with a polite “Good night“, he left the rich womans house. 215w1. Mar

5、tin Brown was _A. a rich woman B. a famous singerC. a servant D. the rich womans friend 2. The rich woman asked Martin Brown to her house_.A. to meet her friends B. to have dinner with herC. to sing for her friends D. to do some cooking 3. What did the singer do after the meal? A. He cleaned the hou

6、se. B. He went upstairs to see his friends.C. He went home by bus. D. He sang for the servants. 4. How did the rich woman feel when she knew that the singer had sung for her servants? A. She was happy. B. She was angry.C. She was surprised. D. She was sorry. 5. From this story we know_.A. the rich w

7、oman and the singer are very good friends B. the singer didnt sing for the rich womans friends C. the servants didnt like Martin Browns songs D. the womans friends were very pleased to hear the songs Passage 42 “Step right up. Get your hot popcorn here, only twenty-five cents a bag.“ Toms voice was

8、already hoarse, but he continued joining in with the voice of others selling their clothes. He wiped his face with his hand while waiting for another customer to come to his stand. The hot sun beat down on him. That and the loud noises were making his headache here. But he needed this job, so he wou

9、ld have to get used to the summer crowds, loud noises, and continuous activity. 89w 1. From this passage we know Tom was _. A. waiting for his friend B. feeling hungryC. trying to find a job D. selling some food 2. From the sentence “Toms voice was already hoarse“, we know _. A. the weather was quit

10、e hot that dayB. Tom was completely tiredC. Tom had been calling out for a long timeD. Tom had been quarrelling with many people 3. This story suggests that _. A. there were many others selling hot popcornB. Tom forced himself to get used to the unpleasant job probably because he made a living out o

11、f itC. Tom called out in order to stop the customers from buying others thingsD. Tom had a headache because he was wet with sweat in the sun 4. The underlined word “That“ in line 4 refers to _. A. the hot sun beating down on him B. the customerC. the others stands D. the crowds 5. At the end of the

12、passage, the “continuous activity“ refers to _. A. wiping his face with his hand now and thenB. selling his popcorn with great speedC. moving his standD. his calling out continuously 词汇扩展 popcorn n. 爆米花 hoarse adj. 嘶哑 customer n. 顾客 stand n. 小摊 underlined adj. 划线 Passage 43Mr. Briggs got a job with

13、an insurance company after he left school and went around visiting people in their homes to sell them life insurances.One day, after he had been working for the company for about one year, the insurance manager sent for him said, “Mr. Briggs, I have been looking at your record as a salesman with our

14、 company, and there is one thing that surprises me about it. Why have you been selling insurances only to people over 95 years old, and why have you been selling insurances with generous conditions? Youll ruin our company if you go on like that.“Oh, no, sir,“ answered Mr. Briggs at once, “Before I s

15、tarted work, I looked at the figures for deaths in this country during the past ten years, and I can tell you that few people die at the age of 95.“ 150w 1. Before he worked in an insurance company, what was Mr. Briggs?A. He was a worker. B. He was an official. C. He was a student. D. He was a busin

16、essman. 2. As a salesman of the company, Mr. Briggs _.A. visited people to ask them to work with him B. called on people to make them join the companyC. saw old people in order to help themD. visited many people so as to offer an insurance 3. What was it that surprised the manager?A. Mr. Briggs sold life insurances only to 95 people.B. Mr. Briggs sold insurances only to people of more than


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