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1、时间状语从句,主讲教师:宋刚忠,时间状语从句的每类引导词的特点,一、从属连词: when,while, as,till/until,notuntil,before,after,since等。,1、when, while, as的区别,1)-Im going to the post office. - _ youre there, can you get me some stamps?(1999全国) A. As B. While C. Because D. If,我可以先告知大家这两个题的答案: 第一题应选择B,第二题应选择A。,2) We do not necessarily grow wi

2、ser_ we grow older. A. as B. when C. while D. that,When, while, as三者之间的关系可以归纳为三种情况:,(1) 我们是兄弟:三者均可表示“当的时候”。 公式:as/when/while+持续性/状态性动词(进行时态或者be+形容词),Plumber: Im sorry I was late. Man: While we were waiting for you, I taught my wife how to swim. 水暖工:很抱歉我来晚了。 男人:我们等你的时候,我教我太太学游泳。,(2) 我们要孤立他:as和when都可与

3、短暂性动词连用, while只能与延续性动词连用。 公式:as/when+短暂性动词, I told my children when Lincoln was your age he walked twelve miles to school everyday. But my son said, “Thats nothing. When he was your age, he was president.” 我告诉我的孩子:当林肯你那么大岁数时他每天走12英里去学校,我儿子说,“那没什么,当他你那么大岁数时已经当总统了”。, Just as / Just when / When Li Yuch

4、un stopped her car, a crowd of her fans ran up to her like those who saw pork chops after they had been hungry for 10 years. 就当李宇春把车停下来的时候,她的一群粉丝像饿了十年后见到猪排似的跑向前去。,(3) 咱们三国鼎立:as强调主句与从句表示的动作同时发生,可翻译为“一边一边”或者“随着”;在建议某人在做某事儿的同时趁机做其他事情时,多用while,可以翻译为“趁机”;when可指主、从句所述动作先后发生。,He was running at the nose as

5、he was eating noodles (在表示“一边一边”时,主从句主语往往一致,两个动作同时进行)他一边吃面条一边流鼻涕。(一边一边),As our society is developing, people are paying more and more attention to our living environment.随着社会的发展,人们对我们的生存环境问题越来越关注了。 (表示逐渐变化的过程,通常翻译为“随着”。英语作文常用结构。 ),Strike while the irons hot. 趁热打铁。 (“趁机”,暗含着建议要利用状语从句动作的时机,干别的事儿),When

6、 he looked back, the girl dressed in white had disappeared. 当他往后看的时候,那个穿白色的女人已经消失了。(主从句的动作先后发生),2、关于while的其他用法, I wonder how much you charge for your services. (2010年安徽卷) - The first two are free the third costs $30. A. while B. until C. when D. before,While还可以表示对比或相反的情况,通常连接两个结构类似的句子。该结构是英语作文常用结构之一

7、。例如:,Successful individuals consistently seek advancement, while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo. 成功的个人不断寻求进步,而他们比较懒惰的同时代人仅仅满足于现状。,3、关于when作并列连词的三个句型,Tom was about to close the windows_ his attention was caught by a bird. (2010年全国卷II ). A. when B. if C. a

8、nd D. till,When还可以用作并列连词,其意义为“在那时,在这时”,相当于and at this/that time。常用在以下三个结构中。,1)Be +doing(或系表结构), when+一般过去时:“某人在做某事,突然发生另外一件事”。,Frannie was kneeling down saying her prayers when her four-year-old brother sneaked up behind her and pulled her hair. “Pardon me, God,” said Frannie, “Ill be right back aft

9、er I kick Herbie.” Frannie正跪着祈祷,她四岁的弟弟从后面偷偷摸摸靠近她,揪她的头发。她说,“原谅我,我踢了Herbie后马上回来”。,2)Be about to do(或be +短暂性动词ing), when+一般过去时:“某人即将做某事儿,突然发生另外一件事儿”。, I was about to give the beggar some money, when his mobile phone rang. 我正要给那个乞丐钱,这时他的手机响了。, I was just coming along to see you when I ran into Wilson. 我

10、正要顺路看你,突然我碰到了Wilson.,3) Had done , when+一般过去时:“某人刚做完某事儿,突然发生另外一件事儿”。,He had managed to pull out the last classmate from it, when the house fell down. 他刚把最后一个同学拉出这个房子,这个房子就倒了。,4、关于till, until的用法,-Was his father very strict with him when he was at school ? -Yes .He had never praised him _he became one

11、 of the top students in his grade .(2003北京) A. after B. unless C. until D. when,答案解析:选C,句意为:直到他成为全级最优秀的学生,他父亲才表扬他。,until和till在肯定句中表示“直到为止”,主句要用延续性动词;在否定句中,表示“直到才”,主句常用终止性动词,这时until可用before替换。 公式:持续性动词+till/until 否定词+短暂性动词+until,1)Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes. 每当

12、我想锻炼时,我就躺下直到这种感觉消失。 2) We dont know what is good until we have lost it.好东西,失去了才明白。,5、关于since的用法,That was really a splendid evening .Its years_ I enjoyed myself so much.(2005安徽) Awhen B. that C. before D. since,Since表示“自从”。在考试当中,还时常考查与其有关的时态问题。,公式1:现在完成时或现在完成进行时,since+一般过去时或过去某一时间点。公式2:It is/has been

13、 +一段时间+since 一般过去时。,1)Angry librarian: Please be quiet. The people near you cant read. Little boy: Why, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. Ive been able to read since I was six. 生气的图书管理员:请安静。挨着你的人看不了书了。 小男孩:他们真应该感到害羞,我六岁时就能读了。,2)She has been crying since her cat died. 自从她的猫死了之后,她一直哭哭啼啼的。,3)It i

14、s/has been four yeas since he borrowed one dollar from me, and he hasnt mentioned it to me. 自从他从我这里借了一美元,已经有四年了,并且自此他从未向我提及此事。,6、1). John thinks it wont be long _ he is ready for his new job. (2010年陕西卷 ) A. when B. after C. before D. since 2)Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they

15、hung up_ I could answer the phone.(2000全国) A. as B. since C. until D. before,答案解析:1)和2)都选择before。 第一题句意是“约翰认为不久之后,他会为自己的新工作准备好的”。第二题意思是“有人半夜打来电话,但是我还没来得及接,对方就挂了电话。”,关于before引导状语从句时的三个常考句型,1)It is/was/will be +一段时间(或表示一个状态性的谓语动作+较长一段时间) before +从句:“还要过一段时间才”(当强调主句所表达的时间、距离或花费的力量相对比较大时),(1)“It will be

16、 years - not in my time - before a woman will become Prime Minister.“ - Margaret Thatcher, 1974. 还要过很多年女人才能当上首相,但我是看不到了撒其尔1974,(2) we waited a long time before the train arrived.,2)It is/was/will be not+一段时间(或者某动作+较短一段时间或距离)+before+从句:“没过多长时间就”(当强调主句所表达的时间、距离很短或花费的精力相对比较小时),(1) It was not a long time before his dreams came true. 没过多久他的梦想就实现了。,



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