人教版 必修一 book1unit2 english around the world 语言点

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1、Book1Unit2 English around the world,第2课时Language Points,【课前预习】,.Words _adj.官方的;正式的; _n.办公室 _ n.政府官员 2. _n. 航行;航海 3._ adj.本国的;本地的 n.本国人;本地人 4._adv.实际上;事实上; _adj.实际上的,事实的 5._vt.以为根据 n.基部;基地;基础,official,office,officer,voyage,native,actually,actual,base,6. _adj. 逐渐的;逐步的; _adv. 逐渐地,逐步地 7._adj.较后的;后半的;(两者

2、中)后者的 -_(反义词) 8._ n. 本身;本体;身份 9._adj.流利的;流畅的; _adv.流利地;流畅地 10._adj.频繁的,常见的 ; _adv.常常;频繁地,gradual,latter,former,identity,fluent,fluently,frequent,frequently,gradually,.Phrases,1.More _ 超过;不仅仅 2.use _ 把用作 3._ the end_ the 16th century 在16 世纪末 4.because _ 因为;由于 5.than _ before 比以往任何时候,e _ 走近;上来;提出 7._

3、present 现在;目前 8.make use _ 利用;使用 9.a (large) number _ 许多的;大量的 10.such _ 例如;像这样的,than,as,at of,of,ever,up,at,of,of,as,【课内探究】 . Words & phrases,1. include vt 包括;包含 The university includes ten colleges. 【辨析】1.,including (prep.) / included (adj.)eg. The bill came to $450, _tax.The bill came to $450, tax

4、_.,2. contain和include contain指某物包含的内容或成分 “含有,装着” include指包括作为整体的一个部分或要素 “包括,包含” (同类之间的包含),included,including,Container 容器,1.There were twelve of us _Tom and me.我们有12人,包括我Tom在内。 2. Everyone has to go to the dentists, you _人人都得去牙科诊所,你也不例外。 3. Last Sunday, Sara took with a few of her friends, _, to the

5、 World Park where we enjoyed ourselves very much.A. I including B. me including C. included me D. including me,including,included,小试牛刀,contains,includes,4. Mary has ten story books, _5 Chinese ones and 5 English ones_.A. including; including B. including; included C. included; included D. included;

6、including 5.The basket_ a variety of fruits.这篮子装有各种水果。 6.The tour _a visit to Paris.这旅程包括游览巴黎。,2. because of 因为;由于;为了,【易混辨析】because because of,because,because of,because of 因为(某人/某事)短语介词后加n./pron./(ones) doing/what从句 because 因为 ,连词 后接从句。,because,because of,because of,3. native,1)adj.出生地的;与出生地有关的 构成:

7、be native to (植物,动物)当地土生的 They never saw their native land again. 他们再也没有看到过他们的祖国。 Elephants are to Africa and Asia. native language/tongue 母语 2)n.当地人 构成:native of Are you a native of New York? 你是纽约人吗?,4. come up,根据例句猜测词义 1) A lot of new questions came up at the meeting. _ 2) Dont you have a birthday

8、 coming up soon? _ 3) Come up to the front of the room so everyone can see you._ 4) The grass is just beginning to come up._ 5) We watched the sun come up._ 6) Im afraid something urgent(紧急的) has come up. I wont be able to see you tonight._ come about发生 come across碰到;偶遇 come along 一起来;同意,赞成;进展,进步 co

9、me up with提出(建议);找到(答案、解决办法) come on 加油(劝说 鼓励) come to 共计 达到;达成( a decision); 苏醒( oneself) 谈到(when it comes to ) come out 出版 (主动表被动);显露(秘密 本性) how come 是怎么发生的;怎么会,被提出,走上前,(芽)长出,升起,产生,发生,来到,come up vi. 无被动语态 A.走近,靠近 come up to sb/sth B.(指植物)长出地面 C.(日,月或星星)出现,升起 D.被提出,被讨论 E.(问题)出现,发生 (1)Mary_ her old

10、classmate on the street yesterday evening. A. came up B. came along C. came across D. came about (2)Much to our surprise, the airline has_ a new solution to the problem of jet-plane. A. put up with B. come up with C. catch up with D. keep up with (3)A lot of questions which are related to everyday l

11、ife have_ at the meeting. A. come to B. come around C. come up D. come out,提醒,come up 被提出,其主语是被提出的内容,没有被动语态。 come up with sth 提出,其主语是提出者,with 后面的宾语才是被提出者。 1) The question was never came up. (T or F),The question never came up.,2) He _ a new idea at the meeting.(提出),came up with,5. present,1) adj. 出席

12、的;在场的(常作后置定语);现存的;现在的,目前的(常作前置定语) the present chairman_ the people present_ be present at 到场,出席 (反义词组: be absent from) 2)n . 礼物= gift 目前、现在 at present(=at the present time ; now)现在;目前 for the present=(for the time being) 眼下,暂时 3)vt. present sb. with sth /present sth. to sb 把交给;颁发;授予,现任主席,在场人员,At the

13、 moment,即景活用,1)现在他正在度假。2)Here is a present for you. 3)The present situation is very good. 4)There were 50 people present. 5)Thirty guests _ _ _(出席了)the ceremony.,He is on holiday at present,are present at,礼物,当前形势,与会人员,6. such as诸如,像那样的(用于列举),【易混辨析】such as , for example &that is such as 用来列举事物。通常放在被列

14、举的事物的前面,其后不用逗号,直接跟所列举事物。列举量要小于前面提到的总量,一般不与 and so on 连用 for example 用来举例说明。其前后多有逗号隔开。表明在众多的内容中仅列举一个及少数几个例子,可位于句首、句中或句末。 that is 后面列举的事物的总量等于它前面所提到的总和,相当于namely意为“即;也就是说” My doctor told me not to eat fatty foods _ bacon or hamburgers. Many great people have risen from poverty ,Lincoln and Edison,_. Only one students can answer this question,_ Jack.,such as,for example,that is,


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