2014·新课标高考总复习·英语Book 6 板块十二 Modules 4

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1、板块十二 Modules 46,.词汇认知 1 v诠释,解释,翻译 2 v使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷 3 adj.自愿的 4 n收藏(品) 5 v吸引,使陶醉,Module 4 Music,interpret,depress,voluntary,collection,charm,6 n亲戚,亲属 n关系 7 n诗歌n.(一首)诗 n.诗人 8 v. & n认为,把看作,尊重,问候 prep.关于 adj.毫不留意的,毫不注意的 9 v规定,管理,整顿 n规则,条例 10 v使放松,使轻松 adj.放松的 adj.令人放松的 n放松 11give life 赋予生命(生命力,活力) 12(b

2、e)the same 与情况相同 13make contact with 与进行来往 14draw 利用,凭借,依赖 15in addition 除此之外,relative,relation,poetry,poem,poet,regard,regarding,regardless,regulate,regulation,relax,relaxed,relaxing,relaxation,to,with,on/upon,to,.语境助记 Bob,a of mine,is an boy,who never feelsabout the future.He likes stamps and alwa

3、ys studies hard to achieve his of becoming an excellent .He goes to a local hospital to do some work at .In his spare time,he often waters the flowers,does some cleaning,etc.to his parents of some of the housework,and we all think he is an to his parents.,relative,ambitious,depressed,collecting,ambi

4、tion,interpreter,voluntary,regular intervals,relieve,therefore,honour,1. combine v(使)结合;联合;混合 Like her mother,Irene combined family and career. Irene像她母亲那样把家庭和事业结合了起来。 In sum,our theory must be combined with practice. 总之,我们的理论必须同实践结合起来。,The firm is working on a new product in_combination_with severa

5、l overseas partners. 公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品。,2.ambition n志气,抱负,雄心,Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。 Ambitious students get the best marks. 有抱负的学生才能取得好成绩。 She is ambitious to succeed in life as a woman journalist. 作为一名女新闻工作者她渴望在人生中取得成功。,3relief n(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调

6、剂;救济 (2012年高考江苏卷)Dont worry,Mum.The doctor said it was only the flu. What a relief!Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious. 别担心,妈妈。医生说这只是流感。 这下放心了。我要告诉爸爸没有什么严重的。 Relieved,Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed. 玛丽松了一口气,给他们准备了便餐,然后打发他们回去睡觉。 To_our_great_relief the children all arrived home safe

7、ly. 孩子们都安全到家,使我们大大松了一口气。,4. present vt.赠送(礼物),呈现 n礼物;赠品 adj.在场的 John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. 在颁奖大会上,约翰被授予奖赏,大会还表彰了他们十人抢救他人生命的英勇事迹。,How many people were present at the meeting? 到会的有多少人? Im afraid I cant h

8、elp you just at_present Im too busy. 很抱歉,我现在帮不了你实在太忙了。present作定语时,如果表示“出席的,到场的”之意须置于所修饰词的后面。,5honour v& n尊敬,敬重;敬意,I feel it an honour to have the chance to tell you something about our activities at school after class. 我很荣幸有机会向你介绍我们在学校的课外活动。 He was honoured to give a talk at the meeting. 他因在会上作报告而深感

9、荣幸。 A temple was built in_honour_of the brave dragon. 人们建造了一座庙来纪念那条勇敢的龙。,6be true of/for与情况相同;符合于;对适用 Which of the following is true of the LoB when it opens? 当它开放的时候,下列哪种情况适用于LoB? Its easy to earn money in our county and it is true for yours. 在我们县挣钱容易,在你们那里也一样。 I hope that your dreaming of becoming

10、 an engineer will come_true. 我希望你想成为工程师的梦想变为现实。,7. make contact with.与进行交往 contact的用法与touch相近。 He makes contact with wealthy people in raising money for the project. 为该项工程筹款他与许多有钱人拉关系。 Have you been in contact_with your sister recently? 最近和你姐姐有联系吗?,8. draw upon/on利用;凭借;依赖;来临 I had to draw on my savi

11、ngs to pay for the repairs. 我得动用存款来支付修理费。 Id like to draw your attention to the no smoking rule. 我希望你们注意禁止吸烟的规定。 Youd better draw_up a list before going shopping. 去购物前最好列个清单。,1The tired worker spent a _weekend and looked _then. Arelaxing; relaxing Brelaxed; relaxed Crelaxing; relaxed Drelaxed; relax

12、ing 解析:动词ed形式的形容词一般修饰人;而动词ing形式的形容词一般修饰物。所以答案为C。答案:C,2Mothers are often _ their children. Aambition Bambitious for Cambitious of Dambitious to 解析:考查ambitious的相关词组。be ambitious for渴望某人成功;be ambitious of sth.渴望得到某物;be ambitious to do sth.渴望去做某事。句意:母亲通常渴望孩子(能够)成功。 答案:B,3The hardworking young man in our

13、 company also learned French _English by himself during his spare time. Abesides that Bin addition to Cexcept for Dother than 解析:句意:我们公司的这位很努力的小伙子在闲暇时间自学了英语,还有法语。in addition to意为“除以外(还有)”,符合句意。A项结构不存在;C项意为“除了”,表示对整体的补充说明;D项意为“除了”,不包括后面的内容。故其余选项均不符合题意。答案:B,4Babies need a lot of sleep and this is part

14、icularly _ newborns. Asure about Bsure of Ctrue of Dtrue about 解析:句意:婴儿需要大量的睡眠,新生儿尤其如此。be true of/for.与情况相同;be sure about/of.对有把握。 答案:C,5The report about the flood surprised all _. Athe people present Bthe present people Cthe people who present Dpresented people 解析:由句意可知,此处present表示“出席的,在场的”,这时应放于所修饰名词后作后置定语,故选A项。答案:A,



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