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1、Unit 5 First aid,What happened to the girl?,What can we do to help her before the doctor comes?,What do you already know about first aid?,What is first aid?,First aid is the first kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.,Pair WorkLook at the

2、pictures on P.33. What would you do in these situations? What could we do to prevent these accidents?,Check to see if he /she is breathing,Try to start his /her breathing,Never swim in deep water.,Call for a doctor or an ambulance,Never pull her out of the car,Find enough people to lift the car safe

3、ly and take her to hospital at once,Look at both sides when crossing the street.,Call 119 first and tell them the exact address on the phone.,If someone is badly burnt,we should call 120 to ask for an ambulance.,Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are saf

4、e.,Try to stop the bleeding,Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.,Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.,Reading,Task One Fast reading,Read the title of the text and the headingswithin it .Skim for general idea.,1.What is the topic of the text and howis the

5、 information organized ? 2.How many parts are the text dividedinto and what are they ?,1.What is the topic of the text and how is the information organized?,It is about first aid for burns and the information is organized according to causes, types, characteristics and first aid treament for burns.,

6、2.How many parts are the text divided into and what are they ?,It can be divided into 5 parts. 1.The purpose of skin 2.How we can get burns/ causes of burns 3.The three types of burns 4.The symptoms/ characteristics of burns. 5. What to do if someone gets burn/first aid treatment,Task two Detail rea

7、ding,Read parts1 to 3. Then answer the following questions. *What can skin do for our body ?*how can we get burnt?*How many types of burns? What are they?,protect you against diseases, poisons and suns harmful rays; keep you warn or cool; prevent you from losing water;gives you sense of touch.,We ca

8、n get burnt by : hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals.,3. They are: First degree burns; Second degree burns; Third degree burns,Language points,aid 帮助,援助,赞助,first aid 急救 come/ go to sbs aid 援助某人 with the aid of 在 的帮助下 aid sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 aid sb in doing sth 帮助某

9、人做某事,Eg. He came to my aid at once. He was able to find the museum with the aid of a map. We aided him in raising the money.He aided me with money.,2. treatment 不可数名词 对待, 待遇,处理; 治疗,Eg. The workers received good treatment from the government,可数名词 . “ 疗法”,他们正在实验一种治疗癌症的新疗法. They are trying _,a new trea

10、tment for cancer,be under treatment 在治疗中 be under ones treatment 接受某人的治疗 for treatment 进行治疗 treatment for + 疾病的名词 治病的方法,3. mild 轻微的, 温和的, 温柔的,Eg. 我们校长是一个很温和的人.Our headmaster is a mild person.他只是受到了轻微的惩罚He was given a mild punishment.这个季节天气非常宜人.The weather is very mild for the season.,4. damage v. 损害

11、, 损坏n. 损害, 毁坏, 破坏 ( 不可数),Eg. The war damaged the relations between the countries.The earthquake caused great damage.,区别damage, destroy 和ruindamage “损坏”, 意味着损坏后的价值或效率降低,一般是部分性的。destroy 指十分彻底地“ 破坏”, 含有不能或很难修复的意思。ruin 指某物被损害到不能再修复,不能再使用的程度。,I damaged my shoes in basketball practice today.今天练篮球时我把鞋弄坏了。T

12、he building was completely destroyed by fire.那所房子被烧得一干二净。My new sweater is ruined.我的新毛衣全完了。,5. fall ill 生病 属短暂性动词, 不与for + 时间段连用be ill 指生病的状态,是持续性行为, 可 与for + 时间段连用,Eg.His wife suddenly fell ill last week.He has been ill for a week.,6.wound n.伤,创伤 v. 伤害,使受伤,区别wound, injure, harm 与 hurt: wound 一般指外伤,

13、如枪伤,刀伤等, 尤指 在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。 injure 常指因意外或事故而造成的损伤,还可 表示在感情上,荣誉上的伤害,可用于人或物。 harm 指损害有生命的或无生命的东西;也可指 肉体上或精神上的损害。 hurt 指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。尤其指 打伤,刺伤;还可表示“疼痛”。,He died from the sword wound. 他死于这次剑伤。 The bullet wounded him in his arm. 子弹打伤了他的手臂。 He was injured in a traffic accident. 他在一次交通事故中受了伤。 We wont

14、 do anything that will harm the cause of peace. 我们不会做任何危及和平事业的事。 He fell off the ladder and hurt his leg. 他从梯子上摔下来,上了腿。, 的科学 _ 进行急救 _ 医疗救护 _ 让某人平躺 _ 阻挡 _ 口对口的 _,mouth-to-mouth,give first aid,medical care,lay sb. on his back,hold up,the science of.,practise,冷却 _ 自来水 _ 处理 _ 只需 就行了 _,running water,deal

15、 with,It is only necessary to.,cool,Talking,In China, 120 is the number to call when medical help is needed. Emergency line operators must always stay calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.,Work in pairs and use the role cards below to practisedescribing accidents and asking for help. Take turns being the eyewitness and the operator.,



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