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1、On College Degree开头开宗明义,没有许多题外话。这点很重要,因为有的同学写作文开头会写很多,而真正重要的分析问题往往因时间不够会草草了事。Many years ago, graduates could fmd satisfactory jobs after their graduation. However, now things are totally different.New graduates usually are under great pressure in finding jobs. They always say that graduation means u

2、nemployment.中间分析问题要有条理,连接词不一定要用“first”、 “second”,本文的连接词“to begin with”、 “洒 addition”同学也可以借鉴。This kind of pressure that new graduates have to endure is mainly caused by these reasons as follows. To begin with, most of college students are the “only-child“, who are more mentally dependent. Once they b

3、egin to find jobs by themselves after graduation, they really dont know what to do. If their first try fails, they will think that it is really difficult to find jobs. In addition, some umversity students are not qualified for desiTable jobs. Owing to spending too much time on computer games or othe

4、rs unimpmtant things, their study is neglected. As a result, they havent gained the knowledge those desirable positionsrequire after four years of university life.解决问题部分最好用到上文分析的结果,再根据分析的结果提出解决问题的方法。比如本文提出的解决方法“Students should attach greater importance to their study than trivialiti6s”就是针对上文的分析“Owin

5、g to spending too muchtime on computer games or others unimportant things, their study is neglected”,这样提出的解决方法才让人信服,也让文章结构更加紧凑。This situation can be improved, although the govemment is increasing the growth of enrolling undergraduates yearly.Students should attach greater importance to their study t

6、han trivialities. Besides, undergraduates can gain more socialexperience by doing some part-time jobs during weekends and vacations.点评:该文是一篇议论文范文。文章结构为开头提出问题,中间分析问题,结尾解决问题。议论文一般都町参考该结构。另外, “owing to”、 “spend- - - on”、 “as a result”等词组和句型的正确使用也使文章增色不少。Graduate Study or a JobTo land a decent job, or t

7、o pursue graduate study? It is really a dilemma(左右为难)are presented in front of us.when the altematives(供选方案)It is beyond doubt that some active and ambitious(雄心勃勃的)students will not hesitate a moment to choose the former.They are eager to demonstrate(展示)their abilities and value. They assert(声称)that

8、 a college education is enough. Think ofBill Gates, the Microsoft Chairman, whose success raises doubts about the worth of a MBA degree.As far as Im concerned,I believe that we have every reason to prefer the latter choice in such an era when knowledge isexpanding at an astonishing speed. The demand

9、s for us to promote(提升) both our knowledge and skills are becomingincreasingly urgent(急迫的).So we should keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich ourselves and make usmore adapted(适应)to the competitive society. Needless to say,a graduate study is a wise choice. If we hurry into the

10、 societybefore we get well prepared, we will only find that our knowledge is so limited in this increasingly competitive society.Keep on leaming and you will never regret!Overseas StudyingIn recent years, overseas studying is very popular. More and more people go abroad in the hope of studying for v

11、arious reasons.Different people have different opinions on this phenomenonSome people think that overseas studying is not necessary because they insist that the knowledge in our own country is advanced enough. However, some other people approve of overseas studying. They think overseas studying is h

12、elpful for improving themselves in learning and working.In my view, overseas studying is beneficial. First, for those who want to make progress in their specialties,studying abroad provides many chances for them. Foreign countries have new and advanced knowledge in many subjects. Besides, some count

13、ries have the most advanced equipment(设备)which is lacking at home. With these advantages, students abroad can study further. Second, overseas studying is also a mind-expanding experience. Students abroad can obtain the culture, customs and scenery of those foreign countries. And those who are at hom

14、e do not have such chances. Third, facing with the vocational pressure nowadays, people who have ever studied abroad usually have priority(优先权)in finding jobs. Because of the important opportunities overseas studying provides, I think studying abroad is very useful.Generation GapGeneration gap seems

15、 a hot topic between the old and the young. Parents complained that children didn t show them proper respect and obedience(服从), while children complained that their parents didn t understand them at all. Often they discover that they have very little in common.One cause of the generation gap is the

16、opportunity that young people have to choose their own life. In traditional societies, children live in the same area as their parents, marry people their parents know and approve of, and often continue the family occupation(职业) In our society, people often move out of the home at an early age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose occupations that are rather different. Parents often expect their children to be better than them. However, these ambi



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