英语:unit 2 中考复习学案(译林牛津版七年级上)

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1、,英语:Unit 2 中考复习学案(译林牛津版七年级上),编写:秦缅,审阅:仇海云,Class_ Number _ Name_课前预习一、翻译下列词组,1.醒来 _,_,2. 玩得很开心,agood time/,3.怎样获得乐趣 how to have,4. 做课外活动 do_ _,5.在午饭时间 at,_,6.互相聊天,with,7.练习打排球,volleyball,8.做早操 do,_,9.发邮件给某人,sb.;,an,to sb.,10.一周两次 _,aweek,11.做模型飞机 make,12.为某事做准备 get _ _sth,13.更多的了解世界_ _about the_,14.希

2、望做某事 look _ to _sth,15.这道题的答案 theanswer _thequestion,16.对某人有好处 be_ _sb.,17.教我们英语 teach _English,18.和某人打招呼_hello _sb.19.游泳俱乐部的一个成员 a_ _theSwimming Club二、翻译下列句子1. 你认为你的新学校怎么样?(think of)_2. 我最喜欢的科目是语文和英语.(favourite)_,3. 我英语不好. (begood at),_,4. 也许你需要更多的练习.(practiseit more)_5. 我一天花两个小时做作业.(spend)_6. 我喜欢看

3、书, 因为我想对世界了解的更多.(because)_,7. 感谢你组织了这次班级旅行.8. 每个学生的票价是 10 元.,_ theclass trip.The_each ticket is 10 yuan.,9. 每周一它是关门的.10. 每周三他都去电脑俱乐部.,It _ on Mondays.He _ the Computer Club _.,三、语法回顾:,学习人称代词及其用法,1) 表示“我”、“你”、“他(她、它)”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词叫做人称代词。2) 变化形式,主格宾格,Ime,youyou,hehim,sheher,itit,weus,youyou,theyth

4、em,3) 用法,例如: He comes from Brazil.例如:Let her play the piano for you., 人称代词的主格在句子中作主语。 人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语。课堂互动,四、词汇,根据句意、汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词。,1. Do you think English is d_ (hard).,2. Please write down your _ (答案)here.,3. Happy TeachersDay, Miss Li! Here aresomeflowers for you with our best _(祝愿).,4. Therea

5、re too big l_ (theplace whereyou can read or borrow books) in our city.,5. Tom is very c_ (bright), so hes good at his lessons.,6. My younger brother often asks memany strange_ (问题).,7. We aregoing to listen to a _ (讲座) on health this weekend.,8. I will go to have a t_ (travel, journey) to Beijing t

6、his summer holiday.,9. I wont buy it at that _ (价格).,10.Dont _ (睡觉)after lunch, Eddie. Youre too fat.,11. Thereare many k_ (type) of books in Lucys room.,12. Shirley often _(发送) e-mails to me on the Internet.,13. We have anArt lesson every T_ (theday after Monday).,14. His parents are _ (都) workers.

7、,15. I visit my grandmother t_ (two times) amonth.16. My mother is the b_ (not free) in my family.17. Thefamilies usually get _ (一起)on Christmas Eve in western countries).18. Do you dare to go _ (在外面)alone at night?19. Doing e_ (practiceof physical powers) is good for our health.20. Work must come_

8、(第一).五、书面表达根据表格内容,写一封电子邮件给你的朋友 Jack,向他介绍你一天的生活。邮件的开头和结尾已给出。要求:字数 60;语句通顺连贯。,6.00 am6.40 am7.30 am8.25-11.50 am,Get upEat breakfastDo morning exercisesHave lessons,5.40 p.m.6.00 p.m.6.30 p.m.7.00 p.m.,Go homeWatch TVEat supperDo homework,4.40 pm,Play sports,9.30 p.m.,Go to bed,Dear JackThank you for

9、writing to me. I want to tell you something about my life. I get up _Please e-mail mesoon!Wang Lin,课前预习一、词组翻译:,1. 让我们庆祝,Lets _,2.非常有趣 very _,3. 装扮成一个鬼 _ up _ a _,4.你最喜爱的节日 your _ _,5.特殊的日子 _ days,6.龙舟节 Dragon _,_,7.感谢你告诉我有关中秋节的事 thank you for _ me _ Mid-Autumn Festival8.开一个特殊的派对 have a_ _9.玩一个不招待就使坏

10、的游戏 play a game _ _ or _,10.敲人们的门 _ on peoples _,11. 捉弄某人 play a _ _ somebody,12.穿带有特殊面具的服装 _,_ costumes with _,13.涂我们的脸 _ our _ 14.不知道我们是谁 do not know who _ _15.刻出眼睛, 鼻子和锋利的牙齿 cut _ eyes, _ and the _ _16.为万圣节做我们自己的南瓜灯 makeour _ pumpkin _ _ Halloween,17.在 10 月 31 号的晚上 _ the _ _,_31st,18.吃许多精美而又热的食物

11、eat lots of _ _ food19.收到卡片和礼物_ cards and _ 20.在圣诞节这一天_ _二、句子翻译:,1. 我要装扮成美猴王。2. 感谢您帮助了我。,I want _ Monkey King.Thank you for _.,3. 我们穿着带有面具的特别服装。 We_special costumes _masks.4. 有时我们在脸上涂上颜色,以致于人们不知道我们是谁。We _ so that people do not know _.5. 假如他们不招待我们,我们就可以捉弄他们。(play a trick on sb)If they do not _, wecan _.6. 这将是我第一次看到它,我非常激动。(my first time to do sth)_,


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