2015-2016年秋人教新目标七年级上册教学课件 Unit 5 period 4

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1、Period IV,Unit 5,Do you have a soccer ball?,1.Train the ability of the students about reading and writing. 2.Enable students to form wide interests and hobbies. 3.Enable students to collect what they like. 4.Enable students to understand different people have different interests and hobbies.,1. clas

2、smate (复数) _ 2. do (三单) _ 3. like (近义词) _ 4. easy (反义词) _ 5. boring (反义词) _ 6. 在学校 _ 7. 下课后 _,does,love,difficult,classmates,按要求写出正确的单词或句子。,at school,Revision,after class,interesting,8. 和我同学们一起 _ 9. 打乒乓球 _ 10. 看电视 _ 11. 让我们一起玩电脑游戏吧!_,with my classmates,watch TV,Lets play computer games.,play ping-po

3、ng,Lets play computer games.,That sounds interesting.,Lets play volleyball.,That sounds difficult.,Ask and answer.,Lets watch TV.,That sounds boring.,Lets play basketball.,That sounds fun.,he doesnt have his brother has,Retell the passage,go to the same school,love, at school, relaxing,Frank Brown,G

4、ina Smith,dont play, watch them on TV,Wang Wei,difficult,easy for me,after class, with my classmates,Writing,3a,Write more questions about sports equipment?,1. Do you have a soccer ball?( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.,2. _( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont. 3. _( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont. 4. _( ) Yes,

5、I do. ( ) No, I dont.,Do you have a baseball bat?,Do you have a volleyball?,Do you have a ping-pong bat?,Writing,3b,Exchange books with a partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a.,1. Do you have a _?( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.,2. _( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont. 3. _( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont

6、. 4. _( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.,Do you have a _?,Do you have a _?,Do you have a _?,Look at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but.,_ _,1. I dont have a baseball, but I have a soccer ball.,2. Tom has a baseball, but he doesnt have a baseball bat.,Writing,3c,_ _ _,1

7、. I have a soccer ball, but I dont have a volleyball.,2. I have a ping-pong bat, but I dont have a baseball bat.,3. Li Lei has a basketball, but he doesnt have a soccer ball.,4. Li Lei has a volleyball, but he doesnt have a ping-pong ball.,写作指导:1. but可连接两个意思相反的句子,表示转折关系,but前句子加逗号。2. 注意谓语动词的数与主语的人称和数

8、相一致。,Sports Your opinion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Self Check,List all the sports you know. Write what you think of them.,1,volleyball,fun, difficult,basketball,fun, easy,ping-pong,interesting, difficult,baseball,fun, difficult,soccer ball,boring, difficult,tennis,relaxing, easy,1. A: _?B: Yes, my mom

9、 has a baseball bat. 2. A: Do you have a volleyball?B: _ 3. A: _?B: Yeah, my father has a soccer ball. 4. A: _? B: No, she doesnt. My teacher has one.,Self Check,Complete the questions and answers.,2,Does your mom have a baseball bat,Yes, I do.,Does your father have a soccer ball,Does your sister have a tennis ball,Homework,根据表格中的信息,写一段话。,I have a basketball, but I dont _ _,一、写出下列词组或句型。 打排球 _ 2. 打篮球 _ 3. 踢足球 _ 4. 打网球 _ 5. 打乒乓球 _,play volleyball,play basketball,play soccer,Exercises,play tennis,play ping-pong,6. 看电视 _ 7. 通过电视 _ 8. 放学后 _ 9. 下课后 _ 10. 玩电脑游戏 _ 11. 那听起来很放松。 _ 12. 它对我来说很困难。 _,


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