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1、上海高考生上海高考生 for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each other.The worlds (1)_(famous)heart surgeon,the Egyptian Professor,Sir Magdi Yacoub,has transplanted more hearts than anyone else.To the countless people whose lives he has transformed and saved,he is a hero.Professor Yacoub (2)_(inspi

2、re) in his work by his father,who was a general surgeon.Now 66 years old,professor Yacoub still retains his energy and extraordinary enthusiasm for his career.For 43 years,he has dealt with desperate patients(3)_combination pf poor diet,inactive lifestyle and stress overload have caused them to ask

3、for his help.(4)_ _all these experiences,he is very aware of the role of good nutrition and regular exercise in maintaining good health.He eats very well and swims early each morning.Professor Yacoubs life is always hectic(狂热的).(5)_a donor heart has suddenly been found,then an operation has to take

4、place quickly.He works long hours;he says there are no regular hours for a heart surgeon,as the surgery _take place when it needs to be carried out.For relaxation, professor Yacoub enjoys (7)_(garden) even grows orchids,One dream of his is to go to the Amazon one day(8)_(see) the rare plants there.H

5、e is patron of the Chain of Hope charity,which aims to take medical expense to the developing world.Specialist teams give their time free and travel all over the world to places such as Mozambique and Jamaica to train local surgeons in techniques that (9)_ (save) lives .This charity also brings need

6、y children to the West (10)_necessary heart surgery.Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. (A)A. attached B. contribution C. handicapped D. monitor E. practical F. possession

7、s G. procedures H. professions I. resistant J. terminals K. unrelatedValuable By-Products of Space Research上海高考生上海高考生 was inspired; whose ; Because of ; when;should ; gardening ; to see ; will save; for21 E 填形容词,in many unexpected practical applications 指“在许多意想不到的实际应用” 。 22 G 此处填名词,Equipment and pro

8、cedures 意为“设备和程序” 。 23 C 此处填形容词,此句意为“现在它被残疾人用来使用视线操作设备。 ” 。 24 A 填过去分词,be attached to ,意为“装在” 。 25 D 填动词原形,monitor the physical signs of astronauts 意为“监视宇航员的身体状况” 。 26 J 填名词,此句意为“这些信息展示在医生的终端上用以分析” 。 47 B 此处填名词,One of the most valuable contributions 意为“最有价值的贡献” 。 48 K 此处填过去分词,此句意为“它已经被应用到与太空探索有关的各种的

9、情形下。 ” 29 H 此处填名词,other professions 意为“其他职业” 。 30 I 此处填形容词,此句意为“消防队员现在有更耐挤压和耐烧的特殊的防火封堵材料。 ”31 G 填形容词,a negative record 意为“负面评价” 。 32 H 此处填副词,此句 意为“这在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用” 。 33 J 此处填动词的三单形式,此句意为“一个故事强调了这一趋势” 。 34 F 填动词原形,to finance his university studies 意为“为了学业筹措资金” 。 35 A 填名词,his loan application 意为“

10、他的贷款申请” 。 36 C 填形容词,此句意为“个人信用度在每个人的生活中正在成为重要的凭证” 。 37 D 此处填动词的三单形式,此君意为“信用报告估计一个人,一个公司甚至一个国家的信用度” 。 38 E 此处填名词,此句意为“它是一个评估” 39 I 此处填名词,此句意为“这导致了借款人拒绝贷款” 。上海高考生上海高考生&上海试卷上海试卷 联合推送联合推送第 10 页 / 共 11 页 40 B 此处填名词,the major content of a credit report 意为“信用报告的主要内容” 。41.A根据常识,长寿有赖于好的“习惯”,而且下文有提到。42B根据下文,描写

11、了 Tonino 11 点前和现在做的事情,以及她的妻子有条 不紊的生活,可以选出答案。43C45 空前都在讲基因对长寿的影响44B80%的萨萨里人都和第一批萨萨里人有关系,和 genetic 相对应45C由下文可知,讲的是饮食。A 继承,B,基因 C 营养 D,和平 只能选 C.46D吃大豆牛奶等可以降低得癌的风险。 A 接受 B 评估 C 增加47AA 令人惊讶的是 B 原先 C,意外地 D. 悲惨的48C由下一句话可知,它让房间充满了欢乐。所以选 laugh49CA. 提议 B 假设 C 开玩笑 D 否认 她开玩笑的说到她有男朋友了。50DA. 好斗的 B 暴力的,C 混乱的 D 可以预

12、测的。意思是也许对于年 轻女人讲,有男朋友是意料之中的,但是她已经 103 岁了。51BB 宜人的,A 变化的 C 极端的 D 酷热的。这里的气候有助于长寿, 那么选 B52CA 遭受 B 克服 C 免遭 D 恢复 enjoy years of_disability.enjoy 一词说 明,这些日子是和残疾无关的。53A只吃八分饱说明,是适度,即 A 选项。B 可行性 C 进化 D 确认54B讽刺的是,这种健康的吃法其实源自于艰苦的生活。55C我们经历了糟糕的饥荒。因为现在她在接受采访, 不可能是 A 死于。56. 根据 employers use them to assess,可知是想寻找潜

13、在的工人 57.根据 employers can also make sure that the information applicants provide is,推出是想知道应聘者提供的信息 是否真实 填 truthful. 58.根据句意可知是想了解 background checks 的内容包括哪些 填 include. 59.根据后文 confirm whether the employee has ever been fired or forced to resign 可知是根据 employment history. 60. 根据句意 afraid that long-time

14、absence from may bring negative influence to the employees performance 可知 是指长期脱离工作。 61. 根据后文 them to have contact with ill-intentioned people 肯定是减少与那些居心不良的人的接触,所以填 reducing,而不是 promoting 提高,改善。 62. 因为后文紧接着提到住得近的好处 as it saves time and fares on transportation,所以住得近应该是 welcome, 受欢迎的。 63. 根据句意 Another

15、item which cant be 另外一个不容忽视的方面是. 64. 后文举得例子 like traffic ticketing or queue jumping 都是些小的违法行为,故填 minor 65. 这些细小的行为还是会导致工作的终结 result in the ending of the employment. 66. 根据句意 may result in huge loss 是指工作上的小错误会导致大损失。 67. 是为了避免雇佣到不合适的人来工作,in order to avoid hiring someone unsuitable for the posts,所以才会查 看被雇佣者的背景资料。 68.根据 copies of licenses or university diplomas 在学校的表现肯定是 academic performances. 69. 根据后文 investigators even confirm the date on which the employee earned his degree,连拿到证书的日期都上海高考生上海高考生&上海试卷上海试卷 联合推送联合推送第 11 页 / 共 11 页 要询问,可推出细节 detail 也很重要。 70. 雇佣者查看所有信息的目的还是希望确认应聘者所


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