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1、Lesson 12: Pretty little plant,New words,song,Lets do it,new words,pretty adj. 漂亮的 hoe n. 洞 its pron. 它的,song,There was a plant A pretty plant The prettiest plant That you ever did see And the plant in the hole And the plant in the ground, all around And the green grass grew all around There was a s

2、tem A pretty stem The prettiest stem That you ever did see And the stem on the plant And the plant in the hole And the plant in the ground, all around And the green grass grew all around,There was a leaf A pretty leaf The prettiest leaf That you ever did see And the leaf on the stem And the stem on

3、the plant And the plant in the hole And the plant in the ground, all around And the green grass grew all around,Whats this song about? Its about how plant grow. First, theres a stem. As the stem grows, it makes leaves. Do you remember why a plant has leaves? The plant makes food for itself with its

4、leaves.,Lets do it,Do you have a favorite plant? Describe your plant or describe a plant you would like to have. You can draw a picture and show it to your class. Use your imagination!,A pretty little plant. 一棵美丽的植物。 pretty adj. 漂亮的,美丽的,其反义词是ugly。 a pretty girl漂亮的姑娘 a pretty garden美丽的花园 adv. 相当,颇 pr

5、etty comfortable颇为舒适 pretty cold相当冷,Its about how plants grow. 对于,关于 They are talking about a TV play. 他们正在谈论一部电视剧。 辨析:about与on on常用于一些文字表述很系统、很专业的学科前,表示严肃的或学术性的,是供专门研究用的。about表示的内容比较普通,不太正式。 This is a textbook on Africa history. 这是一本有关非洲历史的教科书。 There is a new song about him. 这儿有一首有关他的新歌。,Do you hav

6、e a favourite plant? 你有特别喜爱的植物吗? favourite n. & adj.特别喜爱的人(物),特别喜爱的 Football is his favourite. 足球是他的挚爱。 My favourite subject is English. 我最喜爱的学科是英语。,Describe your plant or describe a plant you would like to have. 描述一下你的植物或你想种的植物。 would like想,想要,有would like sth.; would like to do sth.和would like sb.

7、to do sth. 三个结构。would like和want同义,无人称和数的变化,而want有。 I would like some hot water. 我想要些热水。 I would like to have a rest. 我要休息。 He would like me to draw a picture for him. 他想让我给他画幅画。,You can draw a picture and show it to your class. 你可以(给它)画一幅画并拿给你的同学看看。 show vt. 出示,把拿给看。可用于两种结构:show sb. th. 或show sth. t

8、o sb. Let me show you my new picture. = Let me show my new picture to you. 我把我的新图画拿给你看。 Show me your pass, please. 请出示你的通行证。 n. 表演,展览 a flower show花展 a dolphin show海豚表演 a car show汽车展览会 fashion show时装表演,; http:/ 太阳gg注册 gwh41iyc 娘”乐韵正要说话,宝音忙止了她道:“我只是风吹得头晕了。”声音微弱,只比死人多口气。柳少姨娘就不敢再说话,宝音进了房间,刘晨寂已来了。乐韵忙着安置

9、刘晨寂就坐、奉茶奉水,悄悄把怀中一条帕子塞给刘晨寂,上头浸了宝音吐鱼泡膜带出来的一些儿柚子茶,嘱刘晨寂回去查验。刘晨寂把脉,原无它症,指尖放开,批道:“弦脉微涩,劳顿了。”斟改了药方,告辞离去。带走了乐韵那条帕子。柳少姨娘陪宝音坐了会儿,说些话,却是明柯弄了只虫子来,号称全城健将,结果一战就被人咬断了腿,亏空不少彩头,二少爷气坏了,砸了那虫盆子,差点没打断你明柯的腿,一帮姨娘劝着停了,刘四姨娘兄弟则入伙一家商埠,那商埠最近一发红火了,添了不少地皮产业,把江上一半儿营运都包了! 宝音耳中听着,披衣半坐起来,拿个柳少姨娘画的木片把玩这木片手掌见方,一次做得十几二十件,画上花鸟鱼虫、写上大字,给大少

10、奶奶房里长孙少爷认字儿玩的,外头嘉颜来了。嘉颜问了表 、少姨奶奶的安,动问表 是否想搬回自己院子,也听说表 刚刚劳顿了,又不好些,反复声明表 要暂时不搬,也就算了,想回去时,只管叫个丫头说一声。柳少姨娘在旁边笑着留宝音多住些时日。宝音谢了嘉颜、柳少姨娘,披着衣裳起来,道适才略有头晕,其实不妨了,还是回自己院子住的好。另一边,二老爷他们在跟老太太谈话。谈至红日中天,说些什么?门一阖,连嘉颜都避开,老太太先对明远道:“你中了举,也能有功名了,是安身立业的苏家儿男了,有几件事,该给你晓得了。”便把官中、宫中一些秘事,开宗明义告于他知道,大老爷、二老爷在旁边,添说些细节。明远听下来,有些是早猜到的、有




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