人教版 初三复习(6)

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1、第一部分JB第六课时: Units 11-12,复习策略 课前热身 要点、考点聚焦 典型例题解析 课时训练,复习策略,1.掌握情态动词的被动语态的结构及其用法。 2.掌握计量表达方式。 3.熟练运用英语表达种树的步骤及用英语制定布告、广告等。 4.熟练描述宇宙及人造卫星。, ,课前热身,1.地面一定要刚好既不太湿也不太干。 The ground must be just rightneither too wet nor too dry. 2.为树挖一个大洞。 Dig a hole large enough for the tree. 3.确保它是直的。 Make sure that it is

2、 straight. 4.把树系在木棍的上部保持树直。 Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight. 5.你听说过绿色长城吗? Have you ever heard of the Great Green Wall?,6.森林里的树木可以阻止雨水直接冲击土壤。 The trees in the forests can keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly. 7.因此他们沿着国家的北部修建了一道新的长城。 So they have built a new Great Wa

3、ll across the northern part of the country. 8.它将阻止沙地向南方肥沃的农田迁移。 It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. 9.几年之后,那些山上也都将树木葱葱。 In a few years time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too.,课前热身,10.多亏了绿色长城,土地里能产更多的庄稼。 Thanks to the Great Green Wall, the land pro

4、duces more crops. 11.学生们应该在课内课外讲英语。 Students should speak English in and out of the class. 12.还有20多棵树要种。 There are twenty more trees to be planted. 13.“菜单”用来展示一系列信息,让你选择去做什么。 The menu is used for showing a list of information and letting you choose what to do. ,课前热身,14.调制解调器是把电脑连接到电话线上的。 The moden i

5、s used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. 15.月球围绕着地球旋转。 The moon travels round the earth. 16.到目前为止,没有人去过比月球更远的地方,但是无人驾驶的宇宙飞船到过宇宙其他的一些地方。 So far, no man has travelled farther than the moon, but spaceships without people have reached other parts of the universe. 17.许多国家已经向太空发射了人造卫星。 Manmad

6、e satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.,课前热身,18.例如,在卫星的帮助下,中国能向世界的另一端发射电视 和无线电广播节目。 For example, with their help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. 19.我们对宇宙的认识一直在增长。 Our knowledge of the universe is growing all the time. 20.这世界本身正变得越来越小,在不

7、同国家的人民能更好地 加深相互间的理解。 The world itself is becoming a much smaller place and the people from different countries now understand each other better. 21.所有的电脑必须在你离开时关闭。 All the computers must be shut down when you leave.,课前热身,要点、考点聚焦,enough+名词 enough+名词+to do enough+名词+for sb.to do 形容词或副词+enough to do 形容

8、词或副词+enough for sb. to do 形容词或副词enough that.,must强调主观上的必须 have to强调某种来自“外界”的义务有时可互换使用,1.,2. enough的用法,so+形容词或副词+that. not形容词或副词+enough to do too+形容词或副词+to do,同义句:,要点、考点聚焦,hear of 听说 hear from收到某人的来信receive a letter from,4.,wash away冲走 go away走开 run away逃走 take away拿走,5.,6.,in this way用这种方式 this way,

9、 please请走这边 by the way顺便说一下 on ones way to在去往途中,要点、考点聚焦,6.阻止干某事,stop.from doing sth. prevent.from doing sth. keep.from doing sth.,7.The Great Green Wall is 7, 000 kilometres long, 绿色长城大约七千公里长。 表计量的方式: 提问时用how+形容词(长、宽、高)+be+主 ,长:主+be动词+数+单位名词(注意单复数)+long 宽:主+be动词+数+单位名词(注意单复数)+wide 高:主+be动词+数+单位名词(注意

10、单复数)+high/tall 深:主+be动词+数+单位名词+deep 厚:主+be动词+数+单位名词+thick 重:主+be+数+单位名词+heavy,要点、考点聚焦,8.hundred, thousand, million, billion等词的用法。 ,six hundred six thousand six million six billion,hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of ,(2)hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of(前面不加数词),(1)数词+hundred/thous

11、and/million/billion不加复数,要点、考点聚焦,point to指向(指远方) point at指着(指近方) ,9.,the+比较级,the+比较级 越越the more, the better 比较级+and+比较级 越越 ,alone单独,独有 lonely孤独的,可作跟在系动词后作表语,表示“单一的、独自的” 可作状语leave.alone;go.alone 不可作定语,可作表语表示“孤独的(心灵上的)”feel lonely 可作定语a lonely house一间孤零零的房子 不可作状语,10.,11.,要点、考点聚焦,13.height是high的名词,in he

12、ight在高度 children under 1.2m in height 1.2米以下儿童,thanks to because of with the help of,12.in a few years time几年之后 (1)in+段时间:表示将来一段时间之后after+段时 间:表示过去一段时间之后 (2)in a few years time几年之后=in a few years 说明离现在的时间用in.time(前面名词用所有格),14.thanks to多亏了,以下几组词可以互换:,要点、考点聚焦,15.twenty more trees=another twenty trees

13、数+more+名=another+数+名,16.There is something wrong with my computer =Something is wrong with my computer =Something has happened to my computer. 我的电脑出问题了。,17.so far常与现在完成时态连用, 表示“到目前为止,至今”=till now So far I have learned about ten English songs.,send up 发射,发送 put up 挂起,成立,张贴,举手 get up 起床 stand up 起立 cl

14、imb up 爬上,18.,要点、考点聚焦,such as 用来列举事例,列举两个或两个以上的例 子,放在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间 for example用来举例说明,往往用逗号和句子分 开,可放在句首、句中或句末。,20.,with ones help=with the help of somebody 在某人帮助下 help sb.with sth.帮助某人干某事,在帮助某人 help sb. do sth. 帮助某人干某事 help oneself to sth. 随便吃些 ,21.,22.,ones knowledge of 对认识,有关的知识 ones memory of 的记忆

15、,要点、考点聚焦,from.to. 从到 be from 从来,是人 come from 来自 hear from 收到来信come from be different from 和不同 from now on 从今以后 stop.from=prevent.from=keep.from阻止,22.from从,其常用短语有,shut down=turn off 关闭 turn down 关小 sit down 坐下,23,24.,mind doing sth.介意干某事(常用否定句和疑问句) mind+名词/代词 在乎某事或某人 mind ones doing sth. 介意某人干某事 chan

16、ge ones mind 改变注意 make up ones mind (to do)下决心(干某事),【例1】_Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics.北京海淀区.2003 A.Thousand B.Thousands C.Thousand of D.Thousands of,典型例题解析,【例2】It is_ to work out this problem.You neednt go to the teacher.天津市.2003 A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily ,


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