高二英语试卷讲评课课件 人教版

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1、高二期中考试英语试卷分析,welcome to my class,试卷特点介绍,1)试卷在考查目标、试卷结构、题型设置、考查内容、分值分配等方面与往年基本保持不变的前提下更加突出考查了学生综合运用语言的能力,体现了交际性语言测试的功能,加大了英语学习与实际生活的相结合(real-life)的比例。2)突出语境,照顾知识覆盖面。考点覆盖了高中英语教材高二UNITS11-15的主要内容和主干知识。3)突出语篇。试卷加大了篇章的数量而且在问题的设置上更加注重在语篇解析的层面上检测学生的语言运用能力;测试起点是语篇(有交际意义的语言单位),所有的考查点均放在一个真实的有交际意义的情景中进行。,听力 3

2、0分 (1.520) 20分钟 知识运用 15分 (115) 15分钟 完形填空 20分 (120) 25分钟 阅读理解 40分 (220) 40分钟 短文该错 10分 (110) 10分钟 单词拼写 10分 (110) 5分钟 写作 25分 20分钟,试卷结构类型分值及时间分配,第一大题:听力测试06年高二英语期中听力题的难度比以往几年略有提高:1、听力测试的速度(录制)加快,考试时间(18分钟)。2、听力的内容与生活实际紧密联系,以真实的生活为背景,例如,学生的生活(take a bus ) 、(take notes)等。考查学生接受信息并对信息进行综合处理的能力。,二、试题的基本情况,(

3、1) 理解主旨要义:(2) 获取事实性的具体信息:(3) 对所听内容作出简单推断:(4) 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。,高考听力要求:,在英语“四位一体”教学法中,把语言知识(knowledge)定位在基础上,是英语“四位一体”教学法的灵魂。 而听力的“四位一体”是: sound(语音) vocabulary(词汇) Grammar(语法) discourse(语篇) 其中sound 语音部分是整个英语听力知识结构的基础。,听力部分参考答案1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.B 1

4、8.B 19.A 20.B,1 When had the woman bought the dress?A Shortly after Christmas B In the spring C During the Christmas season,录音稿:M: If you had waited until after the Christmas holidays, you could have bought that dress for much less. W: I know that, but I needed it immediately. I had a wedding recept

5、ion to attend.,1 wait until after the Christmas holidays表示在圣诞节 之后2 If had done这是个虚拟的句子。 3 could have done 表示过去能够做 的事情没做。4 I know that, but I needed it immediately.,听力技巧: 1 安定情绪,集中精神(听前) 2 略读题目,预测内容(听前) 3 捕捉信息,速记要点(听中) 4 连贯记忆,前后联系(听后) 5 脑记与笔记相结合,第二部分:英语知识运用单 项 选 择答案 21.C 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.A

6、 28.A 29.C 30.D 31.C 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.B,此项是本次考试的一个亮点,也是难点。题目出的有水平,有深度 学生的得分率偏低,好班学生为百分之七十,(10分左右) 普通学生仅达百分之四十多一点,(67分),单项填空注重考查基础知识及其灵活运用能力,内容覆盖面广,涉及连词、代词、冠词、动词时态、情态动词、词语辨析、从句、非谓语形式及交际功能项目。本试卷单项填空重点突出,总体难度适当,没有偏题怪题。注重语境,强调应用,突出了语言的交际性和实用性。解题时,必须领悟题干,分清主次,排除“冗长”,化繁为简,排除母语干扰,注意文化差异,依据题中全部信息,进行合理推断。具体

7、考查内容可以归纳为以下三点: (1) 考查在特定语境中准确运用词汇的能力 (2) 考查在特定语境中准确运用语法知识的能力 (3) 考查在特定语境中准确运用日常交际用语的能力,22 Id like to buy a present for my mothers birthday,_ at a proper price but of great use. A one B that C the one D which 此题旨在代词的考察,1 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will alwa

8、ys treasure. (NMET 2002) A that B one C it D what 2 The parkers bought a new house but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in. (NMET 2001) A they B it C one D which 3 Why dont we take a little break ?Didnt we just have _? A it B that C one D this,点击高考,A,B,C,B,21 冠词 主要考察具体名词与抽象名词的区别 英语中一些词

9、如:failure success difficulty trouble knowledge etc,既可以作具体名词又可以作抽象名词 a failure/ success/ difficulty/ trouble a knowledge of English Have difficulty/ trouble in doing sth,c,One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation. (2002 shanghai) A / B the C a D

10、 one,点击高考,对于一些短语的考察,如:come to 谈到take in 领会,理解for the benefit of 为了。的利益look forward to 期望,盼望 注意to是介词,devote to. Pay attention to Stick to contributeto get down to lead to 33 grasp an opportunity to do sth 抓住机会做。have difficulty in doing sth 做。有困难,词或词组的辨析 如29take in 收容,接受;领会,理解 take away 拿走,消除,使离开 take

11、 out 拿出,取出;使离去 take off 起飞,脱掉(衣物)又如30for the benefit of 为了。的利益to ones advantage= to ones profit 对。有利in favor of 赞同,但是,我们做题时一定要细心,不能看到某个词,就形成定势思维,就选其常用的搭配方法,导致失分。如23题 We should prevent pollution _ happily.A from living B for living C to live D living,但本句的意思为:为了过上幸福生活,我们应该制 止污染。 表目的用 to do 所有正确答案为C,我们

12、常用 prevent sb/sth (from) doing sth 意为阻止。做。,句子结构的考察 She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _her.1) as much as 和。一样多2)Look forward to 期望,盼望 注意to是介词3) as he himself to 是as he himself is look forward to的省略。 34 You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had _ children.the woma

13、n had_ her children.做定语来修饰先行词the difficultyHave difficulty in doing sth 做。有困难,B,C,35 The novels written by the author sell best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he _ in the literary world.1) Could have done 用于否定句,表对过去有把握的推测2)Imagine +(that)从句3) sb play a role in 某人在。中起。作用4) he plays a great role in in the literary world改为感叹 句How great a role he plays in the literary world.5) be to do 将来注定要做。,B,完 型 填 空 答案 36D 37A 38D 39A 40C 41D 42C 43B 44D 45A 46B 47B 48B 49B 50D 51C 52C 53B 54C 55B,


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