people on the move Reading课件

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《people on the move Reading课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《people on the move Reading课件(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Reading Population mobility in the USA,U S A,Which country is this in the map?,Lets know something about Americans.,We are Americans. We used to live in a small town ,but now we are in a big city now . Do you know why?,We are Americans too. We used to live in the big city ,but now ,we live in

2、 a small village . Do you know why?,Fast reading,Read the magazine article quickly, and answerthe following questions:,What is the topic of the article?What is the name of the magazine in which the article appears?3.What two groups are discussed in thearticle?,Old people over 60 and young adults.,Po

3、pulation mobility in the USA,American Living,Detail reading,Read the article again and answerthe following questions,Where in the USA are the older people who are moving south from? 2.What state in the USA is most popular with older people ? 3.Why is Charlotte County in central Florida calledthe old

4、est place in the USA? 4.What has been done in Florida for older people? 5.What is the percentage of people in the USA who move house every year? 6.Why are young people moving to cities? 7.Why does Daniel want to move to a big city? 8.How many people are quoted in the article?,What are the reasons ea

5、ch person below has for moving? Fillin the table with the correct information you find in the article.,Find these new words and expressions in the article . Then match them with the correct meanings. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,aging(line 3) _on the move (line 4) _heading (line 5) _ sea

6、sonal (line 7) _accounted for (line 10) _changeable (line 16) _rent(line 47) _ database (line 53) _,travelling from one place to another place,b.was the particular amount or percentage of something,c. money paid regularly tolive in a place,d. becoming old,e. occurring only at aparticular time of yea

7、r,f. likely to change very often,g. Moving in the direction of something,h. A large set of information organized and stored in a computer,d,a,g,e,b,f,c,h,Reading strategy: matching pictures and quotations,When reading an article which has quotations from interviewees and their pictures , it can be d

8、ifficult to match who said what. Sometimes there is not enough space to include pictures of everyone quoted. It is also not very interesting to reprint the whole quotation along with a name and an age,underneath each picture . to solve this problem, the author will create an interesting short captio

9、n near each picture, which both identifies the pictures, as well as summarizes one of the points in the article, e.g, The community here understands the needs of older peoples, says one man in Florida. Matching pictures and quotations can increase comprehension and bring a text to life,Answers to Pa

10、rt E, 4.edition 5.boom,6.opportunities 7.elderly 8trend 9.seasonal 10.adaptations,Pair work,What do youthink you want to live in a big city in the future? Talk about it with your partner.,Language points,on the move 在迁移中、在行进中e.g. The wild geese are on the move .大雁在迁移中。 2

11、.permanent 永恒的 、永远的e.g. Love is a permanent theme for people爱情对人们来说是一个永恒的主题。 3.account for 解释 、占据e.g. The students who dont like to study account for 16% of all the student who were asked. 4.reduce the risk of 减少的危险e.g. Stopping people from swimming in this river reduces the risk of drowning .,Furth

12、er discussion,Do you think it is better to live around people who are all the same age that you are? Why or why not? 2.What do you think will happen to cities if people continue to move there? 3.What do you think will happen to small towns if all the young people move away,Consolidation,一、Translate

13、the following sentences into English.,1.现在是秋天,大雁们都在往南迁移。2.我将永远记住你对我说的话3.昨天,迟到的学生占据所有学生的5%。4. 戴上头盔可减少头部受伤的危险。,It is autumn now , and all wild geese are on the move to south.,I will remember what you said to me permanently.,Yesterday ,the students who were late accounted for five percent of all the st

14、udents.,Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of ones head being hurt.,二、Reading comprehension,The moment Marie stepped inside the door, she knew that something had happened. Curies father stood in the hall, with whom were two old friends, Dr Paul and professor Jean. The look on their faces frightene

15、d Marie. Dr Paul came up to her and said, “Marie , there was an accident . When Pierre was crossing the street, a carriage drawn by two horses came and he slipped on the wet road and Pierre is dead.” Maries face went grey. She stood silently for so long that Dr Paul feared if he would have to repeat

16、 his words. Finally, she whispered, “Is Pierre dead? It could not be true! Why didnt anybody say it was not true? And , please, Professor Jean, send a telegram to,my brother in Warsaw.” A few days after Pierres funeral at the family tomb an official of the French government called. He told Pierres b

17、rother that the government wished to give Madame Curie and her children money to live on. When Marie was told , she said ,”I dont want the welfare. I am young enough to earn my living and that of my children.” And finally all the friends suggested that Marie should take her husbands place as professor of physics . Such words often came into her mind, “Whatever happened ,we must work the same.,


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