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1、里约大冒险 嘿!Hey! 群鸟争奇门艳All the birds of a feather 尽情挥洒羽翼Do what we love most of all 展现完美律动和天籁We are the best at rhythm and laughter 我们最爱嘉年华!Thats why we love Carnaval! 响亮的野性呼唤Call so clear we can sing to 对着日月高歌Sun and natures big moon 随着音乐热情起舞Dance to the music Passion and love 展现绚丽舞技Show us the best yo

2、u can do! 万物热情如火Everyone here is on fire 群起狂欢作乐Get up and join in the fun 跳舞不分你我 大胆豁出去Dance with a stranger Romance and danger 魔力会降临在里约Magic can happen For real in Rio 不知不觉All by itself! 你就能感受到You cant see 魔力降临it coming 所有欢乐都在这里!You cant find it anywhere else! 在里约 Its real in Rio 凡事都能成真And know some

3、thing else 不知不觉You cant feel 奇迹降临it happening 美梦成真You cant feel it all by yourself!“这里不是里约” “珍奇宠物” “欢迎莅临明尼苏达木斯湖” 没事.Its okay. lts okay. 我会照顾你的 Ill take care of you. “拼字比赛冠军 ”天蓝色, 定胜负 “琳达甘德森,14 岁” “毕业舞会纪念册” “最要好的朋友” 蠢闹钟Stupid clock. Blu,早安Good morning, Blu. “水果脆片” 过.来!Come here! 泰勒 Blu 甘德森!Tyler Blu

4、Gunderson! 你知道吃维他命对你好You know these vitamins are good for you. 这是啥?Whats this? 上当了Gotcha ! “Blu 专用停车格” “蓝鹦鹉书店” “抱歉,营业时间已过” “营业中” 希望你喜欢这本书Enjoy the new book! 琳达,谢了Thanks, Linda ! 掰罗Bye, now. 妈,我很想去看你Yes, Mom, ld love to visit, 可是谁要照顾 Blu?but who would take care of Blu? 妈!没有寄养蓝鹦鹉的地方啦Mom ! They dont ha

5、ve kennels for parrots. Blu,你的热巧克力Heres your hot chocolate, Blu! 我按照你的口味准备的喔Just how you like it.而且我不放心把 Blu 随便托给人Plus, I dont trust leaving Blu with just anyone. 没有人可以照顾鸟No, I dont have a bird-sitter. 生活真惬意啊This is the life. 棉花糖跟可可的比例恰到好处The perfect marshmallow-to-cocoa ratio. 1、2、3、4、5.6 One, two,

6、 three, four, five, six. 这可不是我最爱的宅鸟吗?Well, well, if it isnt my favorite nerd bird. 不好笑,有够成熟Very funny. Real mature. 喂,宠物鸟,你今年要迁徙去哪里?Hey, pet! Where you migrating to this year? 早餐特区吗?The breakfast nook? 随便你们丢雪球吧Throw all the snowballs you want. 神奇的玻璃会保护我 Im protected by this magical force-field calle

7、d glass. 玻璃让我们在里头又暖又舒适 Its what keeps us so toasty and warm in here 你们在外头却冻得要.while you guys are out there freezing your. 真瞎Classy. 你还好吗?Are you all right? 我不太适应这种天气 Im not really built for this weather. 你想找书吗?Are you looking for some books? 找书?不是.Books? No. No. 我大老远跑来是为了找它 I have come 6,000 miles l

8、ooking for him. 鸟类学博士?Doctor of Ornithology? 它好漂亮Hes magnificent. 琳达,救救我,琳达!Linda? Little help here. Linda ! 哇Wow! 你们可以沟通耶Youre actually communicating. 对!我自我介绍后Yes! I introduced myself 逆时针甩屁股的羽毛and shook my tail feathers counter-clockwise 表示它是老大thus deferring to his dominance. 我才看不懂 I did not get th

9、at at all. 蒙特罗博士.So, Dr. Monteiro. 别叫我博士,叫我杜利欧就好了No Doctor, please, just call me Tulio. 你的鹦鹉很特别You know, your macaw is a very special bird. 事实上,就我们所知 In fact, as far as we know, 同类里头只剩 Blu 这只公鸟了Blu is the last male of his kind! 真的?Really? 对,我们最近找到一只母鸟Yes, and recently, we found a female 希望能让它们配对,拯救这

10、种鸟类and our hope is to bring the two of them together to save their species. 好啊,母鸟什么时候过来?Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over? 不.它在巴西No, no. She is in Brazil. Blu 得来里约热内卢Blu must come to Rio de Janeiro. 里约?巴西?Rio? Brazil? 不行.No. No, no, no. Blu 不能离开我,它需要我 I never let Blu out of my sight. He needs

11、 me. 你误会了No. You misunderstand. 我都安排好了 Its all arranged. 你跟它一起来You will be with him every step of the way. 我会陪你And I will be with you. 我知道这是你的工作,但我不行.Look, I know youre doing your job, but I cant. Blu 有特别的需求Well, Blu is very particular. 我们在这里有自己的生活And we have our little routine here 也不爱出远门and were n

12、ot big on travel. 拜托,它连飞都不会Heck, he doesnt even fly! 它当然能飞But of course he can fly! 它是完美的典范Hes a perfect specimen. 你在干嘛?What are you doing? 别担心,它们会发挥本能Dont worry, their natural instincts always take over. 等等,住手Wait, wait, wait! No, no! 几乎啦Well, almost always. Blu!Blu! 你是哪门子博士?What kind of doctor are

13、 you? 你没事吧?Are you okay? 它可能驯养太久了Perhaps, hes too domesticated. 谢谢你跑来说鸟话 It was very nice of you to stop in and squawk around 还乱扔我的鸟and throw my bird. 但你该走了But now its time for you to go. 对不起,可是.Im very sorry. lm very sorry, but. 等等.琳达!Wait, wait, Linda. Linda ! 这可能是最后的机会了This could be our last chan

14、ce. 祝你旅途平安Have a safe flight. 琳达,拜托你听我说Linda, please, listen to me. 如果不这么做,它们就会绝种 If we dont do this, his whole species will be gone! 你考虑一下吧Just think about it. 什么自然本能嘛Natural instincts!被乱扔一点也不自然There is nothing natural about being thrown halfway across the room. 我要让他知道Well, lll show him. 我办得到 I can

15、 do this. 我只要搞清楚原理就行了 I just have to work out the physics. 向量角度平方好了 I have quadrated my vector angles. 风切调整好了 Ive adjusted for wind shear. 正面加强Positive reinforcement. 很好Good. 好,来看看吧Okay, lets see. 机翼打开了,很好Flaps open. Perfect. 起落架,有Landing gear. Check. 尾翼运作正常Tail flaps. Operational. 而且很漂亮And, actuall

16、y, not bad. 可以了This is it. 来飞吧Lets fly. 保持简单就行了Just keep it simple. 助跑、起飞、注意阻力跟重量Thrust, lift, drag and weight. 助跑、起飞、注意阻力跟重量Thrust, lift, drag, weight. 助跑、起飞、注意阻力跟重量Thrust, lift, drag, weight. 助跑、起飞、注意阻力.等等!Thrust, lift, drag. Wait! Blu Blu? 我说过我会永远照顾你的,对吧?I promised I would always look out for you, didnt l? 我有说话不算话过吗?And have I ever broken a promise? 我也很害怕 Im scared, too 如果这么做不对,我也不会强迫你but I wouldnt make you do this if it wasnt the right thing to d


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