2017-2018学年高中英语必修五:4.1Section Ⅳ Writing

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1、Module 4 Carnival,Guidance:Maybe you have heard about the carnivals in Rio and Orleans.However,the passage describes another one. The custom of celebrating from the end of January until mid-February has long been popular in Quebec City,Canada.The first large Winter Carnival here,in the worlds snow c

2、apital,took place in 1894.Faced with winters hardships1,the citys population made this popular tradition into a winter celebration that warmed the hearts of all people.,Interrupted by the two wars and then the economic crisis of 1929,the Carnival was held from time to time until the second half of t

3、he century.In 1954,a group of business people re-started the festivities2.That year,Bonhomme was born and was elected the events representative3.,The next year the first official Quebec Winter Carnival took place.The Carnival snowballed4 into a big event and was important for tourism and economic ac

4、tivity in the city. From one winter to the next,the Carnival enriched its activity program.We have since added even more popular activities,such as winter sports,snow sculptures,and activities based on the traditional Quebec lifestyle,such as dogsled5 races.The Quebec Winter Carnival is the largest

5、winter carnival in the world today,and is the third on the list of Top Carnivals after the famous carnivals in Rio and New Orleans.,美文翻译 在加拿大的魁北克,这种从一月末一直持续到二月中旬的习俗庆祝活动已经流行很长时间了。在这世界著名的雪都,1894年举办了第一届大型冬季狂欢节。面对冬季的苦难,魁北克人将这种受欢迎的传统演变成了温暖人心的冬季庆祝活动。 受两次世界大战及1929年经济危机的影响,魁北克的冬季狂欢节在20世纪中期之前时断时续。1954年,一群商人重

6、新发起了冬季狂欢节。那一年,博诺姆出生了,并被选为冬季狂欢节的代表。 第二年,魁北克举办了第一届官方冬季狂欢节。这项活动演变成该市一项大规模的项目,并对旅游和经济有着重要意义。,年复一年,魁北克冬季狂欢节丰富发展了活动的项目。从那以后,我们甚至增加了像冬季体育运动,雪雕及基于魁北克生活传统的更多受欢迎的活动,如狗拉雪橇大赛。魁北克冬季狂欢节现在是世界上最大的冬季狂欢节,也是继著名的里约狂欢节和新奥尔良狂欢节之后,名列重大狂欢节榜单第三位的狂欢节。,词海拾贝 1.hardship hadIp n.困苦;苦难 2.festivity festIvtI n.欢宴;欢庆 3.representativ

7、e reprIzenttIv n.代表 4.snowball snbl vi.掷雪球;滚雪球般增大 5.dogsled dgsled n.狗拖的雪橇,难句剖析 Faced with winters hardships,the citys population made this popular tradition into a winter celebration that warmed the hearts of all people. 本句中faced with winters hardships是过去分词短语做状语。that warmed the hearts of all people

8、是定语从句修饰先行词a winter celebration。,1.The Quebec Winter Carnival . A.is held from mid-February to the end of March B.is an encouragement for the local people in winter C.is the second largest carnival in winter D.has as many activities as when it was first held 2.When did the first official Quebec Winte

9、r Carnival take place? A.In 1894. B.In 1929. C.In 1954. D.In 1955. 3.What do think of the Quebec Winter Carnival?答案:略,B,D,Section Introduction,Reading & Vocabulary,.写作词汇 预习Introduction,Reading & Vocabulary部分的词汇,完成以下语境 During the National Day,I 1. (预定)a seat to see a fashion show.There were too many

10、audience and the models performed very well.I liked it very much and couldnt 2. (掩饰我的兴奋之情).When it 3. (结束),the crowd were 4. (混乱). After that,I5. (漫步)in the street where there were many people 6. (穿着节日盛装).I will never forget these 7. (美好的记忆).,booked,hide my excitement,came to an end,in confusion,wan

11、dered,dressing up,wonderful memories,.阅读词汇 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义 1.They had agreed to see the carnival at Rome that year. 含义: 2.Christmas is a festival of the Christian Church. 含义: 3.The ghost story made our hair stand on end. 含义: 4.Have you read another epic about the Roman Empire? 含义:,狂欢节 基督教的 鬼;幽灵 帝国,5

12、.The government is introducing measures to revive trade. 含义: 6.I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 含义: 7.The child thought the toy car worked by magic. 含义: 8.His death marked the end of an era. 含义:,复兴 高雅的 魔力 时代,While-reading .阅读课文,回答下列问题 1.Where did carnival begin? A.In Latin America. B.In E

13、urope. C.In America. D.In Britain. 2.When is carnival celebrated in Europe? A.After Easter. B.Before Easter. C.It lasted for 40 days. D.The last day of the winter season.,B,B,3.Which one is true about the carnival in Venice? A.It is the most famous carnival in Europe. B.It lasts for two days. C.It l

14、asts for one week. D.People can eat and drink but they can not wear their masks.,A,4.Why were masks banned in Venice at the end of eighteenth century? A.Because masks were not welcomed by the ordinary people. B.Because masks were not welcomed by the rich and famous people. C.Because people who wore

15、masks usually carried firearms. D.Because it caused many crimes which were hard to punish. 5.What is the key to the carnival in Venice? A.Music and movement. B.Music and dance. C.It can attract many foreigners. D.The mystery of the mask.,D,D,Post-reading .课文语篇填空 Carnival,which comes from two Latin w

16、ords,1. (mean) “no more meat”,is connected with crowds,costumes and 2. _ (confuse).The sounds and sights change from one country to another but the excitement is the same everywhere.It began in Europe.People saw 3. as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.Having fun meant 4. (eat

17、),drinking,and dressing up.The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.For weeks on end people walked around the streets wearing masks,doing whatever they wanted without 5. (recognise).Many crimes went unpunished.So the use of masks was limited by laws,the first of 6. dates back to the 14th century.,


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