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1、Revision,单词填空1. The box didnt s_ at once; it floated for a little while.2. She hasnt been seen for four days and we are c_ for her safety. 3. This is a second hand car, but it is still in good c_. 4. The old government was _(推翻) and a new one replaced it.,ink,oncerned,ondition,overthrown,5. I dont w

2、ant to i_ you. You must decide for yourself.6. London was heavily _(轰炸) during the Second World War.7.No one believed that he _ finish the work all by himself. (设法),nfluence,bombed,managed to,Project,Project,Ancient China and Rome, Dont do to others what you would not want yourself ,己所不欲,勿施与人。,Name:

3、 Kong Qiu Social name: zhongni Birth place: Qufu, Shandong Time: 551BC-479BC Profession: thinker, educator, Works: Analects(论语)Book of Odes(诗经),Confucius,Have you seen this film? What is it about?,Why is Emperor Qinshihuang so important in history?,The Terracotta Warriors,Quiz,In 753 BC, there was m

4、uch confusion and fighting in China.(A) True (B) False,Emperor Qinshihuang united China in_(A) 206 BC (B) 212BC (C) 221BC,Xian was named _ in Han Dynasty.(A) Linan (B) Changan (C) Da Liang,Read the passage quickly and do the,The first silk appeared in Rome in _.(A) AD 11 (B) AD 10 (C) AD 1,Chinese P

5、eople introduced _ to other countries through the Silk Road.(A) silk (B) tea (C) paper (D) china,Put the times in the right orderThree Kingdoms b. the Qin Dynasty c. the Han Dynasty d. the Sui Dynasty e. Spring and Autumn period,a-e-b-c-d (B) a-e-c-b-d (C) e-b-c-a-d (D) e-b-a-c-d,Ancient City of Rom

6、e:,What happened to Rome when Emperor Qinshihuang united China?,Read the article and try to get the main idea of each paragraph,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4,Main events in Rome and China between 753 BC and 479 BC.,Similarities between China and Rome during the Han Dynasty.,Both Rome

7、and China influenced other areas between 212 BC and 100 BC.,Rome and China had a difficult time in the following hundred years.,read the passage and fill in the charts,551BC,509BC,221BC,206BC,200BC,AD220,AD581,AD589,Confucius was born,confusion, fighting, different groups ruled China,Emperor Qinshih

8、uang united China,the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, the Han Dynasty was founded,the Silk Road was in use,the Han Dynasty fell,the Sui Dynasty was founded,the Sui Dynasty reunited China,753BC,509BC,212BC,27BC,AD1,AD410,AD476,Rome was founded,Rome became a republic,the influence of the Romans spread,Rom

9、e became an empire,the first silk appeared in Rome,Roman rule ended in Britain,end of the Roman Empire,Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.此时的罗马不仅是一座城市和共和国,它也将成为历史上最大帝国之一 的都城。,not onlybut (also),他不但教英语,他还写小说。 He not

10、only taught English, but (also) wrote novels. Not only did he teach English, but (also) he wrote novels. 他不仅喜欢运动,而且擅长绘画. Not only does he like sports, but also he is good at painting.,结构:,思考:,你还能想出与not only.but also相关的其他基本语法现象吗?举例说明。Not only he but also his parents _(be) ready to help others.,are,Th

11、e Hang Dynasty was founded with Changan as its captial.,结构 :,With + object + object complement,仿句:,思考:你还能想出与此相似的with的其他结构吗?举例说明。,What is interesting is that the other largest city was Rome.,结构:仿句:,Subject clause + be + predictive clause,Chinese people managed to travel further and further along the

12、silk road , introducing silk, china,tea , etc仿句:_思考:这里introduce后为什么加ing 而不是ed形式,你能举一个-ed形式的相似的句子吗?,Competition,red,pink,yellow,green,1. _ snacks and drinks, but theyalso brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.A. Not only they broughtB. Not only did they bringC. Not only

13、 brought theyD. Not only they did bring,2.Seldom _ any mistakes during my past few years of working there.A. would I make B. have I made C. I did make D. shall I make,“You cant catch me!” Janet shouted, _ away. (run) The teacher entered the classroom, _ by a group of students. (follow),running,follo

14、wed,The woman held a baby in her arms when she got on the bus.The woman got on the bus _ a baby _ her arms.,with,in,你若送我一张照片,我便回赠一张给你. (in return/ in return for) If you give me your photo, I will give you mine in return.I will give you mine in return for your photo.,Consolidation : fill in the blank

15、s in good condition, involve in, in memory of, carry out, on board, in use, in return, no more, manage to, take over 1. When he fell ill, his daughter _ his business. 2. This library was built _ a scientist.,took over,in memory of,in good condition, involve in, carry out, on board, in use, in return, no more, manage to 3. The box was heavy, but he _ carry it. 4. As soon as we went _, our ship left port. 5. Time lost will return _. 6. I dont care about the price, so long as the car is _.,


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