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1、英语教案英语教案Unit6MainlyrevisionUnit6Mainlyrevision 教学教学 目标目标1。重点词汇:express ,advantage, blame, hand in hand ,bring in ,try out, give out,gift, work out, stick to, lead to, be content with, respect,prove, breakdown, nature, gather, rubbish, seek, get rid of, break up2。重点句型:1)Its possible that the reader o

2、r viewer will remember the advertisement but not the name of the product。2)Isnt it time you made someones life a bit easier?3)It has been proved again and again that repeated advertising increases product sales。3。交际用语:Agreement & disagreementI think it would be a good idea to I agree。/I agree withTh

3、ats true/right。Of course。/No problem。/I think so。/I dont think so。I dont agree withIm afraid I cant agree with you。4。复习运去分词作定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语的用法 教学建议 教材分析本单元课文词汇,内容较浅显,课文亮点不多,建议教师快速处理完课文,把重点放在“环境保护”这个话题以及对第一-第六单元的复习提高上。过去分词概念&过去分词作表语,定语:I。过去分词也是一种非限定动词,一般只有一种形式,但少数过去分词有两种不同的形式,如:born(生)borne(负担)got(得到)

4、gotten(得到的)hung(悬挂)hanged(绞死)lit(燃着)lighted(燃着)rotted(被腐烂)rotten(腐烂的)shrunk(被收缩)shrunken(已收缩的)struck(被打击)stricken(被打击的)sunk(陷下)sunken(陷下的)II。special Focus:由以上例词可以看出不同形式的过去分词可具有不同的意义。有时二者的用法也不一样。现仅以 sunk 和 sunken为例:(1)His cheeks have sunk in。他的两颊陷了下去。 (过去分词 sunk 是主要动词,与助动词 have 构成谓语动词)(2)He was sunk

5、in thought。他陷入沉思。 (过去分词 sunk 是非限定动词,用作表语)(3)The old man has sunken cheeks。那位老人的双颊陷了下去(过去分词 sunken 是非限定动词,相当于形容词,用作定语)III。Conclusion:由此可以看出,作为非限定动词,过去分词 sunk 与sunken 的区别在于:前者的动词性质较强,后者则已相当于形容词。IV。过去分词也有双重性:一方面有动词的性质,另一方面相当于形容词。如:(1)I saw the ball thrown into the garden。 我看见那球被扔进了花园。 (有动词的性质)(2)Shes v

6、ery worried。 她很担心。 (相当于形容词)V。句法功能:A:过去分词用作表语Fill in the blank with past participle。 Pay attention to their meanings。A。 mistaken B。 Gone C。 broken D。 satisfied E。 gone(1) Never touch an electric wire when it is_。 决不要触摸断了的电线。 (表示状态)(2) Hes _。 他走了。 (不久前发生的动作)(3) Youre _。 你错了。 (非永久性)(4) Are you _ that I

7、 am telling the truth?你相信我说的是实话吗?(后接 that 从句)(5) _are the days when they could do what they liked。他们为所欲为的日子一去不复返了。 (用作表语的过去分词可用于倒装句中,置于句首)(1) C (2) E (3) A (4) D (5)BB。过去分词用作定语过去分词可用作定语。如是单词,常置于其所修饰的名词之前,如:(1) Did you pay a visit to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier?你去看了无名英雄之墓吗?(永久性)(2) Her job was to

8、 take care of the wounded soldier。她的工作就是照料这个伤员。 (不久前发生的动作)过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修好的等词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句,如:(1) Trucks and buses were driven on gas carried in large bags on the roof。卡车和公共汽车都烧煤气,煤气是装在车顶上的袋中。(相当于:Trucks and buses were driven on gas which was carried in large bags on the roof。 )(2) The meeting,

9、 attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the Chinese delegation。他们举行了欢迎中国代表团的大会,到会的有 5 千多人。 (相当于 meeting, which was attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the Chinese delegation。 )词语辨析:1。 fix, mend 与 repairA。fix“修理,整理”主要指修理机器、表、机件,修补房层、车胎、玩具等。fix 常可代替 repair。如:I am going to have my

10、watch fixed。 我要把我的手表修一修。You must get the radio fixed。 你得修一修这个收音机。B。mend“修理,修补,缝补” ,多指对玩具、衣服、鞋袜等的修补,有时也可指对道路、门窗及电器的修理。如:Mary is mending her skirt玛丽正在补裙子。He has sent his shoes there to be mended他把鞋子送到那边补去了。C。repair“修,修理,修补” ,多指对机械、车辆、无线电、建筑物,道路等比较复杂的修理,对衣服。鞋袜的修补也可用 repair,但 mend 更常用。如Some workers are

11、repairing the road一些工人在修路。Has the television set been repaired yet? 电视机修好了吗?2agree 的各种搭配A。agree with sb表示“同意某人的意见” ;也可接表示意见、想法、观点、决定的词,即 agree with ones views / opinions / words / what one says / decision 等。如:She always agrees with us in words but opposes in deeds她总是口头上赞成我们,行动上反对。I completely agree

12、with what you said 我完全同意你所说的。I completely agree with your views on the question我完全同意你对这个问题的看法。agree with 还可表示“相一致,符合” (不能用于被动语态) 。如:The climate here doesnt agree with me 这里的气候对我不合适。B。agree to,to 是介词,后面常跟plan,proposal, suggestion, arrangement 等。如:We all agree to your proposal 我们都同意你的提议。They agreed to

13、 Marys plan for the summer holidays他们同意玛丽的暑假计划。C。agree to do sth同意做某事。如:They agreed to leave at onceD。agree on/ upon 就达成协议(双方决定,可用被动语态) 。如:I dont agree with you on this problem 在这问题上,我不同意你的意见。We agreed on how to protect the environment。 就如何保护环境一事,我们取得了一致的意见。4 “找”search, seek, hunt for, find, find ou

14、t, look forA。search 通常指对某处、某地进行搜查或搜索;对人时为“搜身” 。常接 for 构成短语 search for,作“寻找;搜寻”解,其对象多为一个或一批人或物,如找矿,找资料,找文件,找工作等。它强调寻找的行为,不着重结果。如:The police searched him but nothing was found on him 警方搜了他的身,但什么也没找到。They are searching for the missing child他们在寻找失踪的孩子。B。seek 一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一具体的东西,是比较正式的书面用法。可构成 seek

15、 for,seek after 等短语,作“寻找,设法得到”等解。其后可接动词不定式,此时表示“试图,企图” 。如:They seek information from various sources。 他们从各种来源收集信息。They seek after the truth 他们追求真理。C。hunt for 指竭力搜寻,其搜寻对象往往是某种迫切需要的东西或人。如:This is just the thing I am hunting for。 这正是我在找的东西。Theyve been hunting for you everywhere。 他们一直在到处找你。D。 look for 强

16、调找的过程。如:He is looking for his dictionary bought yesterday。 他在找昨天买的那本词典。E。find 通常强调找的结果。其后可跟名词、复合结构或 that 从句。如:Use your head, then youll find a way。 开动脑筋,就会有办法的。He found his home village unchanged。 他发现家乡还是老样子。F。find out 通过观察、调查、询问等方式找出(原因等) ,或发现(秘密、错误)情况等,其后一般跟名词、代词或从句。如:Have you found out his address? 你查到


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