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1、By Maggie 2014.03.04,书面表达,倡议书,第一节,倡议书是公开提倡某种做法,倡导某种活动,鼓励别人响应的一种信函文书。倡议书具有广泛发动,调动大多数人参与的作用。,倡议书的构成,1 标题:简单概括倡议的内容。英语倡议书多数情况下省略。,2 称呼:可根据受倡议的对象选用适当的称谓,如 Dear classmates, Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls,3 正文: 正文是倡议书的重要部分,主要写倡议的背景,倡议的对象,目的,内容,意义和要求。,4 结尾:表示倡议者的决心,希望以及建议,常用Lets Why not? 等提建议的句型。,5 落

2、款: 写倡议书的单位名称或发起人姓名。,注意事项,1 倡议书的内容要有新的时尚和精神,要切实可行。 2 倡议书的背景,目的要写清楚,理由要充分措辞要恰当,情感要真挚,同时要富有鼓动性。 3 篇幅不宜过长。,常用句型,I am sure that we can do the work well. Lets do it from now on. Please offer your love to those people introuble. 4 Why not help them a little? 5 We should make good use of these things. 6 Its

3、 our duty to keep our school clean. 7 We give them a little, they will get a lot.,万能模板,Dear (称呼),We know that ( 原因,背景). In order to (目的),we should(措施,方法等). I think (发表观点).Lets (提出希望).(落款),Writing 1,某英文网站提出“走路去上学”的倡议,请你 就这一话题写一篇约80词的英语文章,内容包 括:走路有利于健康,和朋友结伴有利于 让父母节省使城市等等;可适当发挥 注意:文中不得出现真实人名,校名等。 参考词汇

4、: be good for, with friends, save,写作步骤,三段式模板总述详述号召,Walking to school is good for us.,Walking is helpful toIts goodIts fun,Lets go to school on foot.,范文,I think going to school on foot is good for us. First of all,walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it is good for health. Next,it is

5、fun to walk together with friends every day. We can talk about something interesting and know each other better. Whats more,if we walk,our parents wont have to drive us to school. There will be fewer cars in the city. More walking and less driving can help to make,our city cleaner. The streets wont

6、be as crowded as they are now. So I hope more and more students will go to school on foot.Lets go to school on foot from now on.,Practice 1,目前,长沙市正积极创建全国文明城市, 请你以学校的名义就“创建文明城”这一主题, 根据下列提示写一封倡议书。要点提示:1 爱护花草树木2 不在公共场所随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾3 遵守交通规则4 尊敬师长,礼貌待人5 团结友爱,助人为乐,注意: 词数80左右,包含所有要点, 不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥。,1 爱护花草树木2 不在

7、公共场所随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾3 遵守交通规则4 尊敬师长,礼貌待人5 团结友爱,助人为乐,Dear schoolmates,Our Changsha City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的) city. We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior. So we middle School students can do something for it Lets start from ourselves.The Student Union,Our Changsh

8、a City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的) city. We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior. So we middle School students can do something for it.To make our city more beautiful, we should take care of flowers and trees. We mustnt spit in public or throw rubbish everywhere

9、. And we shouldnt break the traffic rules. As middle school students, we should respect our teachers and the old. We should get along well with each other. Besides, we should be always ready to help each other. Do you agree with me?Lets start from ourselves.,假如你是Jim,下个星期五是世界读书日。请你根 据下面的提示,写一篇80词左右的倡

10、议书,倡议大 家多读书。提示:1 读书可以让人变得聪明,有智慧,帮助我们更快乐地成长。2 到图书馆里多读书,读好书。3 上网,看电视,逛街等太浪费时间。,Practice 2,Hi, boys and girls,Next Friday is the World Reading Day. Have you been reading these days?Now many students spend much time surfing the Internet, watching TV and hanging out with friends. Why not spend the time r

11、eading books? Reading has many advantages. It can not only make us cleverer and wiser but also help us get more knowledge. And its also helpful to make us grow better. I think we should go to the library as much as possible. We should try to read many good books. The more we read, the better well be

12、come.,调查报告,第二节,调查报告是对某项工作,某个事件,某个 问题深入细致的调查后,将集中收集到的材料加以系统整理,分析研究,以书面形式汇报调查情况及其结果的一种应用文体。新闻报道也要有标题,写作基本同调查报告。,一 调查报告的写作格式1. 标题: 标题可用陈述式,提问式和正副标题结合使用三种格式。2. 内容:说明调查的原因和主要内容,包括调查时间,地点,调查对象,调查方法等。3. 正文: 一般分为前言,主体,结论三部分。,二 调查报告的注意事项:1. 叙述的事实表达的观点都要来自调查 的结果。2. 调查往往带有一定的目的,写作时一定 要围绕主题展开。3. 报告要有具体的认识,观点或基本

13、结论。,常用句型1 We did a survey about sth. last week. 2 Some people dont really agree. 3 They dont think so. 4 According to the result of the survey,we know that.,万能模板A survey about (标题)In order to (调查目的), we did a survey about . Here is the result.(调查结果) From the survey, we know . (分析报告)I think we should

14、 .(提出意见措施等),Writing随着网络技术的不断发展,人们传递情感 的方式也在不断变化。假如你叫王强,上周 你就“使用纸质卡片还是电子卡片?”在班级 展开了一项调查。请你给China Daily 报社 写一封信,介绍此次调查的结果并发表你的 观点。,约30%的同学认为,约70%的同学认为,你认为,使用纸质卡片: 1 手工制作,表达真情 2 携带方便,便于保存 3 .,使用电子卡片: 1 信息量大,传递快捷 2 节约纸张,利于环保 3 .,1.2.(至少两条),要求: 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。 必须包括所有相关信息,并适当发挥。 词数100,Dear Editor,I am wr

15、iting to tell you about the survey. Ive made on “Using paper cards or e-mail cards?” in our class. .Yours trulyWang Qiang,纸质卡片,电子卡片,我的观点,About 30% of the students use First, Second Third.,About 70% use. Therere three reasons.,I likebecause.,Dear Editor,I am writing to tell you about the survey. Ive

16、made on “Using paper cards or e-mail cards?” in our class.About 30% of the students want to use the paper cards. Firstly, people can make them by themselves and they can show peoples real feelings. Secondly, people can take them everywhere and keep them for a long time. Thirdly, people dont have to read them through computers. They can read them directly. However, about 70% of the students prefer to use e-cards. E-cards can,


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