国际贸易实务双语教程(第三版)unit 061

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1、,国际贸易实务双语教程 (第三版),(INTERNATIONAL Business Practice),清华大学出版社,Review,What is the quality of goods?,Please illustrate the importance of the quality of goods.,How many ways are there in international trade to indicate the quality of goods? What are they?,Main Points of this Chapter,Calculating Units of

2、Quantity of the Goods,Methods of Calculating Weight,Introduction,Chapter 6 Quantity of Commodity,Any business deal consists of a certain quantity of goods supplied by the seller and a certain sum of money paid by the buyer. Without a certain quantity of goods, any business deal would be groundless.

3、Thus, quantity clause is one of the essential terms and conditions for the conclusion of a transaction in the contract.,United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods requires that the quantity of goods delivered should be identical to that called for in the contract, otherwi

4、se the buyer is entitled to reject the portion of goods excessive in quantity, and to claim against the seller if the quantity is found to be less than that called for in the contract.,Definition of Quantity of Goods,refers to the weight, number, length, volume, area, capacity, etc. which are indica

5、ted by different measuring units.,1 中国大米,500公吨,麻袋装,以毛作净China Rice in gunny bags of 500 m/t, gross for net 2 中国大米,1000公吨,卖方可溢装或短装5%China Rice 1000 m/t, with 5% more or less at sellers option 3 AAA 精密高速自动冲床机一台AAAs precision high speed automatic press 1 set.,Examples,Because different countries have di

6、fferent systems on calculating units such as length, capacity and weight, the units of measurement vary from a country to another. Furthermore, the same unit of measurement may represent different quantities.,Section One Calculating Units of Quantity of the Goods,Long ton/English ton (2 240 Ibs),Sho

7、rt ton/American ton (2 000 Ibs),Take example of “ton”. There are various “tons” weighing differently in different systems,Metric ton/French ton (about 2 204 Ibs).,1 metric ton = 0.9842长吨,1 metric ton = 1.1023 短吨,1 metric ton = 2204.6 磅,Therefore, it is greatly important for trader to know the units

8、of measurement in different systems and the way how they are converted into another. The commonly used systems in the world are the Metric System, the British System and the U. S. System.,What unit of measurement should be chosen in the contract should go in accordance with the nature of goods. The

9、units of measurement generally used in international trade are listed in the following table,(Table 6-1units of Measurement) P 119,长度换算,面积换算,容积换算,体积换算,1Weight(重量),It is usually used for mineral products, agricultural and by-products such as wool, cotton, grains and ore products. When it is used in t

10、he contract, there are metric ton or kilo ton, long ton or gross ton, short ton or net ton, gram(g), kilogram(kg), ounce(oz), pound(lb), gram, quintal(公担), hundred (weight or cwt) (英担) , etc.,2Number(个数),Constantly used for measurement of industrial products and general products: ready-made clothes,

11、 stationery, paper, toys and so on piece(pc), package(pkg), pair, set, dozen(doz), gross(gr), ream(rm), roll or coil, etc.,3Length(长度),It is mostly used for textile products, metal cords, electric wires, ropes and so on, such as meter(m), foot(ft), yard(yd), etc.,4Area(面积),It is often used in trade

12、of glass, textile products such as carpets, etc. like square meter, square foot, square yard and the like. Often we add thickness in the contract.,5Volume(体积),It is generally used for timber/wood, chemical gases, etc., it includes cubic meter, cubic foot, cubic yard, etc.,6Capacity(容积),It is mostly

13、used for grain, petroleum/oil, etc. The commonly used capacity units are liter, gallon, bushel and so on.,Table 6-2 Length conversion长度换算 (P120),Table 6-3 Area conversion面积换算 (P121),Table 6-4 Capacity conversion容积换算 (P121),Table 6-5 Capacity conversion体积换算 (P121),In international trade, goods are mo

14、st often measured in the units of weight. The methods to measure the weight of goods are stated as follows.,Section Two Methods of Calculating Weight (计算重量的方法),Weight Calculation (按毛重计算),By Net Weight (按净重),Conditioned Weight (公量),Theoretical Weight (理论重量),Legal Weight (法定重量),Weight Calculation(重量的计

15、算),Gross weight is the sum of total weight of the commodity itself and the tare (the package weight). Thats to say it refers to the net weight plus the tare weight of the goods.,1) By Gross Weight(按毛量),2) By Net Weight(按净重),Net weight is the actual weight of commodity without the addition of the tar

16、e. In international trade if the goods are sold by weight, the net weight is often used.,Net weight,gross weight,tare weight,(1) By actual tare: The actual weight of packages of the whole commodities.,(2) By average tare: In this way, the weight of packages is calculated on the basis of the average tare of a part of the packages.,There are four ways to calculate tare.,



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