领导素质 Leadership Quality

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《领导素质 Leadership Quality》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《领导素质 Leadership Quality(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、领导素质 Leadership Quality情景欣赏 1Part IA : How satisfied are you with the quality of leadership in U. S. corporations on a scale of one to ten, ten being highly satisfied? What is lacking in todays business leaders甲:在一到十的范围内,十为高度满意,你对美国公司领导素质的满意度是多少? 公司领导还存在什么缺憾?B: When I look at the whole spectrum of b

2、usinesses,I think that business leaders are getting better. People are better trained and they are more aware of their environment. The problem is that people are under tremendous pressure. The big thing that prevents me from giving leaders a ten is that they think you have to choose between results

3、 and people. They think it is an either / or situation-either you care for people or you care for results. For me, they,re equally important because people who feel good about themselves produce good results. Also, people who produce good results feel good about themselves.乙:从整个经济来看,我认为领导素质越来越好了。人们得

4、到了更好的培训,对所处的环境也有了更清楚地认识。问题在于人们处于巨大的压力之下。让我无法给领导人打十分的最大障碍是他们认为你必须在人和业绩 之间选择。他们认为这是个或者这样或者那样的情况-或者你在意人,或者你在意业绩。对我来说,它们一样重要,因为自我感觉良好的人,业绩会很好。一样的,业绩很好的人对自己的感觉也会是很好的。A : In what area do you think companies do not usually do a good job?甲:你认为在哪个方面公司通常做得不够好?B: One area where most companies do not really do

5、a good job is the management of performance at an individual level. One should look at three aspects in managing peoples performance. One is performance planning-setting the goals, objectives and need for training. Second is the day-to-day coaching to help your people achieve their goals. Third is p

6、erformance evaluation. In most of the companies, the biggest emphasis is on evaluation - did you achieve results or not, and how well.乙:大多数公司做得不好的一个方面是对个人层面上的表现的管理。应该从三个方面来看管理人们的表现。二是表现计划-设定目标,目的,培训需要。二是日常指导帮助你的员工实现目标。三是表现的评价。在大多数的公司,最大的重点是评价-你是否有成果,结果怎样。The real action for me is in the planning and

7、 coaching. Performance planning is giving people their final exam ahead of time. Coaching is teaching the answers to the final exam. When people get to the evaluation stage, they should have accomplished their goals. Everybody should be able to get A grades. Wouldnt that be great for organizations?

8、Many people say that we cant rate everybody high because of the corporate pyramid - there are fewer spots as you move up. That is naive, because they are thinking things will always be the same, if you set up a performance management system where people feel safe and they think of their managers as

9、partners in their progress, these people will start being curious and creative and think of ideas for new businesses for you and that will lead to business growth. More spots at the top will become available.对我来说,实际行动在于计划和指导。表现计划是提前给他们的期末考试。指导是教给他们期末考试的答案。当人们到了评价阶段,他们就能完成目标了。每个人都该得优。难道这对公司不好吗?很多人说我们

10、不能给每个人都髙分,因为公司是呈金字塔形的-越往上职位越少。这很幼稚,因为他们认为事情总是一成不变的。如果你设立一个员工表现管理 系统让人们感觉安全,把管理者当作前进中的伙伴,这些人就会变得好奇,有创造力,为你想出新点子,你的企业就会成长扩大,高层的位置就会多起来。There is another important leadership issue that causes problems for lots of business leaders. Jim Collins spent five years studying leaders who were able to sustain g

11、ood performance over time. He found two qualities that characterized these leaders; The first was will - the determination to follow a goal and follow through on a mission. That is tenacity toward results. The second was humility. People with humility dont think less of themselves, they just think a

12、bout themselves less. Great leaders, when things go well, look out the window and give everybody else the credit. When things go poorly, they look in the mirror and say, “Whiat could I have done differently?” Typical managers, when things go well, look in the mirror, pound themselves on the chest, a

13、nd say how great they are. When things go wrong? they look around for someone else to blame.另有一个有关领导素质的问题让很多企业领导感到麻烦。吉姆.科林斯花了五年时间研究能够持续保持好的表现的领导者。他发现这些领导者有两种素质。其一是意志-追求目标的决心和完成任务的坚持。那是对结果的坚忍不拔。其二是谦卑。谦卑的人不是小看自己,他们只是考虑自己少一点。伟大的领导者,在事情发展顺利的时候,会望着窗外把荣誉分给其他人。当事情发展不顺利的时候他们会望着镜子说“如果当初不这么做会怎样?” 一般的管理者,当事情进展

14、顺利的时候,望着镜子,拍着胸脯说自己如何伟大。当事情变糟的时候,他们环顾四周责备别人。Part 2A : What leadership challenges do you foresee as you look into the future?甲:你预见未来领导者面临的挑战是什么?B : I think the biggest challenge for companies in the future will be retaining their good people. People now have so many options, so if you think that your

15、people are just a means to an end and arent very important, they are going to leave. The number one indicator of job satisfaction today is the relationship you have with your boss, and the number one reason that people leave companies is their relationship with their boss. It is usually costly to tr

16、ain new staff. Our biggest way to save money is to retain our people, i think that is a big challenge.乙:未来公司的最大挑战是留住优秀.员工。人们现在有很多选择,因此,如果你认为你的员工是达到一个目的的工具而不是非常重要,他们就会离开。工作满意度的首要指标就是你和老板的关系。人们离开公司的首要原因就是他们和老板的关系。通常培训新员工是要付出很高代价的。最好的省钱办法就是留住员工。我想这是个很大的挑战。The other challenge is not to get stuck in the way you are currently doing business. Things are changing fast. Your main competition is not just other companies of your size - it,s the guy in a garage who,s coming


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