托福作文1. 列观点

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《托福作文1. 列观点》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《托福作文1. 列观点(117页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,OEFL WRITING,TOEFL,writing,T,太原新东方 张靖 Maggie,TOEFL 强化写作 课程体系,class 1 入题角度 class 2 正文写作 class 3 托福语言,总体课程安排,1 列观点(逻辑) 2 写作错误 3 论证方法10日谈 4 段落写作托福模板句 5 句式变换 6 综合写作,语言,论证,衔接,TOEFL 写作总论,TOEFL写作考什么能力? 1. 语言2. 逻辑,用地道易懂的语言清晰表达观点,美式直线逻辑 层层论证,Task for today,1. 托福写作得分点 2. 列观点入题 3. 常见写作错误,1. 托福写作得分点,1. 了解托福写作,

2、1. Integrated writing 2. Independent writing,3 + 3 + 20+ 230 3 : read 3 : listen 20 : write 230 : words,Integrated writing,30 + 350 + 185 30 : write 350: words 185: topics,Independent writing,2. Requirements,独立写作官方要求 P 122,总要求,DOL,Development Organization Language,总要求,论证,衔接,语言,1. 论证 - Development,ex

3、planations details,真题-北京 2010.1.31,Do you agree or disagree physical exercise is much more important for the old than the young,上义词下义词,抽象,具体,basketball / football / swimming / badminton / volleyball / golf,sports,physical exercise,The young - swimming tone up the body satisfy the skins to be smooth

4、shape a well proportioned body strengthen the respiratory system gives you the dividend of better health,The old - Taichi a low impact exercise stable the emotions tune the spirit put people into a better frame of mind contributes to greater health and longevity,真题-北京 2010.10.17,It is better to rela

5、x by watching TV or reading a book than doing physical exercise, do you agree?,2009.1.17,transitional words,2. 逻辑- Organization,If you have a chance to meet a famous person, whom do you want to see?,真题- 2010. 1.9,XX 1. Good-looking 2. Kind-hearted 3. Cooperative,Good looking To begin with, his noble

6、 nose always takes my fancy. Every time when I look at it, my heart just pounds with excitement. In addition, Im obsessed with his deeply blue eyes, which seem to see directly into my soul. Moreover, the inexpressibly winning smile upon his face has already sunk into my memory. In my view, it has th

7、e power to dissolve all the depression.,Sentence structure,3. 语言应用- Language use,句式多变,我认为,practice,I think / state / claim / argue In my view As far as I am concerned I am convinced that I would like to show that To me it appears evident that Nothing is more evident than that I am persuaded in my ow

8、n mind that,例如 导致,3. 题库分类,升学时和技工射鱼 P 96,生活 人物 学习 时代 合作 计划 工业 社会 娱乐,生活环境/ 节奏/ 习惯,个人/ 他人,方式/ 分数/ 作业/ 打工,发明/ 交通工具/ 建筑,个人/ 团体,名人/ 职位/ 购物,污染/ 濒危动物,外表/ 钱/ 广告/ 风俗,movie/ TV/ travel,2. 列观点,P 123,1. 步骤 2. ?,How to plant a tree?,审题:准确,- 挖坑,列观点:合理,- 浇水,论证观点:适度,- 施肥,语言:多变衔接,- 修枝,TS SS ES,状语言竹状语言,树,非,SS,SS,SS,ES

9、,ES,ES,TS,TS,TS,1. 审题 2. 表述观点 同意什么 3. 论证观点 why / how2步走TS SS,1. 列观点步骤,Practice 1Films can tell us a lot about our lives and surroundings. Do you like to see a film in a cinema or at home?,事物类,列观点大忌,分论点含义,宽泛,In a cinemahuge screen clear pictures/ colorful images/ a grand sight a sense of vision royal

10、 feast surround sound make the ear drank in the music let people be seduced by the shocking effects a host of people a mixed response interesting / a good way to learn about friends,Practice 2Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watchi

11、ng the same event on television,人物类,Practice 1 If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why?,Deng yaping,人物介绍 名字+ 人物解释,Deng yaping - 4 time Olympic gold medalist in table tennis,Practice 2 If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, what pe

12、rson would you like to meet?,Premier Zhou,Premier Zhou a distinguished politician in the 1950s one of the greatest statesmen in the world, who is well loved by all the Chinese,For your home work,s ts ts ts ts ts,妙计4法出观点,列表,分类,替代,推理法,T,1. 列表法,对比找差异列表,1.1 方法,Do you agree or disagree with the following

13、 statement? It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,例题,人物模板,个人,他人,生活,外在感觉,工作,气质/ 外貌/ 穿着/ 吸引力,素质,诚实/正直/善良/修养/关心人,权利/ 责任/ 能力/ 贡献/ 抗压/ 挑战/ 影响/ 综合素质/ 角色重要性,人脉圈,朋友圈,认识,不认识,加深友情,扩展感情,disposition,cultivation,1.2 列表法注

14、意事项,clear reasonable,观点无重叠,Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed peoples lives. automobiles / bicycles / airplanes,Practice 小试牛刀,2. 分类法,宽泛、抽象细化、分类,2.1 方法,增加,2.2 目的,入题点,讨论内容,Some high-School graduates go to travel or work for a period of time bef

15、ore they go to study in universities. Which one do you think is better , and why ?,例题1:,Some high-School graduates go to travel or work for a period of time before they go to study in universities. Which one do you think is better , and why ?,例题1- 思路1,high- school graduates文科生:liberal arts students

16、理科生:science students 艺术类:art students,go to work 1. liberal arts students libraries / newspaper / reporter / clerk better grasp of high-level language 2. science students corporation / laboratory business transaction apply a theory to actual practice 3. art students art galleries / museums get a close contact with real artistic value,



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