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1、 Early Childhood: Writing IEPs for Young Children PowerPoint Presentation Slides and Notes 19 FG Early Childhood 20102011 Edition Slide 1 2010 2011 IEP Training for Kansas SchoolsKansas State Department of Education Technical Assistance System NetworkEarly Childhood: Writing IEPs for Young ChildrenA

2、ll part B requirements hold true for early childhood, a few distinctions that are worth pointing out. Questions they might have about Early Childhood what makes it hard? See next slide for areas where differences will be noted 20 FG Early Childhood 20102011 Edition Slide 2 Early Childhood IEP Issues

3、 ? Transitions from Part C Infant-Toddler Programs ? General Education Teacher at IEP meeting ? PLAAFP appropriate activities, early childhood outcomes ? Linking Standards Highlight the areas that will be covered in this module 21 FG Early Childhood 20102011 Edition Slide 3 Part C is the infant todd

4、ler (03) component of IDEA. Part C services are provided by one of 37 networks across Kansas. Because the writers of IDEA understood that transition is a stressful time for families and we need to ensure a continuation of services. Both have indicators focused on transition between C approval is an

5、affirmative response that may be given orally) Part C must invite the LEA representative to the transition conference if child is potentially eligible for Part B and the parent approves The LEA is required to participate in the transition conference 3. 300.321 (f) (IDEA Regulations) In the case of a

6、 child who was previously served under Part C of the Act, an invitation to the initial IEP Team meeting must, at the request of the parent, be sent to the Part C service coordinator or other representatives of the Part C system to assist with the smooth transition of services. 23 FG Early Childhood

7、20102011 Edition Slide 5 The Part B indicator read (see slide) This is a “compliance” indicator with a 100% target. The measurement is (see points of slide). Again now that KDHE and KSDE are comparing databases there will be very few exceptions. For children receiving Part C Infant Toddler services

8、identified as potentially for Part B special education services, the Part C InfantToddler Program must make a referral to the LEA at least 90 calendar days prior to the childs third birthday. This is considered to be an initial referral to Part B. Therefore, Part B is required to complete the follow

9、ing actions (Part B regulations 300.504(a)(1) 1) send or provide procedural safeguards to the childs parents, 2) with parent approval, attend the transition conference which is initiated by Part C. note; approval is an affirmative response that may be given orally) For a child who is transitioning i

10、nto the Part B early childhood special education services from the Part C early intervention services, the LEA is required to ensure that: ?eligibility under Part B requirements is determined; ?an IEP (or IFSP meeting Part B requirements) is in effect by the childs 3rd birthday; ? If a childs 3rd bi

11、rthday occurs during the summer, the childs IEP team must determine the date when services will begin, but not later than the beginning of the school year following the 3rd birthday; and ? A representative of the district will participate in transition planning conferences arranged by the Part C pro

12、gram. (K.A.R. 91402(b) 24 FG Early Childhood 20102011 Edition Slide 6 Note to presenter: Reference handout Comparison IFSPIEP and Consent Form on page 2 of Resources section for this module. The IEP team must consider the use of an IFSP in place of an IEP for children with a disability ages 35. The

13、IFSP would be developed in accordance with all of the IEP procedures, but contain the content described in USC 1436, Part C. At the discretion of the school, services may be provided for a 2yearold child who is identified as eligible under Part B and who will turn age 3 during the school year (K.S.A

14、. 72987(a)(2); K.A.R. 9140(c)(1). (See Figure 42 in Appendix A for content of the IFSP) .If the school and the parents agree to use an IFSP, the school must provide the childs parents a detailed explanation of the differences between an IFSP and an IEP, and obtain written informed consent from the p

15、arents (K.A.R. 9140 16(c)(2). (See Figure 42 for examples of comparison chart and consent form. If the school uses the IFSP, as stated above, the IFSP must include the natural environments statement required under Part C (34 C.F.R. 303.18; 34 C.F.R. 303.344(d)(1)(ii). The IFSP must also contain an e

16、ducational component that promotes school readiness and incorporates preliteracy, language, and numeracy skills (34 C.F.R. 300.323(b).If the child has participated in the Part C InfantToddler Program prior to being determined eligible for early childhood special education services, and already has an IFSP that is in effect, the IEP team may review the content of the child



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